Shoanti Fighter

Tony Harding's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


Hello, I'd pre-ordered Curse of the Crimson Throne when it was initially available. Since then the Limited Edition has become available so I'd like to upgrade to that / cancel the original so I can place a new order with the limited edition. Sorry for the trouble, please let me know how we can procede with this.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Perhaps a nice festive Smurf to tie it all together. :-)

Merry Christmas! (Or whatever holiday Seinfeld made up)

Edit: can't win em all, at least he doesn't look mad:-D

A Festivus for the rest of us!

I'd like to give it a try. Looking over the examples my first thoughts are that it's a nice clean layout though it might be nice if animal companions and the like were split to their own page rather than stuck on the class page.

Ooooh, I'd been hoping it was just a mini that was out of stock. Definitely put the deck in the sidecart if it's going to be restocked at some point. Do hope to grab a copy of it at some point.

Realizing that it's been pending since April 1st I looked deeper and found that it's listing Product(s) not in stock. Could the out of stock items please be removed from the order so it can be shipped?

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm in no particular rush for the items so the next subscription shipment works for me.

It's been listed as "Pending" for three weeks while other orders after have already made it to the side cart. Since I've had things stuck in limbo in the past I just wanted to follow up on this and be sure the goblins didn't eat it. Hopefully the non-pre order things can get cleared to make it in with April's subscription shipment.

It's been pending for just over a month now and is showing it is waiting for back-ordered products. What exactly is holding it up and when should it ship?

Shem wrote:
You can buy the PDF of Bards Gate from the Frogs website. I believe there are some deities in Stone Heart Valley too.

Careful if using both, there's some inconsistencies between the ones listed in Bard's Gate and Stoneheart Valley. A few a replicated but just with a name change or such as well several deities are referenced in Stoneheart but have no supporting info given in it (probably my only complaint about an otherwise great book). I'd honestly recommend picking up Bard's Gate and just running the deity list from that which is very comprehensive. As well most of the content in Bard's Gate can be used in Pathfinder as is anyway so it's a good supplement (especially if you run Tsar which would likely mean trips there for your players anyhow).

thegreenteagamer wrote:

So, aside from Rapid Reload, what other ways can you speed up reloading a firearm? Assume only early firearms are available.

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to get multiple attacks in a round with a musket master...or two-weapon pistolero would be even better.

Alchemical Cartridges

YAPCG is what I've been using for quite some time, and while it does have a few bugs pop up from now and then and a few nit picky things it is an excellent choice for the price(free).

Riuk wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
The Chain Fighter Half Orc racial trait is based on exactly this concept, and provides proficiency with flails and heavy flails, and makes spiked chains and dire flails count as martial weapons. So...clearly one of those weapons is the way to go.
is there any whay i can use two heavy flails? like in dnd 3.5 with monkey grip

The closest to that is likely the Titan Mauler archetype for the barbarian with it's second level Jotungrip ability. Thought the penalties for two weapon fighting that way wouldn't be particularly feasible from a by the number approach.

GM says: "All loot distribution is handled player side."
GM means: "I take no responsibility for the sudden, but inevitable, betrayal by the CN "mercenary" rogue PC who steals everything in the dead of night before vanishing after getting passed over for the umpteenth time when some snazzy item is found."

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Player says: "I open the door."
Player means: "I meticulously search the door and surrounding area for traps and or any abnormalities, oil the hinges so it doesn't creak, pick any lock, and stealthily open it in a way that somehow prevents occupants in the next room from seeing the door as opening."

Vandarial wrote:
you can also hold an action to intercept an enemy who tries to go around you and put yourself in their path. "I hold my action to charge into anyone who tries to pass me and get to my healer or (Wizard/Sorcerer/squishy)

Only if you have the feat Rhino Charge as you ordinarily cannot ready a charge since it's a full round action. Otherwise it would be a delay and you'd go after they moved in and possibly attacked said ally.

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8. "I fell in to a burning ring a fire": Create pit then whirl around a flaming sphere at the bottom.