Theta Thief's page

46 posts (73 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.

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Hello all,

So I've never played in a play by post game and I'm sure it'll be a while before I get into one but I have more than a few questions I'm hoping some veterans can give some advice on.

1. How does one "roll" in posts? I've seen in may recruitment threads where rolling is an option for character building where people will post what they "rolled". I'm sure this is a formula or script you can type into the post but I have yet to find such a thing anywhere on this site. While I'm sure there are plenty of point by games out there I'm sure it will still be required for combat and skill checks.

2. Should I make multiple aliases for one character with different point buy stats or should I just make one alias and update it accordingly?

3. Is there, in general, a good place to start when you are just starting to PBP? I do have many years of experience on roleplaying games, but I've never really done this before. I should maybe reword my questions here and ask instead what are the major difference between playing face to face and PBP?

4. Lastly is PBP as slow as everyone says it is?

Thank for any and all advice!

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Well as I stated previously (not expecting anyone to read all previous posts) right now we are starting to struggle against the harder foes. The last foe we fought was dealing 16 points of fire damage and I barely got out alive. At this point I don't think our group is going to devolve into let's split evenly or never sell things cause we "lose" GP that way plus we have a homerule that magical items sell for 70% their worth instead of the normal 50%.

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Hey as long as what is being talked about is constructive threadjack away XD.

I will say that at this point I don't know what kind of system will be put into effect since we have effectively not run into any big loot piles to divy up. Besides the CLW potions and holy water vials. Those we split I think two of each to the witch and bard. As the paladin I felt I could take a few hits and had my lay on hands for holy damage.

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Diego Rossi: Thank you for that wonderful advice. As for the witches patron I'm not sure. As of now they are leaving most of the holy fighting to me the paladin. While she just burns everything and the bard stripes in the back. (As Cinema Sins says "Because the power of boners is stronger)

Cycada: That ghost salt sounds great, but remember the original point of this post was we are kinda low on money and don't have a lot. So to spend 20gp on just 1 to 10 attacks doesn't sound economical. Also please don't get me wrong our group (including the GM) is having lots of fun. I'm just kind of the worry wart of the group and I'm thinking ahead as I see we are rather low on our funds compared to our level. Then the thread kind of got off course talking about party compositions and such.

GM Hands of Fate: Can a bard dance and pick a lock at the same time? I know it may say the bard can still do things since maintaining a performance is just a swift action, but that seems like it would be very difficult. Plus Bards can only perform for rounds per day. We are assuming in that above calculation that we are taking a 20 on the skill check which is effectively an hour in game time. No way the bard can keep up a performance for an hour.

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Wow I'm not gonna lie I love all the discussion this has generated between everyone.

I appreciate everyone's advice and criticisms. I will admit it does look like there are some easy ways for us to get through these locks now. Aid another is so simple a solution we completely overlooked it. Though I do have to ask, since I don't have a rulebook with me. Can you aid another in a skill you have no training or even a skill point in?

As far as the spells the Witch is kinda obviously our main offensive caster so the only non-damaging spell she has is CLW for Emergencies and the Bard can't caste 2nd level magic (i.e. Cat's Grace) until level 4. We are currently level 3. As for guidance as far as I know that is not a bard spell. The Witch might be able to but like I said she hasn't been looking at support spells it may be a suggestion for her next level up.

As for the suggestion of an Archaeologist. I do appreciate the idea but this is the player's first swing at a magic class so we tried to keep it simple for her. Plus the character's main skill is Perform (Dance) and she plays her like a stripper and I honestly don't think anything but the cold hard death of this character will stop her lol. She just loves her to damn much. And no before you guys get all mean about we are not going to kill her character just so she will play one more suited for the AP.

As for the metagaming comment I made earlier I apologize I wasn't trying to be rude or offensive it's just at the time of writing it I interpreted someone else comment about our party composition and are dislike for metagaming as an attack and insult towards us as players. Whether or not that's true doesn't matter I shouldn't have reacted that way and again I apologize. To be clear I don't hate people who metagame or metagaming in of itself all that much it's just not what I and my group like to do. When people tell us to do so and I reply that we don't do that and their reply is non-helpful and or that we are "doing it wrong" it offends me greatly.

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Replies as follows:

Avaricious: Thank you that was a very well put together and constructive bit of advice I will definitely be thinking about our next session this week.

Aelryinth: I'm not sure how possible that is. I'm not sure how the DM would react to us asking to go on another adventure just to gain gear and while I'm not sure if they are just trolling at this point some of the other posters make a decent point about leaving in the middle of a quest especially horror heavy ones like this.

The 20 STR Aristocrat: Sorry but in our group we make our characters separate from each other without revealing what we made until we start the campaign. It's so that no one feels like that have to play a role in the group. We like everyone to play what they like. Plus if you think about it how often would the perfect party role into town every time something major happened? Sometimes the people that are there are not the "perfect" team but it's what the DM and the people in need of a party of adventures have. And lastly our bard did dump four skill points into Disable device but her Dex mod is only +3 so 3+4+20(taking 20)+2(MWK Tools)=29 not good enough for those 30 DC Locks.

Diego Rossi: Yes we did loot the tomb but all we received was the siphon haunts, a few potions, and some holy water. If there was anything else there we didn't get it from the DM.

Matthew Downie: No money for that. Whole point of the post.

DM_Blake: Sorry but please see my reply to The 20 STR Aristocrat. We don't get together and make "perfect" parties because one we feel like that's meta gaming at its worse and two while I understand that we may not be perfectly equipped to handle locks that doesn't mean there can't be other loot that is not behind locks. There are puzzles, monsters, rewards, and plenty of other ways we can get loot. Just because we didn't bring a lockpicker doesn't mean our party is deficient and shouldn't be punished for that. So please take you negativity elsewhere.