
Tigarri's page

23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Hey, guys. I feel that you've done excellent work on Pathfinder. I've been very pleased with the service and the product. However, my party still hasn't finished the first book, and we are about to buy a new home (so we're tightening our budget somewhat, and unfortunately, games are the first things to go.)

So, I would like to cancel my Pathfinder subscription (am I just missing a way for me to do this on the subscription page, or are we supposed to start a thread?)

Thanks for the product. If/when my party finishes the books, it is likely that I'll purchase the next AP (or, perhaps the one after that, depending on the whole 3.5/4 standing.)

Fflewddur Fflam wrote:

Now we just need temporary tattoos...

** spoiler omitted **

Heh...my sister-in-law wants to go to DragonCon next year dressed as Seoni. That would make her costume a lot easier than the henna. :)

Sebastian wrote:
Yeah, my players thought it would be magic DR too. They managed to get a successful command off against her and she got within melee range. The fighter thought he'd smack her down with the magic weapon and was surprised it did so little damage.

I'm confused. Why would the magic weapon do less damage? I thought the way that DR worked was that any higher type would do normal damage...and magic is inherently more powerful than material components. I couldn't find anything in any book so far on DR 5/good...is that what I'm missing?

Takasi wrote:
Also, do you use two monitors? It works out very well if you can. You can run two (or more) instances of MapTool on the same PC and connect them together. In one instance you can have all of the figures already placed and ready to go, but hidden from the other instance by default (right click and select "hide from players").

Yeah, that's exactly what I did. On my monitor, I was using the GM (Server) session...on the TV was the Player (Client) session. I have it setup to force my view on players, so when I zoom/recenter on my screen it does it on the TV as well. The only problem I really have is that my TV isn't HD...so text isn't very readable. As far as I can tell, there is no way to resize the labels on the tokens. Zooming in doesn't zoom in on the labels, either.

Happy Anniversary!

I'd also like the maps, and I'll second the offer to send them to a list of people instead of eating up more of your bandwitch if it's a problem.


Thanks in advance! :)

Nevynxxx wrote:

Check out the map tool on RPtools.net

It does pretty much exactly what you are asking.

It is designed for internet play, but I have run two instances on the same PC, and dumped the screen for each to a different monitor....

Thanks! I tried this out this weekend. On Saturday afternoon, I ran to BestBuy and bought a 25' S-video cable. I took my PC into the living room and set it up in a corner opposite my TV (46-inch widescreen.) I used the TV as my 2nd monitor, putting the client instance on that screen and the DM instance on my own monitor.

Worked like a charm. Only took about 2 hours to get the whole thing setup and running, including taking the Catacombs of Wrath map and adding the Topology layer to block view through walls/doors, creating tokens for all of the players/monsters, and learning the software enough to actually run the game.

It went great. With more time before the next session (2 weeks), I'll be able to make better tokens for players, prepare tokens for all of the monsters in Pathfinder 1 and 2, and get all of the maps setup. With the token macros, I'll be able to setup all of the monster's attacks as well. So far, it looks like this will replace my battle map. :)

Hey, all. I've been reading through the boards and see a lot of posts about a lot of different software products (including Excel ;)) that people use to run a game. I'm looking for something to facilitate my own game, but my game is face-to-face. I just hate the time wasted drawing parts of a dungeon as my players explore...a hallway/room at a time.

Here's what I'm looking for:
A piece of software which
1)will allow me to display a map (most likely on a 2nd monitor) which can be revealed in parts easily as the group explores (fog of war.) I would PREFER something that auto reveals as you move the figures (a la Battlegrounds) but that would take walls/doors/etc. into account (realizing that I would need to setup the map beforehand to tell what lines would act opaque for line-of-sight.)

2)will allow me to display the same map on my own screen without the fog of war, allowing me to place traps/monsters/etc. during the course of the game (dice rolls/notes optional.)

3)will allow me to move tokens that represent players/monsters/npcs/traps/etc. around the map (the locations of which would be rendered real-time on the 2nd monitor.) Hopefully, this would also indicate visibility of the token regarding current light sources, also.

I've played around with Battlegrounds some...and I mostly like it, but the fog-of-war seems a bit too manual for my tastes (or it allows them to see through walls, which is worse.) Also, the manual reveals don't seem to line up very well with the example lines...that is, if I draw a rectangle on the screen, the actual reveal is shifted slightly from the lines that show during the dragging process.

I've looked at screenshots for Fantasy Grounds, but haven't really checked it out, yet. I *MUCH* prefer the way that Battlegrounds looks (and the ability to scan in or copy a map from Pathfinder,) but I'm going mainly for functionality.

It is POSSIBLE for me to use a 2nd computer as a client for the players, but I'd prefer to do it all on one machine, just using 2 monitors.

Any ideas?


You have to contact them for pricing, and they are far from the only ones...but:

Custom Globes

j.l.atreides wrote:
Auroch: ORE-ock

Aurochs were real. They were European cattle (now extinct.) I believe the pronunciation is more like OW-rock (the first syllable sounds like "cow".)

Valegrim wrote:
hmm then M for male maybe; then I am lost. heh lilith since you have my email you can always just email it to me :)

I figured that it stood for "Dungeon Master..." with the rest the same, of course. /shrug

Hardcorhobbs wrote:
Chuck Norris has the greatest Poker-Face of all time. He won the 1983 World Series of Poker, despite holding only a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.

How do you NOT win with a Giggly-Green-Key, 27 high? That's the nuts.

Hey, guys and gals.

Does anyone have any good suggestions on how to increase the difficulty easily to accomodate 7 players? I know on some encounters I can simply increase the number of goblins/etc., but on the named encounters, I can't very well have 2 bosses. I assume I can advance them, but what is the easiest way to do so? And how far up should I advance?


Brainiac wrote:

Funny typo I found in the Sandpoint Devil's stat block:

"Special Attacks...trample (2d6+126)"!

Holy cow! That's a lot of damage! :D

(It should be 2d6+16 for those following along at home.)

I think there's a typo in the goblins' stat blocks, too. Not sure which one is right/wrong, but shouldn't the base goblins (not the warchanter) from the first two encounters be the same?

From 1st encounter:
Goblins (3) CR 1/3
Goblin warrior 1 (MM 133)
hp 5 each
Melee dogslicer +3 (1d4+1/19–20)

From 2nd encounter:
Goblins (4) CR 1/3
Goblin warrior 1 (MM 133)
hp 5 each
Melee dogslicer +3 (1d4/19–20) or torch –1 (1d2 plus 1 fire)

Both groups are said to be affected by Inspire Courage. Shouldn't they both do the same damage? I'm assuming the 1d4+1 is correct.

I've read through about 1/3 of the adventure (I'm a slow reader...my mind wanders a lot and I have to re-read a few paragraphs at a time because I realize that the words were going from the page, through my mind, and out into the ether. :\ )

What I am REALLY liking about it is that it seems to give more DM information at-a-glance than other modules/etc. that I've read. For instance, on a magic item, the very first line in the "stat block" for the item is what strength/type of aura it has (or is that "normal" now? We still play 3.0 because we bought a lot of books before 3.5 came out.)

Also, there are a lot of example scenarios, like "this goblin might be doing X, or this other one might be doing Y." A lot of stuff to help you flesh out the scene without simply typing up a few paragraphs in a box and saying, "read this to your players."

I've been really excited about this product for about a month (a little after I found out about it.) Having my hands on it hasn't changed that. Now, I'm just hoping for the PDF (because 1] I read things better when they are digital...I don't know why, and 2] I don't want to screw up Wayne's autograph on my GenCon cover...so my hands hurt from trying to read it "carefully") and my subscription, so I'll have a copy to "use and abuse" in-game without having to worry about afore-mentioned autograph.

Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention...I really like the way the story is told. They aren't pulling punches, but the evil is a bit more subtle than a lot of stuff. The goblins are especially good in this sense. They walk a fine line between terrified mini-clowns and terrifying monsters...humor with teeth; long, sharp, pointy teeth.

Lex Talinis wrote:

I use MAC because when it comes to Photography, digital animation, and film editing, there is no better machine, hence they are the industry standards, if PC could even match a MAC in these industries, you'd see the more economical PC there. But it can't so MAC owns those industries. Since I work in that industry, I use MAC at work, and since I bring work home so I can see my family, I have MAC at home.

If you want a computer to run games on, buy PC, if you are in any of the above mentioned industries, you buy MAC.

Most people I know in my industry play D&D, so there are more of us out there than WotC would care to admit.

I'll agree with pretty much everything you said...but doesn't that prove their point? If you are in one of these 3-4 industries, you use Mac...otherwise, it's PC all the way. I suspect a lot of people in the IT industry are D&Ders, too...and we mostly use PCs.

I wasn't there, so I can't comment on his tone when he said the crack about "3 of you", but I can only assume he was being jovial...and it was obviously hyperbole. The fact of the matter is that MAC users are a minority...and not by a small margin.

I, personally, don't like MACs. I don't despise them, either. I think their commercials are fairly amusing, however, I completely disagree with them. Oh...MACs don't have viruses? Let's see...if I were a virus writer, and I wanted to infect a lot of machines...nah, I'll write one for PCs, thanks. If there were a sudden paradigm shift and MACs took a huge market share, then there would be plenty of MAC viruses to which PCs wouldn't fall prey.

With all that admittedly-pro-PC-sounding-discussion, I do think that companies stand to gain more than they lose by trying to make sure that any digital offerings they serve up are as usable as possible on an array of platforms. The problem is that doing so is expensive and time-consuming.

Anyway...my 2 cents. :)

The game I'm running will have:

Half-Elf Bard (Half-Varisian)
Half-Elf Rogue
Elven Wizard
Elven Cleric
Dwarven Paladin
Human Wizard (Chelish)

(I'm down from my group a couple of years ago...12 players at times, all adult. I got burned out, finding encounters to be either extremely easy or impossible.)

They rolled up characters this past weekend and I did a small session to introduce them to one another and to give them a little backstory on their individual histories (they are free to make it up...I just gave them a few tidbits to explain some items that they have that will play a larger part in the future.)

I kept the session confined to the streets/beach of Sandpoint and the Rusty Dragon Inn...I didn't want to contradict something that will be in the printed adventure(s).

FLGS?.... Ok... I do not know all Forum Speak.
Friendly Local Gaming Store?...

Close...Favorite Local Gaming Store.

Though I like the Freakily Large Gerbil Singers...might incorporate them into a game sometime.

Heng Sheng Dal'Abeng wrote:

Not true...partially. Ninjas may not get dirty, but they sure get dusty. Holding one position for hours probably leaves them with nasty sinus problems and a ferocious need to sneeze. Possibly explosively enough to kill someone.

Hmm...sneezes as a tool of death...

Mucous of Extraordinary Speed

Azzy wrote:
Jason McCoy wrote:


I don't suppose you guys have a version that's rotated 90 degrees so that North points up, do you? Or will one like that be included in one of the issues?

Y'know.... If you have any image editing software at all (including even the lowly Paint that is bundled with Windows, if that's your OS), you could just rotate it yourself. :D

True, but then all the labels on the map (the name of the city and all the numbers) would be sideways...already thought of that.


I don't suppose you guys have a version that's rotated 90 degrees so that North points up, do you? Or will one like that be included in one of the issues?

I don't want to nitpick...because so far, everything really does look great. I'm exciting about DMing for the first time in a couple of years.

Azzy wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
OOOOH This is so cool, you guys have me totally working on a bard character now. I just realized that perform oratory doesn't even have to be recite poems, it could just be a lecture. I've always wanted to play a character who was a irritating professor. (except I suppose that weird stuff happens when he lectures...)
Irritating professor? C'mon, you could go with the professor that everybody loves.... With the requisite high Charisma and maxed-out Perform (oratory) ranks, his lectures are entertaining, and his Inspire Competence helps ensure that his students are making the grade.... The girls love him, and the guys think he's hip. Dude, you could so work that. :)

And here I was thinking Brainy Smurf...

Edit: Ok...too funny of a coincidence. This was my first post, and my avatar is a smurf (by default, I suppose?)...not Brainy, but still.