
Tobias Drake's page

1 post. Organized Play character for RocMeAsmodeus.

Director of Marketing

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You have celebrations and questions? Join Jason Bulmahn, our Director of Game Design, on Twitch today at 1 PM Pacific. Then Erik Mona, our Publisher and Chief Creative Officer will be interviewed on Roll for Combat’s YouTube channel at 2 PM Pacific:

Edit: These cover are not final. Stay tuned!

The r/Pathfinder2e Subreddit has many transcripts.

Watch the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project Q&A recording on Twitch.

Scarab Sages

Please cancel my subscription to Starfinder Society.

Scarab Sages

Several of my players with the icon theme on their characters should love this one!

Scarab Sages

Both sides have toilets; that means I must have this map!

Scarab Sages

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First Blakros Matrimony/Hellknight's Feast quest in Starfinder?

Scarab Sages

Boon Speculation:
Runeguard unlock?

Scarab Sages

Does singing "I Want You to Want Me" make enchantment spells harder to resist?

Scarab Sages

Well shake it up baby now.

Scarab Sages

Part 3 is at 5 PM tonight! I do not recommend that anyone play who does not have a sheet for Part 2. I WILL PROBABLY KILL YOUR CHARACTER IF THIS HAPPENS.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/5 *

Hello Passfinders. Soon I will be running #2-08 The Sarkorian Prophecy at my local store. I would like to make one alteration:

The Sarkorian Prophecy:
Instead of Thurl giving the briefing, I want to change the scene so that it is given by Jorsal of Lauterbury instead.

The reason for this is because:

The Traitor's Lodge:
Thurl is bad and not in good standing with the Pathfinder Society anymore.

I think it would be too weird for my players to be given a mission briefing by someone whom they may be actively hunting. So is it "bad form" to change the scenario for that reason?

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Fireday night, and I need some loot

My griffon mount and some striding boots

Cast the spell grease, draw my bow to shoot

What I need is a Horn of Valhalla to toot for those

Ghouls, ghouls, ghouls

Long tongues and bloodshot eyes

Ghouls, ghouls, ghouls

Popping out the graves, what a big surprise

Ghouls, ghouls, ghouls

Risen bodies of adventuring guys

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Performers and portrayers.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/5 *

Hello Paizonians. In my time as a PFS GM I have run across a few questions about game mechanics and lore not matching up. Every time I bring them up in character I get flak for it, so I want to see if I am missing something. Here goes:

1. Players cannot craft items in PFS. One time I said in character, "We Pathfinders have no crafts of our own to sell because we're not allowed to make stuff," and one of the players said he would bombard me with dice. I don't think the GM was too keen on me saying this either, but if my character had tried to actually make an item, he would not have been able to do so. Is there ever an in-universe explanation for this rule?

2. Oh no, not this again: evil Pathfinders. I hear that evil Pathfinder agents exist in-universe but cannot be played. Can my PFS character kill an evil Pathfinder NPC because the higher-ups in the Society would want that person "reported as dead" for going evil? I would be a whole lot less miffed about this whole thing if ALL evil were disallowed within the Society, not just for PCs.

3. Players cannot PvP but can still be dominated to attack each other. Why can I not, as the BBEG, cast spells on Pathfinders to make them attack each other, leave the area, and write a letter to their Venture-Captain saying that they engaged in PvP and should be reported as dead? Some enemies of the Society have to be intelligent enough to think of that strategy.

Scarab Sages

I was wandering this because Ioun is the goddess of magic in the world's oldest roleplaying game, and Nethys is the god of magic in Pathfinder. How would the name Ioun have gotten into this setting? Do clerics of Nethys chastise or do worse to people for using the name "Ioun Stone," citing heretical belief in a false god? Is this issue too insignificant so that the developers said to just go with it?