Darius Finch

Timothy_Lawrence's page

64 posts. Organized Play character for Artemis P..

Full Name

Timothy Lawrence




Vigilante (Cabalist, Psychometrist) 1 HP: 8 AC: 14 FF:12 Touch: 12 Fort: -1 Ref: 4 Will: 4 Attack: 2 Init: 2 Perception: 10 Sense Motive: 6











Homepage URL


Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 8
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 15
Charisma 13

About Timothy_Lawrence

Timothy used to work for the Consortium. Well, he still does, but he doesn't want to, ok? Not really. He's much more, well, fed- up might be the right word. Or upset. Angry, even. Either way, the point is- he's finished. Done. And going to help bring them down, with or without help.

You see, Timothy is an investigator. He's good at extracting information, figuring things out. Putting the pieces together. So, he put those skills to use- tracking down malcontents at the plant, and putting an end to them. Not himself, personally- no, he just passed the information on to someone else. Then, it was the Consortium's problem, and honestly, who cared after that? It wasn't Timothy's problem, for sure- and that's what mattered.

That was, until he ran into Milara Corinth- brilliant, lovely, passionate, Milara Corinth. She worked at the Consortium, helping to serve meals and patch clothes, depending on the day. The Consortium worried about some unusual comments the young woman had made at work, and as such, assigned Timothy to feel her out. Typical case, really, and probably nothing- he'd talk to her, realize she was unhappy with her job for such and such reason, and send up the report. Nothing would happen, of course, or maybe she'd get fired- again, it wasn't Timothy's problem.

It started out normally- he got a new shift change, oen that just happened to eat at the same time Miss Milara was serving food-
normal. Then, he started causally talking to her, as she served him in line. Over the course of a few weeks, Timothy's casual conversations in line turned to small flirtations, which meant longer talks- sometimes in the line, sometimes out of it- and discussions of interests and such. He tried to get her to talk about work, but she always dismissed it- saying she preferred to discuss more interesting and entertaining subjects. Timothy had a hard time refuting that one.

Timothy could sense something was amiss, however, so he began exploring her after hours- her social life, friends, family, the works. If asked, he simply replied that he wished to get to know her better- all of which was true. Despite his misgivings, despite what he knew was truly going on, Timothy found himself growing ever more attracted to the intelligent, eager Milara. She matched him, wit- for- wit, enjoyed puzzles and mysteries almost as much as he did, and had an astounding ability to somehow always know what he was thinking; it was too much. When his supervisors came for a progress report, he did his best to delay them- she clearly didn't deserve punishment, nor had he found anything worth discussing, anyways.

One day, seemingly out of the blue, Milara showed up on Timothy's doorstep, hood drawn up. This was unusual; while it was not unknown for Milara to take risks, it was well after company- issued curfew, and where did she really think she was going at 12 midnight? She asked him to follow her, and curious, he did; despite his misgivings, his instincts screamed that this was something he couldn't miss.

He pestered Milara as to what was up; she didn't answer, but her actions betrayed a nervous energy. Soon, they arrived at the house of one of the fellow workers, a dwarven logger named Atux Stonebeard. Stonebeard quickly ushered them inside, and down the hall, where a few others, twelve in total, sat. Timothy himself was taken, and, with a quiet apology from Milara, bound, tied up, and thoroughly questioned until his ears hurt. Fortunately, Timothy's quick thinking helped him escape without issue, and he was able to answer the group's questions satisfactorily.

It was then that Milara explained; the group was a meeting, of like- minded followers of Erecura, goddess of subtlety and espionage. They believed that their goddess had led them there to help those in need throw off the shackles of the Consortium, to help undermine them until the Consortium made life better. This was, in fact, Erecura's specialty- espionage and secrecy.

Timothy thought to immediately go to his supervisors with this knowledge, but something held him back. Now wasn't the time, he knew, and even if he exposed the cult, others might spring forth. So Timothy worked with the group, helping them, but only in so far as to further expose them when the time was right.

He thought horribly of the group. He knew that this cult of witches, for that's what they were, had to be, were nothing but trouble. That being said, he had a hard time justifying the group's actions- feeding those who were hungry, helping those tormented by the labor bosses find sanctuary, helping those in debt flee to better lives- it just seemed so- benign. And when they officially accepted him into the group, he knew he was where he belonged. It helped, of course, that he and Milara had secretly pledged to be married.

He knew it couldn't go on forever. What he didn't see coming was that the Consortium had another investigator, tailing him- after only a month of working with the freedom fighters, Milara, along with several of the cult, were rounded up and summarily executed. For his efforts, Timothy was given a hefty reward and a pat on the back.

It taunted him. He stewed in this for a while, before he decided- he used the money to pay the Corinth family (their eldest daughter being dead), and turned to the night, actively seeking out like- minded troublemakers. Those that he used to hunt, he now hid; those handed to him by the Consortium, he would join in the cause.

And then our story began......