The Plagued One

Toberon the Wanderer's page

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How about the Kampfult from old MMII? A fleshy tree-like polyp at home in dark forests or underground. The Vilstrak was an interesting concept of a creature that could pass through solid stone, perhaps beefed up and re-imagined as the original MMII version was too weak.

From African folklore the Dingonek, a massive beast armored like a pangolin, with fierce claws, teeth, a barbed clublike tail and nasty disposition. The Mujina from Hawaiian/Japanese folklore, faceless ghost or shapeshifter. And from Native American legend (Iroquois) the flying head (Dagwanoenyent), a head larger than a man with shaggy black hair, flies on bat wings and has claws in place of a neck. A bit like a massive powerful vargouille. In legend this beast was nasty enough to depopulate parts of the Adirondacks before European contact.

1. Give me ZOMBIES. I am not totally impressed with the B1 zombie or B2 juju zombie depictions. We can use a lot scarier art, more variety. Armored zombies, zombie townsfolk, zombie children, zombie wolves, zombie ogres, zombie dire bears, juju zombie ranger, and dare I say a zombie dragon? You see where I'm going with this, you can have lots of fun here. The zombie lord from B3 is cool art, but I could present a dead bride zombie lord *once* How about a zombie lord cleric or fighter? Also depict some of the evil witches/clerics/necromancers/liches that specialize in using zombie hordes.
2. Derro, definitely more can be done with these, the derro have never been fleshed out to their full potential
3. Hill giants-no brainer
4. Deep Ones and hybrids. We could use lots of variety art on the hybrids, make them so nasty I can smell Innsmouth at low tide just looking at them. Mix them with Dagon/Cthulhu cultists, maybe a few Marsh Giants
5. Rakshasa for sure this could be very promising
6. Harpy/Dire Corby/Dread Corby mash-up might be fun
7. Sinspawn, depicting all the variants instead of just 1 form
8. Mongrelfolk, with finally some depictions where one hand isn't a crab claw. What's up with that? Maybe some militant mongrelfolk that are pissed off at being called freaks and pushed around?
9. Mutants
10. Catfolk/Mummies/Morlocks/Charda/Gargolyes/Dragonkin/Kech/Oni/Cloakers/Gugs,

Get most of this list in there and I'll buy it!

Here's another vote for a reprint. I was considering purchase of the bound complete adventure path but held off once I saw the pawn set was no longer available. Given that this path ties in to the Beginner Box and is easily one of the most popular paths, I hope you can find a way to justify reprint of this set!

Frost salamanders hearkening back to the D&D basic set. Ophidians would work well as servitors of the Serpent folk. How about a template for creating serpent/animal hybrids like viper-headed eagles or bear-headed constrictors? Would make encounters with the serpent folk more interesting. Some type of template to make Mythos-inspired chaos spawn as well, to keep these encounters unique. Since we have almost every conceivable form of hag in there, how about the cave hag? And cave dragon while we're at it.

If this product will truly not be reprinted, how about printing a new set as part of the ongoing pawn subscriptions that is not a box set, but offers depictions of many of the humanoid monsters and variant poses/subclasses that are generally lacking from the bestiary sets?

Ahhhh O.C. rules are treacherous to navigate, Mythos from Lovecraft and Derleth in, from Bloch and Smith out. Some original MM and FF creatures open content, some not. That being the case, I would love to see the creatures from Lovecraft's "Lurking Fear" fleshed out in the bestiary. Lurkers? Small bestial cannibalistic humanoids that extend burrow warrens into inhabited areas and erupt from the ground in a swarm under the cover of darkness. A pox on their copyrighted gibberlings.

Still plenty of Great Old Ones and Mythos-inspired beasts to add. Great Old Ones Abhoth, Chaugnar Faughn, Cyaegha, Tsathoggua to name a few, as well as Mythos servitors like the formless spawn, dark young, dimensional shamblers and star vampires. As far as dragons go, because you know there will be dragons, how about more serpentine knuckers and worms from legend similar to the Lambton Worm? Brown dragon?

What would be the reason to not bring in the illithids, what with the Cthulhu threads and psionics? More Great Old Ones for that matter. I would like to see the carrion crawler for old time sake, as well as a revamping of the gibberlings from the Fiend Folio. Make 'em nasty with swarm stats and burrowing ability. The grell would be a welcome addition as well and since you have already resurrected the flumph and carbuncle, how about the babbler, the quaggoth and volt? How about spider-goblins and the giant ghost-tongue from Chinese Ghost Story?