jglamere |

... First impression: it looks GORGEOUS. I was amazed. It looked better than I expected. Paizo is putting out some of the best-looking and highest quality products in the industry right now, bar none.
Oh the agony... every time my computer tells me I got new mail, my heart jumps a little. :D
Can't wait to check it out. And I agree, Paizo is putting out some excellent product. And they have excellent service.

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I was very busy at gencon so I didn't have time to read it all, but the surface of the thing is gorgeous. I read a bit of the lore about Thassilon and a bit of the adventure itself, and these seemed good. The bestiary was very well done.
One complaint I have is that the pre-gen characters had some superscript numbers for which I could not quickly find a legend. If I hadn't already seen the feat that was referenced in the player's guide, I would have no idea what it does.
Anyway, Paizo's booth was excellent and pathfinder looks very cool.

Mike Lowder |

I was very busy at gencon so I didn't have time to read it all, but the surface of the thing is gorgeous. I read a bit of the lore about Thassilon and a bit of the adventure itself, and these seemed good. The bestiary was very well done.
One complaint I have is that the pre-gen characters had some superscript numbers for which I could not quickly find a legend. If I hadn't already seen the feat that was referenced in the player's guide, I would have no idea what it does.
Anyway, Paizo's booth was excellent and pathfinder looks very cool.
Pathfinder's Gen Con only edition (different cover) made it into my luggage. Awesome product.
The Paizo booth and staff were great and watching the guys GM on the awsome Dwarven Forge setups was a lot of fun.
Nice job everyone!

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GlassJaw wrote:... First impression: it looks GORGEOUS. I was amazed. It looked better than I expected. Paizo is putting out some of the best-looking and highest quality products in the industry right now, bar none.Oh the agony... every time my computer tells me I got new mail, my heart jumps a little. :D
The POD at Origins was pretty enough.
And I feel your pain. Mine is ready to download, and I'm at work :-(

Belfur |

Oh the agony... every time my computer tells me I got new mail, my heart jumps a little. :DCan't wait to check it out. And I agree, Paizo is putting out some excellent product. And they have excellent service.
To be frank, I don't know if I want to read the pdf first...imagine opening the package, smelling the fresh printing ink and pages and cracking it open...a pdf just does not give you a feeling that is anything alike...but will I be able to keep me away from that download button for the 3-4 weeks it might take to get pathfinder #1?

Tigarri |

I've read through about 1/3 of the adventure (I'm a slow reader...my mind wanders a lot and I have to re-read a few paragraphs at a time because I realize that the words were going from the page, through my mind, and out into the ether. :\ )
What I am REALLY liking about it is that it seems to give more DM information at-a-glance than other modules/etc. that I've read. For instance, on a magic item, the very first line in the "stat block" for the item is what strength/type of aura it has (or is that "normal" now? We still play 3.0 because we bought a lot of books before 3.5 came out.)
Also, there are a lot of example scenarios, like "this goblin might be doing X, or this other one might be doing Y." A lot of stuff to help you flesh out the scene without simply typing up a few paragraphs in a box and saying, "read this to your players."
I've been really excited about this product for about a month (a little after I found out about it.) Having my hands on it hasn't changed that. Now, I'm just hoping for the PDF (because 1] I read things better when they are digital...I don't know why, and 2] I don't want to screw up Wayne's autograph on my GenCon cover...so my hands hurt from trying to read it "carefully") and my subscription, so I'll have a copy to "use and abuse" in-game without having to worry about afore-mentioned autograph.
Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention...I really like the way the story is told. They aren't pulling punches, but the evil is a bit more subtle than a lot of stuff. The goblins are especially good in this sense. They walk a fine line between terrified mini-clowns and terrifying monsters...humor with teeth; long, sharp, pointy teeth.

Kevin A Turner |

Okay I had it on Thursday the second I could get to the booth. Yeah I'm a Paizo nut when it comes to their products, think I bought just about everything they were selling.
Anywho, having now finally read the entire adventure all I can say is OH MY FREAKING GOD! WHEN THE HELL IS THE SECOND ONE COMING OUT AND WHO DO I HAVE TO KILL TO GET IT EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other words this is amazing. While I was figuring for a quick and short adventure, I found myself realizing that it keeps going on and on, i was sure that on the next page would be the fight with Karzoug himself. You are defently getting your money's worth with the adventure.
I love all the little Out of CHaracter knowledge they put in the book to help guide DMs and Players along. Beautiful artwork, even if some of it is a bit to anime even for me.
One thing, though not sure if this will be the case for all of the adventures, that I like is that there isn't a ton of treasure at every turn. If you've played Underdark: A night Below you will not see mountains of treasure at every turn.
However, what you will find is great story writing, wonderful plots, moments of horror and fear, deadly traps, and amazing NPCs, Villians, and monsters. Then again, all this was written by James Jacobs himself.
To end, let me just say that my anal friends who told me this was a waste of my time and a piece of crap went, "OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME!" after they finished reading it.
Even if those said friends did say the goblins looked stupid. And yes said friends were severly beaten, and chastized for that blasphemous comment.