
Tobias Drake's page

1 post. Organized Play character for RocMeAsmodeus.


Grand Lodge

Corvus Cailean wrote:
Auranix Suncaller wrote:
"I know I'm not of this faction, but I have been listening." the gold scaled cleric says. "However I just have to state my two coppers here. If gold dragons ruled everything, then we wouldn't have these problems."

Cause that nutter out running hermea is doing such a great job of repressing he's own people he'd be great for repressing everyone else? Oh hell no. No one has the right to tell someone else who they're allowed to mate with.

"That right there's why the Major sends his missives to you lot," chimes in an aasimar male wearing a battered breastplate and a prominently displayed wayfinder. "Chaps are tellin' him not to go on delves with these lasses, and he responds by shippin' off his agents to silence the reprimandiers. He's simply enforcin' his own freedom to mate. Liberty's edge cuts in all directions," the man trails off as he draws his finger around his wayfinder, as if to indicate said directions of the cut of liberty's edge.