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You have put alot of thought into what you are saying, but here is a issue. I work metal, I have made swords before. In the short it takes no time to bang out some steel and make a sword, and put a edge on it. I can make a usable sword in about 2 days working about 3 hours a day. the edge wont' last long but thats the fighter issue. But if you want something better, and we are not even talking masterwork, you are looking at like 5-7 days just to to make a better sword working about 3 hours a day on the one item. You have to have some decent skill. Keep in mind that a weapon smith in alot of cases is also your local black smith. If you wish for a MW weapon now we have to taken in consideration the constant working of the steel, the pounding and heating and cooling, the pummel, its very labor intensive. And again you have to be even higher in skill to do such. which means he can charge more for his skill. Remember not everyone will need a MW weapon, and not everyone has that skill. your way makes it that everylocal weaponsmith can make MW weapons, and only takes a few days to make. and this just doesnt' work. He will be makeing many other items during the time also. The materials are the most expensive part, then there is up keep for his forge, wood, to stoke his fire, and other stuff.
Derek Vande Brake wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
First and foremost PC's shouldn't be sitting there makeing things, they should be out there adventureing. Yes it takes a while to make masterwork items, and magic items, and to brew posions. IN most cases due to the materials that are needed. If a PC brings back somethign to make into posion, then have him send it off to the alecamist to brew. WE as DM's dont want the flooded with thousand of masterwork weapons and magic items that the party is makeing and throw to the wind all just for GP's. We as GM or DM's have to keep a balance. PC's shouldn't have that kind of access to make such things on a whim. It should take them time. If they really need such items make em pay. In time and GP, that way they won't abusse it. I have created specilist in my worlds that all they do is make things. Weaponsmiths, amorsmits etc. Thats how they make a living, and increase the towns value and the market in the towns. For them it takes say 4 weeks to make a master worked sword. Remember a katana made by a master weaponsmith in real life takes months if not longer. and thats all he is makeing. give it a break ok. PC should be out adventureing not spending there time makeing stuff. ![]()
AlanM wrote:
ok but what if decides to take the feat at 7th level. NOT as part of his combat style but just a feat. Thats the confusing part. Why wouldn't he be allowed to take it at 7th, even if doesnt' meet all the pre reqs. ![]()
I hope some one at Piazo answers this.
What I am asking does the Ranger need to make all the Pre reqs for his combat styles? ![]()
First let me say that Pathfinder is by far much better than 3.5 and 4.0. Its got good balance and is not just a online hack and slash (4.0) on table top. the Guys at Piazo have done a good job. Brovo. Now with that said, I know the down load classes are for playtest and thank god for that. I really hope the guys at Piazo work on these, make changes and release them again soon for more testing. I spoke at length with the Cavilar. It can be a great class, but needs much work. Have played all these classes in my game and have tweaked them. The Witch is a great NPC class, the oracle agian good NPC class, but if left as is thats all I will use them for. The summoner is a good class again. But as a game master, and have to deal with PC that min max charcters even thu its harder in Pathfinder they still find ways. The Eidolon makes the Summoner way out of balance to the rest of the classes. With a snap of the fingers you can have in most respect another PC runing aroud the battle field, with no increace in the CR of the encounter, and just makeing things all crazy. I manage my group well, and try to keep a good balance between badguys and good guys. but this just throw everything in the bucket. We have played it several times and each encounter became way to easy, and the summoner was out of balance with the rest of the party. If you are going to leave the Eidolon in, then you must curtail the casting of the summonor. At higher levels, he can have it plus a bunch of summoned beast on the board. The rest of the PC wont' be able to do anything. It can also take away from other clases. Which makes it not to fun for those people playing them. Why have a rogue when the Eidolon can blast thru a dungenon setting off the traps while the PC have a drink and get some rest. yeah the summonor must be 100 feet away but still. thats a long way in a dungeon. Please Piazo remove the Eidolon or curtail it or the summonor abilities when it is on the board. Lets keep this great game balanced, lets not get out of hand like 3.5. Thanks. ![]()
Zurai wrote:
On both of those it was the Designers who put them in. But if you look at history 98% where honorable. If you want to to have a order and or oaths of such then use fighters and or rouges for those. They really dont' fit with what a Cav and or Knight is. Yes if we just want to break it down real simple then all the Cav is, is a mounted fighter. In that case take out the oaths and the orders and the challenge just give him mounted combat feats and he can ride good. But the cav is so much more. The cav demands respect, a big horse with a heavly armoured man charge into battle. Not someone who takes all for him self, thats not a cav. ![]()
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Any non chaotic would fit with a Cav. I wouldnt' go as far of only lawful, thu I would play only a lawful, but as a DM it makes sence to be any non chaotic. ![]()
I have just read lots of responces to this question. this is a play test and I think all coments on this are good. But lets remember that the Cavalier is suppose to be honorable. (hence he should have a more lawful or true alingnment. Chaotic knight can care less about a challenge.) The Cavalier will not call out the Mage or the dog or cat on the battlefield but a oppent worthy of his challenge. One that will bring him Honor amoung friend and foe. Thats how it should be. Its not the GM responsibilty to put in those to accecpt the Cavalier challenge. I think we should take a page from history about the Cavalier, his mount and his honor. If there is a fighter or another knight on the field that the Cavalier thinks is worthy then he should challenge him, and damn the rest on the battle field, (hence the flanking) Most other opposeing cav's will accecpt his challenge its in there blood and or training, some fighters might if they think the can take him. a mage, hell he wont', a rouge nope. a barbrain could but most likely not. So the challenge will be rare. The game master will say yeah or neah depending on the oppoenet. And the cav should just continueing fighting the bad guys. Its not honorable if his comrades die cause he wants to kill the big bad thing is it? Leave it to roleplaying on how the cav acts. A opposeing knight is compelled to taek the challenge great. A rouge is not even if the rouge is the bades on the field of battle, or the fighter or barb, or dargon. " yeah right cav get lost and take your challenge with you." If you like throw in a opposeing die roll to the challenge. its simeple and doesnt' tie down the game. all in all the cav needs work. In many areas. Mount, challeges, orders, and combat on and off the horse. Lots of good points here. I trust Paizo will make it all work in the final copy of the Cavalier when is published. They have done good so far. ![]()
This is a great aspect of the Knight, but (there is always a but) it should only work for intelligent creatures. A brain less plant should not be offered a challenge by the knight. How is it that something with no intellegent will know a knight from a dog. It just attacks. Also there should be for a intellegent creature a save or a sence motive, like a will save to ignore the challenge. This makes more sence in stead of the Knight running out on to the battle field and calling out the rouge or mage, or the construct. Give the oppoent a opposing roll. This makes more sence. In my game we have played tested the knight, in the down loaded form and a improved form with saves and such. We use a will save for a itellegent creature bassed on the knights level, and charisma. And for any thing under at 8 intelegent, he can not challenge him, in stead the knight looks for that big powerful creature and goes after it him self. As for the Mount. Better to use the Palidine way of mount. WE are still experimenting on this. The Iron Tower |