Gender |
He/Him | NG uplifted bear soldier (bouncer theme) 2 | SP 16/16, HP 20/20, RP 4/5 (Situational Awareness 1/1) | EAC 16, KAC 18 | F+4, R+0, W+2 | Speed 35ft, Climb 15ft | Init +4 | Conditions: |
About "Tiny" Arctos
Pronouns he/him
PFS# 855-712
Faction Manifold Host
NG uplifted bear soldier (powerhouse style) 2
large, magical beast
Theme Bouncer
Faith Cayden Cailean
Home Absalom Station
Languages Akitonian, Common, Vesk
Stamina Points 16; Hit Points 20; Resolve Points 5
Initiative +4
Perception -1; low-light vision
Speed 35ft; climb 15ft
STR 18 (+4), DEX 10 (+0), CON 12 (+1), INT 12 (+1), WIS 8 (-1), CHA 13 (+1)
Space 10ft; Reach 5ft
EAC 16; KAC 18
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +2
Primary Fighting Style Powerhouse Style
...tactical doshko +6 (analog, unwieldy); Damage 1d12+4 P
...standard taclash +6 (analog, trip, disarm, reach, nonlethal); Damage 1d4+4 S
...claws +6; Damage 1d3+4 S
...subzero hailcannon +2 (automatic, range 60 ft, capacity 20/2); Damage 1d8 C&P
...battery (in gun) 20
Offensive Ability Ferocious Charge, Unwieldy Cleave
FEATS Cleave, Improved Initiative, Tight Fit
OTHER ABILITIES Limited Telepathy (30 ft), Situational Awareness (1/day), Theme Knowledge (-5 to Sense Motive DC to determine if someone is lying)
Acrobatics +3 (2 ranks)
Athletics +7 (2 ranks)
Bluff +1
Diplo +1
Disguise +1
Engineering +4 (2 ranks)
Intimidate +7 (2 ranks)
Medicine +5 (1 rank)
Perception -1
Piloting +0
Profession (Bouncer) +5 (1 rank)
Sense Motive -1
Stealth -2
Survival +1
Weapons standard taclash, subzero hailcannon, tactical doshko
Grenades antiswarm grenade I, frag grenade I
Armor officer ceremonial plate
Magical Items mk 1 serum of healing
Mundane Items consumer backpack, field rations (1 week), hygiene kit (uplifted bear), sleeping bag
Cash 0cr