I'm starting a new campaign and have a player who wants to play an unchained summoner with a protean eiloden. He also has a great backstory, with trauma. He wants to talk through a little ventriloquist doll as part of cooping with that.
I'm thinking of rewarding this creative backstory with letting his eiloden "retreat" into the doll until summoned. He will gain NO bonuses, just be able to talk with his eiloden. In every way but the communication, the protean will be "dismissed".
Can you guys think of any way this would backfire? I'm thinking if he's knocked out or anything, the eiloden is inaccessible for a set amount of time (I don't want him to use him as a suicide scout). I've never played a summoner/played with one, so I've been reading all about it. but thought I'd ask ya'll.
Thanks guys!