Tomte73's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I'm building a dwarven warpriest, and am hoping to sell my GM on the weapon idea of a "Dwarven Debating Tankard" -- yes, Cayden Cailean will be my muse as I sling a massive iron tankard on a chain across the battlefield. (H/T to Twilsemail for the inspiration)

Based on the BoostPoints v2 model ( I'm proposing a one-handed martial weapon (4p) as follows:

Damage: 1d3
Critical: 19-20x2
Special: reach; trip

The power of my deity is what makes this weapon hit hard enough to make it handy for melee (sacred weapon, yes). Thoughts?

I sent a PM, too. Thanks!