I do not write reviews often, but I had to for this one.
This module is just so bad in general.
- It railroads the party very hard. It even has a warning in it to the DM saying your taking away player agency and that they just needs to get over it and trust you. Its on page 53.
- Has set pieces that make no sense what so ever (there is a "safe-house" the players use to hide a villain for 72 hours that is so unsafe its laughable). One of the monsters in the safe-house literally has no reason to be there other then filler for the party to fight (which makes no sense since the creature has a super high intelligence.
- This story would be okay if it was a novel. As a interactive medium such as a tabletop game it is really badly done.
- One of the "major" NPCs (the primarch of Absalom) that the party will be working with gets introduced in this module and the party is just suppose to blindly follow his plans that make no sense at all. My players thought he was a villain and not a helpful NPC because of the way he is written. When I explained things to my party above the table they came to the conclusion that the NPC is the biggest moron in existence and they never would help him ever. If the series had started with this NPC being a face they knew and grew to like, I could see them maybe helping him, but most definitely changing the plan because it is insanely stupid.
This module is bad. I only ran this to the end because my players want to see the end of the AP. It was rough but we finished this book. It was a horrible experience for most of the book. I am hoping this AP gets better because this is the worst module I have ever run.