Duergar Slaver

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yeah i've been trying to find something in which the ysoki's size comes in to play.

thank you grumpus, figured I was overlooking something but not exactly in a place I would have expected.

Found the Icon fix in the FAQ, but still having problems..

can't find anything saying if a Ysoki has 30 ft of movement or not. Seems like a lot of the rules just makes small creatures same as medium but nothing says it in regards to speed. Under movement it says that most medium creatures have 30ft movement, but it says Ysoki are small but doesn't provide what small size confers as far as I can find. There is a chart about size but has nothing in regards to speed.

Or i'm overlooking something simple.

Envoy's Expertise and Skill Focus... Both add an insight bonus, which isn't mentioned as stacking in the list of bonuses, but at 9th level you get an ability if you have both Skill Focus and Expertise in the same skill.

Is this a mistake or am I missing something? As I see it you would get a +3 on that skill, and then you would roll your expertise and if it was more than 3 you would use that instead? Seems odd which is why I'm asking.

Also in the Icon Theme the first ability ... "You are hooked deeply into the culture of your iconic profession. When attempting a
Profession or Culture check to recall knowledge about other
icons of your profession or details about your profession’s
cultural aspects, increase the DC by 5"

should that be decrease the DC? Or again am I just misunderstanding fundamentally again?

thanks ahead of time for any help

In the entry for the Magma dragon, they have a burrow speed at Young but not any other mention of it in the other entries. Should it have it all the time or not at all?