Golden Orb

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hehe i am 26.
i playing AD&D 2nd for 14 years as DM.tried other ed litle but only as player.

it looks like a good idea.
it will make things more realistic and i like that.

yep i have the same exacly in mind as BrotherZael,
a small guild of adventurers probably max 10-12 people depends what the party size of the game is.

hmm not sure about it.i think that something like that is created or used by major powers to force their laws and will to others.
also it will limit player options so i am against it.

The only thing we can do as whole community is to put some general laws like no griefing,dont use exploits general things that are an offence for GW and whole community.We can have a stone on started towns to let new players know that breaking this rules is a reason for ban etc.

really liked that injure system and the fact that clerics will not be heal bots in this game.

i like all that to be part of the titles or badges system not sure how to name it.maybe few of them can be traded with coins and the mentor set up the coins he wants to teach you something.
but i am against any kind of new curency.
you cant have all the in game knowledge in an actual system.and any kind of that system will cut off player options and RP.
I personally prefer some in game secrets if they are any,not to be monitoring by a system.its better for the player to find out than a system to tell you secrets even if you dont notice them.

Very good Ryan.
Damn really liked that name a spell after you but its too expensive.
I hope it will be an option later on to create a new spell as a wizard.
it will be very fun.

Yep some of the Path Forgers company goals are what i first thoughs when i heard about Pathfinder Online.

I believe alot groups will have goals like that at start.
but what happend with Path Forgers?

I dont doubt you can predict a move of someone when you know how he thinks and acts but the outcome cant be predicted because we dont know the person who is against him.
And i doubt that every big kingdom will know every player in their ranks so well to predict a move and stop it when its about rebelion.

The same time we know alot of details about some big kingdoms but very few things about other parties so we assume that the big kingdom is the favorite and i agree with you in that but we cant be so sure.

BrotherZael wrote:

4) Leadership and skill. Usually the most important. Everything else is unimportant (excluding the extreme cases) if the leadership and the skills of one side far outweigh the other. A single squad can, and has, delayed, stopped, or even crushed entire armies using the right tactics and employing the right strategies. A good leader also generates high morale.

Thats exacly the factor that makes things unpredictable at this point of time.

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Very interesting BrotherZael.
Still not sure what will be my goals in game but as reading your posts i am getting more interesting ideas.

I dont think we can be sure about what will happen.
You cant predict exacly how people will act in a game.
if it was real life things will be more easy to predict because of a major factor "Fear" that cant work like in real life even if people try to use it in the game.
So a Rebellion can happen in few hours in a big nation as Lifedragn mention split the nation in half or in more parts.
Everyone can make plans about big nations or small companies and thats fine but you cant predict how things will turn out.

Yep i am thinking the same about big nations going to get more and more people and small ones become less popular.

But in end big guilds always split up from my game experience and Pathfinder will be no exception to that.People's ego are superior than any bennefit a big nation can offer.

But as a small company you can achieve alot of things,you maybe cant match a nation in arms but you can match the popularity and people will want to be part of your company.

The majority of players want to be in a big guild with alot of people but some players prefer a small elite group and when i joined one or created my own so far never had issues to find recruitments.
made the joining extremely difficult to keep the numbers low.

The pvp(player vs player)experience its not only a matter of combat.
Pvp combat is fun but Pathfinder Online can offer more than that.

every kind of conflict beetween players is a way to pvp.Maybe some people thinking "i dont like pvp" considering that pvp is only a matter of player vs player combat.You can dislike pvp combat and like all other aspects of pvp a game like Pathfinder Online can offer you.

As there is human interaction there will be conflict and even this never leads to combat is somekind of pvp.
Alot of mmos the last years even they come out with somekind of combat pvp they decrease human interaction and conflict,Making most of players believe that pvp is something like an online version of Mortal Combat.

Even if you believe you are a pve focus are playing a mmorpg for that litle player interaction and confict even if you dont know about it, else you have no reason to prefer a mmo than a single player game.
Single player games are far superior in pve in every aspect.

PFO will be based on human interaction and conflict,if people want to turn it in murder simulation ignoring all other options of pvp this game can offer will be sad.But knowing the community of the game.That will not happen.

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i really liked the article.
about the game loop is exacly what a mmo is.
Some people dont understand it even they are playing mmos for years.
adding high end graphics and some people will pay for your game right away but if your game has no deph they will get bored and move on another game.
Adding more variables in the loop can make the game more complicated and interesting but no matter how many you add in some point people will know it all and get bored.
Adding random variables in the loop makes the loop even more complicated and interesting and we saw already games moving in that direction.
Random events and stuff like that are fine but they required alot of development time and in truth they are just few more options and nothing more.and a player can experience all the options alot faster than a developer adds them.
So the only way to make that loop complicated and interesting is adding truly random variables and the only thing that can generate something like that is human mind.
Pathfinder Online is a game like that and thats why its so interesting.
Players can add new variables to the loop using tools that a developer created and that way from day to day the loop will change.and no matter when you last check it will be different.The loop stops to be a loop anymore and becomes a World.
Thats a true dynamic game Pathfinder Online thats why its different than any other open world pvp game.

i agree with you BrotherZael a supervilain will make things very interesting.
but you cant say from start i will be the supervilain the incarnation of evil,your life will be short that way.
good people and even evil people will be against you.
a super vilain usually is a guy that dont show his true nature until he achieves great amount of power.
i am sure some people will be close to that statue at some point.

the only thing i know for sure is that i will probably start as True Neutral thas my favorite alingment but maybe i will become evil or good at some point who knows.
but i want to keep my alingment hidden for most of the time.
for me its nothing like good vs evil its something more complicated.
and i hope there is a posiblity that an evil king can take control of a good nation etc it will be more fun that way.

things no need to be so static.

for my point of view i think players with a subscription should have it for all of their chars in the same account.and subscription should be account based and no char based.

lets say every account have rights to create one char.
the first time you make an active subscription you have max 2 char slots.
as you have your subscription running you get xp to both of them.
if you want to create more chars you need to buy more char slots from the store.
as your subscription remains active all have xp pack running.
if you dont want to use an active subscription you can still buy a char slot from the store but you need to buy xp pack for each of your chars as well to have xp running on them.

that way may someone start with 1 char buy a xp pack from the store and play his char and maybe this will be cheaper than running a monthly subscription but as you are interesting to play 2 or more chars subscription payment is the way to go.

so maybe someone will start with 1 char with no subscription payment but as plays the game all players want to create more than 1 char and they have to run an active subscription because other way the cost will be alot of times higher.that way you encourage them even if they start the game with no subscription to turn them as full subscribers at some point.

did you play the bard's tale kobold cleaver?
goblin songs and goblin bards reminds me that :D

bah you guys type alot interesting names.most of them are fine.
just Goblin in the name makes the item name more funny and familiar.

yep BrotherZael maybe a barbarian using a tome of knowledge doesnt make sence.
what about Goblin Book or Goblin Tome?

hmm i prefer something like "Tome of Knowledge"
but Goblin Book or Goblin Ball or a troll and fun name is good as well.

yep sorry english is not my main language.
but i understand the way you say it now.

about rules i completely agree with you.

i prefer bots and multi logs not to be allowed personally.
ofcourse there is a way to do it with multi windows accounts but that way switching from account to account its not so fast.
and if a person can log 2-3 different game accounts the same time without the use of bots its fine and challenging to play all of them the same time.

bots also can ruin the game economy and the use of them helps alot gold farmers.the xp generation here offers a protection but paying for 100 bot accounts give you a huge advantage in game and maybe a pain for GW when you can generate so much gold that you can pay for 100 accounts and sell the gold for more money and make profit.
bots are something that can be risky in a pvp game but offers alot of exploit options.

a limited number of in game npc bots that you can use for some tasks in game paying coin or store points its a different story.

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i think tha a free trial on release that you can play a game on his full version for few days its enough.
let say we can add some more inventory space bag in the shop as well its fine.but adding skill unlocks or items or anything that makes the game a way easier its not good.

but you need to have something that makes people pay so the game will continue.
adding adventure packs and pve contect can work for some people but later on people will be focus in pvp and pve contect will not interest everybody.
but that is something you can add and you can get money ofcourse people with active subscription have access to all that dungeons.
people that have no active subscription they have to pay to own the dungeon.
a similar system tha ddo runs i remember Ryan mention that long ago thats why i said it.

about the xp package or goblinballs not sure how to name it.
if you want to name the game as free to play the no using goblinball chars have to generate xp in a rate of 1/10 to 1/2 of what chars using the goblinball can generate.

if something like that is not added its better to name the game as free to try.

even if you get option 1 people will want to buy a subscription or a goblinball from the store to get as much xp as posible but any of that methods is better to be added at launch of the game.

No,when i say exploits i dont mean options.i dont like to limited the options of players.

let me give few examples i experienced so far.
-a raid boss that bugs and cant do any action when players use a specific skill.
-a place that you can hit people and monsters and none can hit you back,
exploiting the terain or the graphics.
-a way to bypass game restrictions like unlimited skills,or no timers for certain things.
-mechanics that make you copy a specific type of items.making infinite clones of the protype item.
-use of external programs for botting and other methods that are not allowed by the company running the game.

and more.

things that i consider cheating nothing about loans and things that make the game have more options and more fun.

i see.thanx for explanation Cleaver.

i am not sure why is bad to take loss personally.
i found it better than blame the others.
i think that when you lose its better to see what you could do better even if you was doing well, than try to find a weak link among the others.

"follows the rules" what exacly you mean by that?

i agree that i prefer a game with no trolls no griefers and gold farmers they are anoying as hell.

about exploiters hmm ok i am the type that likes to find exploits and bugs and reports them.
alot people used to blame me for that i reported alot of game breaking exploits in my previous games.
usually people complain and blame me for that.some people got banned but i never reported anyone namely just happen that a gm was monitoring the situation after my report.

i think i agree that we need independed characters.
that way we can experience different styles of play and alingment more freely.

and really its not good to make people running multiply accounts for that.

if you want to try a chaotic evil char maybe he ruins your main lawful good char if people know that is you also you will receive tells from people knowing your lawful good char and ruined your RP.

I think i like the ideas you mention.
but rather that spamming general chat or any chat with weird words you can have a private chat for that that only people that know the language can see and type.

we can add some languges that you can learn from an npc like Dwarf or elf language but later on a player could create his own secret language and teach him to another player.that way we can have some kind of secret societies running in the game that are in the shadows and have their own agenda.

trading information and spies can use that language channels and add a doubt about who is a real friend or enemy even if you belong to the same settlement.

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yesterday i was asking questions about GoblinBalls as i was wondering if its something that will make the game pay to win.
i received alot of replies from you and i am sure that there is no pay to win element on that.

about f2p issue.every company needs money to run a game.
i found games in the past that a player could manage to play the whole game without giving any money but i am the type of player that when i like a game i want to give some money to the company so they continue run it.

i agree that they should give something like a week free not tradeable Goblinball to every account when the game is fully released.
just like a free people they can try it out and see if they want to continue.
in a game with no huge advertise and no top graphics that people can see a screenshot or a video and pay for it you have to have a way for people to log, play for few days for free to see the actual game.
anyway the game is for mature people that want a game with deph,good mechanics and a good healty community.

i am not sure what you mean "bad players"?

if its about their behavior i think most of them they will not like this kind of game.they will propably want to play another good graphics wow clone or something.

if you talking about game knowledge or game skill we will all start as newbies or at most average.

in my game experience i prefer players with good behavior that like the game.this kind of players even if they are noowbies they can be turned to great players easily with good teaching.

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hehe not sure either but alot of people experienced the same issues.

anyway we will find a way to play the game :)
i say we because from the moment i heard about the game more than a year ago until now i persuaded alot of friends to play it.
in truth the game persuaded them just i had to speak about his futures and give a link.:)

yep i agree i was playing ddo for alot of years.and at some point i switched from subscription to simple buy adventure packs.

but that move with hybrid payment saved the game some years ago.

also a subscription requires a Credit Card.I am from europe and i experienced alot of issues with my credit card being rejected in games from USA i had to use an alternate method and no subscription.

for me its good to have alternate payment methods and to be sure that people that want to play the game they can play it.

The thing that you can trade store good in game its fine.
i was against that for years but its better for the company to get the money than gold sellers.

yep i wanted to be sure there is nothing game breaking in the store.

btw we are out of topic.sorry for that.

about the mentor system i see some good points but overall the f2p trick is like a let people log to your game see it a litle and decide if they continue to play it.
nothing to worry about.

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yep really thanx Nihimon.

ok all very helpful guys.

Hello AvenaOats i am reading the forums and Goblinworks blog more than a year but its the first time i post in the forums.

Nihimonicon hehe i will take a look.

so the xp package will make you generate xp for X amount of time.
nothing like double the xp rate or give you a huge amount of xp right away.right?

ah sorry for all that questions.

i see thanx for the reply.

you know if there is a cap?like 1 package per char per month or something?
or you can stack package over package?(really dont like that idea)

yep i know that there is no grind for xp but its the first time i heard something about the xp pack.

Hello everyone!
i am checking the site and the forum alot the last year as i am very interesting in pathfinder online game.

Ryan said that he probably follow turbine's hybrid model.
and that the game will start as subscription only.
they will switch to hybrid later on.
Turbine's Hybrid method offer 2 types of payment
-the subscription payment that you own all the content as your subscrption is active.
-another method that you can permenant buy adventure packs-classes or races.
the 2nd option is just a flexible way to pay.starting as f2p thats its something like a free trial.

BrotherZael you said we have to pay to get xp?never heard of anything like that.its something i missed to read or its a speculation?

the only thing i saw from Ryan is that you get xp over time from the first moment your char is created.


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