Boggard Prophet

Thunderfrog's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 8 Season Marathon Voter, 9 Season Marathon Voter. Organized Play Member. 455 posts (1,366 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 13 aliases.


I think people are looking at Find the Path in the wrong way. Mechanically, this spell is like rolling extremely high on a Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), or Gather Information skill check, and should be treated as such.

It should therefore be able to find the sort of named locations that local inhabitants would know about, regardless of size. This means they could find landmarks, specific buildings, or even specific rooms in a dungeon - but only if they know the name.

You could ask any traveller how to get to the City, any inhabitant the location of the Queen's Arms are Hang Man's Rock, and any guard the location of the dungeon's cells. Ultimately, the spell is keyed to the location, not the objects - so while the spell will lead the the Liche's Treasure Vault, it will only lead them to where people think it would be, not to where the Liche actually keeps his treasure. If the Liche doesn't have a specified Treasure Vault, then the spell fails.

The spell should only give the shortest route, regardless of guardians and traps. It should not reveal any traps. It probably shouldn't reveal any secret doors - although if the spell leads into a dead-end and hints that the location lies beyond it, then there is probably a secret door there somewhere. The most it would do is highlight the wall the secret door is on.

Ultimately, the advice for handling divinations is important here. The spell makes finding a location easier, but that is rarely the entire adventure. Just as with identifying a villain with divinations doesn't neccessarily ruin an adventure - they still have to catch them. This is the very thing that the DMG advises against - denying the players abilities for the sake of an adventure.

I can understand the complications, which is why I thought to ask first.

Anyways, with all due respect, we'll sit this one out.

Maybe you SHOULD think of running a RPG Star competition that allows teams.

After all, not only did the UK have Pop Idol, but it also had Pop Rivals and X-Factor, which allowed team entries...

What are the chances of Erik Mona coming in here and giving an official answer?

Is it possible to enter team-based or collaborative entries into this contest?

I ask this because individually, we would struggle to compete, yet together we make a great team. This is largely because we compensate for each other's weaknesses - such as dyslexia and language difficulties.

We've already agreed between us the details of what we'd do if we win (we'd collaborate on the adventure commision and split the financial compensation and cover credit), and we've got out wondrous item ready to go, assuming this is allowed.