Thomas Grimsley's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Liberty's Edge

Thanks for this product! I haven't had time to read anything in detail yet since I'm very busy this time of year. I didn't notice any skill conversion section. Is in not really needed, or did I miss it. Thanks for any info on this.Looking forward to running this next year!

Liberty's Edge

Thanks everyone, I'll be checking them out.

Liberty's Edge

I'm starting a new campaign in my own world using the Pathfinder rules and am looking for a good campaign manager to help me keep up with the game between adventures. Somewhere I can write adventure outlines, keep abbreviated character records, and help me design encounters. I don't need anything to use while we are playing, so that is not a consideration.
It would be nice if it had a pathfinder data base but not necessary. Anyway I would appreciate any advice, thank you.

Liberty's Edge

I've enjoyed the adventure paths so far our family needs to make some cut backs. Please send me just issue 12 and I will have to cancel the other part of the order. Pathfinder is my only subscription now , but I'm sure I will do business with you again. Thank you.

Thomas Grimsley

Liberty's Edge

Thomas Grimsley wrote:
It's been over 10 days since my second Pathfinder been shipped but it still hasn't showed up. Just wanna make sure it didn't get lost in the mail.

Thanks guys forgot about the holiday I'll keep my eyes open.

Liberty's Edge

It's been over 10 days since my second Pathfinder been shipped but it still hasn't showed up. Just wanna make sure it didn't get lost in the mail.

Liberty's Edge

thanks for the info guys, also got some good input from the EN boards. I'll have my DMs check out your post and appreciate your input.

Liberty's Edge

I currently am part of three gaming groups. We are all playing 3.5, I'm a player in two and GMing one. One of the groups I'm a player in has six PC's while the other is currently hosting five PC's. The one I'm the GM for is three and sometimes just two strong. The common theme among these games is that none have the magic number"four" PC's. In fact I've rarely been in a party with four characters and I've been playing since 80.The DM guide just glosses over increasing EL of an encounter or cutting it down some and just doesn't seem to be enough examples of how a GM can make adjustments due to party size. You'd think by now we'd be able to accuratly challange PC's but that is not the case. Either the encounter is too easy (in particular when your dealing with one creature with the correct CL) or we nearly get crushed and GM looks frustrated by the encounter. When I've been GMing I have found myself having to change the encounter as we are playing to either save the characters or make things a little more challanging. Its not the players fault and I don't have the time to run six mock battles just to see how it goes.
I was wondering if any of you could give me and my friends advice on scaling the encounters due to party size. Or maybe Dungeon could run an artical with some examples and different solutions any writers or GMs have come up with. I'm not looking for hard numbers just advice on what works for you.
I remember making adventures in the old days (2nd edition)and I don't recall these inconsistancies in the balancing of the game. I love the 3.5 rules and know its a better system especialy if you have five players (one GM and four players), but this is rarly the case in our campaigns. Well any help or advice would be appreciated, and I'm sure some space in Dungeon for this topic would be welcome.
Thanks Tom