Shoanti Fighter

Tony Harding's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

Hello, I'd pre-ordered Curse of the Crimson Throne when it was initially available. Since then the Limited Edition has become available so I'd like to upgrade to that / cancel the original so I can place a new order with the limited edition. Sorry for the trouble, please let me know how we can procede with this.

Realizing that it's been pending since April 1st I looked deeper and found that it's listing Product(s) not in stock. Could the out of stock items please be removed from the order so it can be shipped?

It's been listed as "Pending" for three weeks while other orders after have already made it to the side cart. Since I've had things stuck in limbo in the past I just wanted to follow up on this and be sure the goblins didn't eat it. Hopefully the non-pre order things can get cleared to make it in with April's subscription shipment.

It's been pending for just over a month now and is showing it is waiting for back-ordered products. What exactly is holding it up and when should it ship?