
Thomas James Winstanley's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.



Pupsocket. Thank you. But damn it. I had checked that very very long page about legal/non-legal things for PFS. Must have missed it. But in my defence it is very, very long.

Krodjin. I have no words. There are too many words there that are the same. And I have another PDF to purchase.


Work so far

(Edited to make the link a link)


I've been interested in, but not actively playing, Pathfinder for well over a year. As a result I have an unreasonable amount of PDFs, but mostly skip over the rules and read the background.

I checked the Varisian Tattoo thing out properly, seems I'm mistake. It refers to magic something or another. Seems to be directed towards spell casters. Or at least it does in Rise of the Runelords & Inner Sea World Guide.

However, being a Half-Elf and taking the free trait is the way I'm going I think.

Sczarni isn't that important. Being a bit shifty and Varisian I like the idea of though.

I'll be honest - I'm trying to make late 70s Dr Who.


You did well, Zilfrel. I'll be honest, I was expecting stronger backlash.


"After skills, determine how many feats your character receives, based on his class and level, and select them from those presented in Chapter 5." - Core Rulebook.

It's taken me a little while to work out how many feats my character receives when there's no mention of them in the class description. I've now found it in the introduction to the class section of the Core Rulebook.

Running before I can walk.


I've misunderstood the feats / traits rules, clearly. I'm gonna walk away slightly embarrassed. I'll return later with my awesome scarf.


It's not happening, is it?

Or at least, flicking though several rulebooks and Googling several desperate questions, I'm unable to find reference to the Investigator either A) using exotic weapons or B) able to access either the trait (Varisian Tattoo) or the feat (Exotic weapon proficiency) that would allow him to use the awesome Scarf. (Rise of the Runelords players guide, page 13, legal for Pathfinder Society play (I believe)).

I'm creating my first Pathfinder Society character. Sczarni. Perhaps running before I can walk. But I figure a Varisian character who is essentially an intelligent Rogue should be able to sow blades in to his scarf.

Failing being able to gain proficiency in any way, how useful/useless is the Scarf without it?