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Don't know if this is still going on, but I got this idea from a book I read called Eisenhorn by Dan Abnett (Warhammer 40k book)

A place where all shapes are distorted and for some unexplainable reason angles just don’t make sense, they are incompressible to mortals from this realm of existence since parts of it exist in the 4th dimension and we can only see the 3rd. it will leave the player clumsy, disoriented, and uneasy, paranoia is common and insanity can overtake them should they not have the will to fight it, stumbling and confusion are regular, movement is also different, it can seem as if they have traveled a great distance in a short time or a short distance in a long time, the physics are also off, liquids flow differently, tides flow out not in, the air is there but there is no scent to it, you can’t even feel it enter your body, you only know your lungs are inflating, because of this other smells are stronger, sound is also distorted some sound far away despite it originating from a close by place and vice versa or even as if it is coming from every direction at once even when you know it should only be coming from in front of you.