Rogeif Yharloc

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 193 posts (3,207 including aliases). 6 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 10 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Be Prepared for Fun!


I enjoyed this scenario. It challenged my RP ability as a GM and is a great opportunity for RP focused characters to shine.

IMO, the last combat in the 6-7 Tier is brutal.

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This was fun. Nothing exceptional and not enough RP opportunities for my taste, but it was fun none the less. I enjoyed the use of archetypes and the setting.

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I heard a lot of good things before I GMed this one. I was really looking forward to running it, but it really fell flat. Basically, no RP opportunities with mostly straightforward combats and story. Feels like a simple hack-n-slash. A GM needs to do a lot of prep work to add in enough extra fluff for this one to be interesting.

There is one encounter that is mildly entertaining, and the setting has the potential to be good – given the GM does his homework.

A couple parts are also needlessly deadly for Tier 1-2.

All in all, this was a very disappointing scenario for me.

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Interesting setting, varied encounters, multiple good role-playing opportunities, plot twists – it has everything I look for in a scenario!

Bravo Jim, another excellent scenario.

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A challenging scenario with a well integrated theme, I really enjoyed running this one. I would highly recommend it. A little extra prep to add a little more horror will just add fuel to the fire. I want to see more scenarios like this one!

My only gripe is that the Faction Missions feel really pasted on. They have little to do with the main story line or activities in the scenario. They are the one week point to an otherwise excellent adventure.

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Overflowing with RP


I just finished running this and it was a blast for both myself and the players. Tons of Roll Play opportunities and the depth of story background to support them. Encounters were challenging, but appropriate. There was good story pacing as well, it took a while for the players to figure out what was going on.

My only complaint about the scenario was the map. The description of the temple made it feel airy and open, while in actual play the map was cramped and not easy for players to navigate in combat. It just seemed that the rooms where small in comparison to the creatures who where supposed to inhabit them.

Besides that small quibble, an excellent scenario!