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![]() It’s mid October. I’ve played & thoroughly enjoyed a total of 7 Starfinder Society games. As much as I’m enjoying my Android Operative & Lashunta Mechanic, I’m really looking forward to playing a Dwarf Soldier in power armor similar to the book art & awesome Ninja Division mini. I’d like to be able to play this without needing to be best friends with the Society Regional Organizer or lucky enough to get a boon from a Con I didn’t attend or GMing a bunch of games. Not at all against GMing, just waiting for the opportunity. At the moment I’m at a loss ...Is there a High DC Culture or Knowledge check I need to make? Or mayhaps pass a DC 20 Diplomacy check with the Starfinder society organizers? I have my dice handy, let me know which one I should roll.. ;^) ![]()
![]() Still...@ 1st level...other characters are rocking their 1d4, 1d6 maybe 1d8 plus occassional circumstantial bonuses...& the technomancer does 4d6 & 4 castings is more than enough. At 1st level this seems to outclass other classes damage dealing potential by a large margin. Granted it may balance at higher lvls but starts absurdly imbalanced. ![]()
![]() I've just finished listening to episode 3 of the Rogue Exposure podcast where the party's Techmancer near single handedly mops the floor with the oppossition. Wielding a 4d6 Jolting Surge that he casts 4 times with a +2 bonus (if target has an electronic device, & who doesn't in Starfinder)...at 1st level & doesn't provoke an AoO. My 1st inclination was Power Gaming must be afoot for a 1st lvl character to inflict such obscene damage (36, 17, 20, 38 points of damage, 2 crits). Meanwhile the rest of the party are pew-pewing away with 1d4 laser pistols. No it wasn't power gaming, it's rules as written. So it must be that the designers intented the Technomancer to inflict absurd amounts of damage...& as stated in the show: Why would the player cast anything else? Seems Overpowered and gives my fair minded GM sense of game balance a headache. My Operative character can shoot his azimuth laz pistol for 1d4 and IF (big IF, has failed most of the time) he can pull off a DC 20+ Trick attack then he is generously rewarded with an extra 1d4 damage. ...or just play a Technomancer & unload 4d6 damage with a greater chance of hitting and end the fight. We should all re-roll technomancers and everyone should use Jolting Surge. They made this spell too good. ![]()
![]() My Ace Pilot/Operative/Daredevil Society character earned a boon whereby he can earn bonus UPBs towards crafting. As a character heavily vested in piloting naturally he'd like to craft a custom ride (vehicle). This brings up a few questions: * Increased Hardness and Hit Points are significant when it comes to vehicles. How is this calculated for vehicles? Or more pertinently, how would this add to the existing example vehicles? * The second question, the vehicles listed are rather limited "examples". What if I don't want a police cruiser but still want a Level 4 vehicle? What about selecting my own systems and weapons? (similar to Starship creation) Currently I'm at a loss on how to do this and come to the conclusion that I'll need to wait until the vehicle/crafting rules are developed more. ![]()
![]() Clearly a +4 Bonus to Trick Attack rolls is better than no bonus. The Daredevil & Thief specializations are the only two that don't receive the +4 trick attack bonus. This seems to make them suboptimal build choices, especially considering the other specialization exploits & 11th lvl powers are arguably better. (Particularly Ghost) Is there any reason why a min-max power gamer wouldn't choose Ghost Operative everytime? That said I'm going with Daredevil anyhow, since it fits my character concept, knowing full well it puts me at a disadvantage & is suboptimal...but I feel it shouldn't be. This should've been adjusted during playtesting. Quandry: Can anyone explain why Daredevil & Thief should be the only two Operative Specializations without the +4 Trick Attack bonus? Plz & thank you ![]()
![]() My take away from skimming all this crunch is don't play an Envoy or Solarian. No one wants to play a gimpy character. I'll review the classes once I get my CRB...but for the moment I'm leaning towards Operative, Engineer or Soldier. Particularly for Starfinder Society games, where you don't get to just rewrite classes if you feel they're underpowered. Perhaps we'll see someone in the creative gaming community come up w/ a viable Solarian build & seems like the Envoy was meant more for roleplay. ![]()
![]() If you play WoW you play in the lore and on Azeroth; If you play Star Wars RPG you game within the franchise of the movies and books that are part of that universe. If you play any of the WH40K RPGs you're even more tightly bound to the canon of that body of lore. Imagine if 1st thru 3rd ed DMG was all about Forgotten Realms? No thanks. I ran a campaign for over a decade in the Realms, still no thanks. A Core Rulebook and a Campaign setting should be separate. The game should provide a vehicle in which one can recreate adventures from any Space Science Fiction... I don't want any Absolom Station in a Core Rulebook; I don't need Glorarian to be part of my Universe. I don't need pages upon pages of setting specific Factions; I don't need every planet to be codified...(random planet generators, yes please) what I'd rather have is a framework to recreate my own adventures without the need for reskinning or heavy filtration of intertwined setting. You should be able to play a Flash Gordon type game, Star Wars, 40K, Aliens, Space Balls, Star Trek...whatever type of setting you can imagine from any source of Science Fiction inspiration...not just a game that's Bound to Paizo's published Lore. |