
Thyrkill's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

My party needs a face and they need some stealth, and that's where my Rogue hopefully comes in. It's a 20 point buy and I will be starting at 3rd level. I know that many in the community feel that Rogues are over-shadowed by other classes but I still like the flavor/idea of the charismatic sneaky man with a dark side (I like a bit of mystery for my characters).

With that all said, I don't really know where to start mechanically. I DM most of the time so I haven't made many PC's for Pathfinder and I was hoping to get a little help from you guys. Any help or thoughts (and I am open to other options) are greatly appreciated.


I am currently playing in a 3rd level campaign and need to create a new character for my group, and I am trying to figure out what could fit well into the party.

The good aligned party consists of:
Level 3 Battle Cleric of Gorum
Level 3 Fighter (weapon finesse and archery)
Level 3 Druid
Level 1/2 Sorceress/Barbarian
Level 3 Wizard

What character class do you think would fit well into this party? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.



Is it a good idea to use a reach weapon with a melee-style bard? Similar to the Reach Cleric build, use Combat Reflexes to deal out AoO damage whilst casting spells to support the group. I am currently making a 3rd level Bard and thought the idea had some merit.



I just renewed my subscription to the Adventure Paths and wanted to make an order for other books. When I put those books into the cart I notice that they are not being discounted for the Pathfinder Advantage, even when I continue on to the purchasing step. I wanted to know if the system has to wait until my first issue is sent out, or if this is an oversight. Please let me know at as soon as you can, as I am eager to pick up a few books.

Matt Sutherland