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Hello all,

So I've never played in a play by post game and I'm sure it'll be a while before I get into one but I have more than a few questions I'm hoping some veterans can give some advice on.

1. How does one "roll" in posts? I've seen in may recruitment threads where rolling is an option for character building where people will post what they "rolled". I'm sure this is a formula or script you can type into the post but I have yet to find such a thing anywhere on this site. While I'm sure there are plenty of point by games out there I'm sure it will still be required for combat and skill checks.

2. Should I make multiple aliases for one character with different point buy stats or should I just make one alias and update it accordingly?

3. Is there, in general, a good place to start when you are just starting to PBP? I do have many years of experience on roleplaying games, but I've never really done this before. I should maybe reword my questions here and ask instead what are the major difference between playing face to face and PBP?

4. Lastly is PBP as slow as everyone says it is?

Thank for any and all advice!

So I've read several posts about pricing artifacts. To summarize most people agree that you shouldn't do it because of one reason or another.

My question (obviously from the title) is what about technological artifacts?

Basically I'm running the Iron Gods adventure path. My party is having a blast playing and I enjoy running it. However near the end the group will get a technological artifact called a power relay. As it stands there is no price in the book for this but the item in question isn't something so great I would think the party shouldn't be able to sell it for some kind of profit.

To begin with the item basically gives power generators a range of up to 50 miles (don't quote me on that) barring any physical obstructions such as hills or metal walls which reduce the range. But this brings me to my first point that this item requires a power source that the party won't have access to until as far as I can tell the end of the 3rd adventure. So should the party lug around this thing for two entire adventures with no benefit? And who's to say being able to power 1 item from range will do much good.

Also this item doesn't have sentience so I don't see there being any problem with trying to sell it.

One could argue that due to it's technological nature it would be hard to see but in this campaign there are merchants that sell all kinds of technology. Maybe if they left the country I can see them being unable to sell it but that's about it.

In the end I guess I'm just asking should the party be able to sell this item and if so for about how much. I'm not trying to frontload the party with loot so I would be fine with something very small like 5K, but I would like everyone's advice first.

So if my unchained monk loads up on spears and has the Quick Draw feat.

Can he use furry of blows to throw spears?

And I know it seems like everyone hates monks but I'm playing one and I would like to make sure I'm playing one correctly. Also would like clarify that I'm not using this option just that while reading this popped into my head.

*Edit: Let me clarify does it make sense to be able to withdraw a two-handed weapon and throw it? It makes sense with something like knives or shuriken but a spear or something larger?

So maybe it's super obvious but I would like everyone's opinion on the matter.

The Ki feat called Ki Regeneration has a very small description text. As follows: As a swift action, you can heal a number of points of damage equal to your Wisdom bonus. As with magical cure spells, this healing halts bleed damage and applies equally to both nonlethal and lethal damage.

So does this basically give me regeneration = to Wis mod or do I have to spend a Ki point to heal this?

It does have another Ki feat called Rapid Recovery that does require the spending of Ki to activate. But it doesn't say in this text specifically if you need to. Plus the name implies that you simply do gain regeneration.

What is everyone's thoughts?

So help me out guys. If I'm calculating this out right to have a level 20 Wizard and level 20 Summoner or Druid cast Greater Magic Fang With a +5 bonus and a Permanency Spell to effectively give a Monk a +5 to attack and damage would cost only 9100GP?

Here is the math.

Spellcasting services cost Spellcaster level x Level of Spell x 10GP

For the Greater Magic fang at +5 would then = 20 x 3 x 10 = 600

Permanency = 20 x 5 x 10 = 1,000GP + 7,500GP in material costs for greater magic fang according to the permanency spell description. Also not %100 sure if the caster of the permanency spell needs to be level 20 or if they can just be level 11 since the minimum caster level for permanency in regards to Greater Magic Fang is 11. Which would drop the price for this down to 550GP.

So 1000+7500+600=9,100GP gets you a permanent +5 to attack and damage where as a +5 weapon would cost you 50,000GP.

Is this in accordance with all rules and if so is this very fair? I get that this means you can't get special abilities like flaming and such. BUT monks can get the amulet of mighty fists to get those special abilities.

What do you guys think? Am I completely missing something (Would not be the first time) or have a found a way to make the monk much more powerful at earlier levels?

So my question this time is kind of two fold.

So first:
1. Is there any possible way (without house ruling and such) to obtain craft magic arms and armor before level 5? (assuming you go straight into a spellcasting class)

2. Why do you guys think the requirement is CL 5 when the requirement for the base +1 enchanments could be done at level 3? I get it may be a balance issue but in all honesty it doesn't make much sense to me that a level caster (which are pretty powerful compared to mundane NPC) can't do a simple enchantment.

What are your guys' thoughts?

So I'm looking at the Mermaid race and I saw that they made a spell specific for the race called fins to feet which does what it says.

My question is even though it isn't specifically stated in the spell description do you think someone should be allowed to make a fins to feet permanent? I look at it as a physical transmutation much like enlarge person or reduce person which can be made permanent.

What are your thoughts on this?

So in my group currently my DM and I have worked out a homebrew Paladin archtype we are calling the Crusader. Basically he doesn't receive any spells and instead gets the monk feat progression, but with access to all combat feats not just the ones in the monk bonus feat list.

Any thoughts or ideas on this? Is it good? Bad? Balanced? OP? UP? Any thoughts, ideas, or criticisms are welcome.

So my friends and I and running Carrion Crown at the moment and I'm starting to worry. Here is the reason why. So right now we are nearing the end of the first chapter of the adventure and we are starting to struggle with some of the tougher parts because we have yet to find almost anything of value in the adventure. With the average party members assets being somewhere around 800gp.

To clarify we are a party with a 3rd level paladin, a 3rd level witch, and a 3rd level bard. Not a single one of us have a single piece of magical equipment except for a 4 haunt siphons we found at the very start of the game. And while I understand the gold by level from the leveling guide is not a hard set "you must have this much" I still find it disconcerting that we are missing nearly 2000gp a PC.

I just want to know if I need to talk to our DM about starting to have some equipment or gold show up or if this will be rectified in the end and we are suppose to struggle with the ghosts and haunts of this first chapter. I do remember there was talk of a supposedly big pay out of platinum pieces but considering we will probably be level 4 by the end and the average gold for a 4th level PC is 6000gp I'm starting to worry if we will be properly equipped for the coming adventures.