Shalelu Andosana

Therie Gorget's page

84 posts. Alias of blondebandit.


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Elf Alchemist 3

I'd like to stay. Enjoying this character so far and would like to continue

Elf Alchemist 3

I'll be leaving for CUBA tomorrow, and am going to be crazy busy at work today in preparation, and it's unlikely I'll have internet while there. I'll be back on Jan. 24. Please feel free to DMPC me in my absence.

Elf Alchemist 3

In training with no electronic allowed. Will post when I get home.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Elf Alchemist 3

Watching their companion charge at the Golem, Therie looses her first arrow at the same target, hoping to fell the golem quickly so that the wizards may surrender.

Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 - 2 = 18
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Elf Alchemist 3

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 4 - 2 = 8

Therie begins drawing back on her bowstring, unsure of whom to shoot first.

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie also has light cast on an arrowhead. Prefer to be able to shoot the light to where I want it.

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie uses all of her willpower to not throw up again. "I agree with Mikahil, let's get out of this room quickly please. I'd prefer to not wait around while you play stealthy." She pleads with the group.

Elf Alchemist 3

Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

"ummm, one second." Therie states, rushing to a corner, her breakfast promptly exiting onto the ground.

"What would do such a thing?" She asks herself in horror.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie gazes closer at the outline on the wall. Looks like something is there.

She slowly pulls an arrow from her quiver, and concentrates a moment, the arrowhead beginning to glow with a pale light. At will - Light. She slowly walks towards the outline. "There is a door here." She states to her companions, motioning towards the wall.

Elf Alchemist 3

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Therie heads down into the basement, noting the smells and sounds as they descend. She lets the more melee focused members head down first, lagging near the back of the group.

Yay stone! Should be able to handle a bomb or two if necessary.

Elf Alchemist 3

"Yep looks like it's time to check out this basement. Say do you know if the house supports are wooden or brick by chance? No reason... Just curious." Therie asks the mistress.

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie quirks an eyebrow as the smell assaults her nose. Well that is repugnant. I wonder what could make that.
Know(Nature): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

She walks up to the door with the rest of them, the smell there but not disorientating after working with chemicals for so long.

She listens in silence as the old woman and children tell their tale. Hmm, quite the mystery. and better yet, I don't believe this smell is from something explosive! Therie grins, touching a vial on her bandolier.

Elf Alchemist 3

"Wait, that man last night actually went to the Orphanage? Who does things without a good nights sleep? That guy is clearly not all there. Seriously, I'd be liable to blow something up." Therie adds with a laugh, recalling a fond memory of the time she tried to stay up through the night to enhance the effects of one of her bombs. Thank the goddess I had the window open.

Elf Alchemist 3

Ready to move on as well.

Therie spends the rest of the evening brewing an amazing remedy to her hangover, only to realize that when she finally finishes she doesn't appear to be suffering from the hangover any longer.

Elf Alchemist 3

"bull testicles? Never use that as an ingredient. hmm... I could see the potential! do you have any? Oh I must have some now. Are there any bulls around here? I don't mind getting a pair if we need them." Therie rapidly spouts out, lost into alchemical equations.

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Elf Alchemist 3

"What fun would you be implying dart? perhaps maybe we could do some alchemy! Alchemy is fun, and I got a new concoction to make that I'm sure will clear any hangover." Therie states, pulling out a couple of vials.

Therie otherwise tunes out the rest of the conversation, lost in her own thoughts, but knowing that she really doesn't have the flasks on her to deal with a mission at this time.

She raises her head with a quirked look when Narunith asks her to join her. "I suppose so. You're probably the best to help with this anyways. Not sure any of these men have the necessary skills." Therie states, figuring Narunith is likely the most knowledgable of the group.

Elf Alchemist 3


Therie looks at the dwarven ale thrust into her hand. "Well, one should never pass on new alchemical discoveries." She states, sipping the dwarven ale.

"Wow..." is all she mutters, the heavy ale tipping her carefully calculated balance. "This is quite the drink." She adds, procuring a vial from within a pocket of her shirt. "Should keep some for later experimentation!" She adds with a giggle.


Therie hears the knock at the door, Narunith's light spell hurting her eyes as she feels the effects of the night beginning to impact her. She listens with ringing ears as Narunith reads the note aloud in elven. "Pretty impressive for them to write it in eleven." Therie adds, not quite upto full mental capacity.

"Well lets go find out what this is about." She mumbles, pulling her portable alchemy set out from under the bed.

"Bloody dwarves." She adds, ensuring she has the necessary ingredients to make an alchemist's kindness.

Only takes an hour to craft, and if I take 10 I autosucceed. So Therie is at least going to attempt to craft one.

Satisfied that she has everything needed, she tears up the note, placing the tiny pieces in one of the catalyst vials she keeps on her bandolier. "Just in case I need to kill whomever is waking me up right now."

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie laughs as Narunith mentions being discrete and fixes her glare on her. "Narunith probably has a point." Therie concedes.

"I have had at least 1 too many of these fine beverages to be discrete. Calculations for drinking were done expecting bed rest tonight." Therie adds, swaying back and forth slightly. "Best to do this mission in the morning."

Elf Alchemist 3

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

::Orphanage wins. Again: No incendiaries if building is wooden. Should look into finding alternative explosive. Perhaps something that freezes? Could be valuable. Also clear note about not leaving tonight? Curious. Why would we feel the need to leave early?::

With that final note, Therie slips the little notebook into her belt, and heads back to the festivities.

Unsure of where to go within the throng of attendees Therie slips over to the bar, procuring a glass of wine. She spends a few moment inspecting its chemical properties before promptly chugging the wine down, and grabbing another to quickly follow suit.

Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33
hmm....3.9 to tipsy. 5.5 to drunk, 8.01 and you're passed out. With her calculations done, Therie reaches out, grabbing two more of the glasses, and walking away, a wine in each hand.

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie scribbles away at her notebook.

::Looks like warning was not well received by new squad members and orphanage quest still on table. They may not be as smart as initial assessment. Should monitor.

Reminder to self: Try to not blow up orphanage, or burn it to the ground either.

Perhaps non-incendiary flasks? Do I have any?

Could just use bow without any alchemical assistance. What fun in that though?::

A small chuckle escapes Therie's lips as she writes.

::Waiting on Mikahli's vote before making further assessments or suggestions::

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie looks around at her fellow squad members, and begins scribbling away in her notebook. Good to see Narunith, means she didn't screw up the trials. No idea who these other people are. Elf looks like a House Redthurn elf? Perhaps one of them? what of the other two? human and dwarf. hmm... intriguing.

"I came into your presence by blowing up a dock, I'd prefer not to leave it by blowing up an orphange. Not saying I would, but you know what smells strange? Explosive gases smell strange." Therie states suddenly, looking up from her notes

"Nope I would vote for the village or the escort, though dealing with a distressed mayor sounds exhausting." Therie adds.

"but could be something interesting there... hmm...Maybe something to learn?" She mumbles to herself, and goes back to scribbling away in shorthand within her book. "Lot less to learn on the escort. but then, less people, and there are a couple of new creations I wanted to try out. Open road could be good proving ground." She continues to scribble away, not really making any progress on a decision between the two.

Elf Alchemist 3

@Narunith: I like that idea. Can certainly work that concept in, that Therie and Narunith know each other reasonably well. Let say they know each other Well enough that you would know that the "dock incident" wasn't anything malicious on Therie's behalf, more of "By the gods Therie, why would you think that was a good idea?" type of thing.

Elf Alchemist 3

From Therie's point of view

she would know of the Thurngood name and House Redthurn, but wouldn't know much of who any of them are. Just that they exist.

They call it the dock incident. Therie calls it a gross over-reaction to a pretty impressive explosion.

@Narunith: Therie may recognize you from the library but that's likely about it prior to her starting training.

Everyone else should would have met for the first time when training began.

Elf Alchemist 3

Just a forewarning any advances are likely to go right above Therie's head. She not one for subtlety.

Going to have to read your backstory tomorrow Narunith, seems pretty epic.

Elf Alchemist 3

hello. Seeing as its PbP, I like to let everyone make their own pronunciation of the name, but your pronunciation is almost bang on how I tend to think of it.

Therie Gorget - Alchemist (grenadier) 3 for submission by blondebandit.

Elf Alchemist 3

I apologize to everyone, but due to a new work and home situation I don't believe I will be able to continue this campaign. I wish everyone else all the best.

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie shuffles back and forth on her feet, waiting for the tour to start. Okay don't be too excited. This ship is amazing though, I wonder if they'll let us see the engine room, oh! and that Brand he kept talking about. Oh this is going to be exciting.

Elf Alchemist 3

"What's it made of? What sort of engine does it have? How much power does it produce? How many people does it take to sail? What principal are you using to integrate arcane and technology? What is the stopping power of the arcano-weaponry you're using? Can I see the engine room? No wait, that would probably break some sort of rule..." Therie sputters off in rapid succession before catching herself. A deep blush comes to her cheeks as she lowers her head Realizing that attacking Mr. Masarde with questions was probably not what he was expecting .

Elf Alchemist 3

"Jerod! I didn't know you would be here. Though I guess it makes sense. One more thing for me to learn when I finally have to take over." Therie exclaims.

She looks over at her two companions that are with her. "This here is Nishoh, our resident sharpshooter, and Vivian, our umm, mystic? They're probably going to be better at introducing themselves then I could be." Therie adds.

"and please don't stop your conversation on our behalf, you seem to be in the midst of a fascinating discussion. The tech behind these ships is amazing, and I'm sure the picking the brain of someone so knowledgeable can only help our business. I don't believe we've met though, may I inquire to your name?" Therie asks, extending a hand in greetings out towards the tiefling, before realizing his hands are full and awkwardly placing her hand back at her side.

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie gets caught up by the sheer technological marvel that is the ship, and the shipyard around it. This makes my shop look like a child's play place...

Shaking herself out of her reverie. Therie approaches the Minister, and puts out her hand to shake his.

"Therie Gorget. It's nice to meet others that care so much for defending others." She states happily.

Elf Alchemist 3

So I'm leaving for a different province right away for my wedding social (Think giant hall party thing). No idea what my internet availability will be till Monday, so may or may not be able to post anything signficant.

Elf Alchemist 3

When it comes to suspect interrogations and the likes Therie is taking a back seat for the moment. She's more there to protect Fortinbras, and the civilians. Been waiting for his response... Therie can take the lead if is needed but he mentioned he should be back to posting today.

Elf Alchemist 3

Therie slowly closes on the suspected threat, her hands resting lightly on her large sword as she approaches behind Fortinbras.

Don't make any sudden moves. Wouldn't want to cause a panic now.

Elf Alchemist 3

Goal 3: Observation

Therie walks through the crowd, still totally at a loss on how to help. She decides the best course is probably to sit back and watch her far more manipulative compatriots do their thing, and be ready in case backup is required.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 + 2 = 24

Elf Alchemist 3

Missed Therie's horrible Perception roll in Round 2. Not that I'll complain if you let me re-roll....

Elf Alchemist 3

Frustrated by the cops lack of pride in their duty, and her failed attempt at getting them to help, Therie resigns herself to carefully overseeing the crowd, looking for any dissidents, but gets overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Ahh skill checks, the bane of paladins everywhere.

Elf Alchemist 3

Goal 2

Therie eyes widen at the sheer amount of people in the square. We're going to need help.

She walks purposefully over to a crowd of local officers and attempts to convince them of her cause, but it seems to fall on deaf ears.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Elf Alchemist 3

Ignore the comments about bribery, they are thinking in the best interest of the civilians and the people on board the boat.

"I'll third the buddy system. It will keep us all safer in the end. If someone truly is out to cause issues, we have to assume that they may not be working alone." Therie agrees.

"I would also suggest that we maybe station a larger group of us at the entrance to the bridge from the Royal Square. It would be valuable to have a presence at that point and allows us to protect the citizens in town or on the bridge if something unexpected happens." Therie adds.

Elf Alchemist 3

"Seems straight forward enough." Therie mentions. Though 30minutes for 700 people, I hope the planets align correctly for this one.

"We should get going soon if we can. Wouldn't mind having a little bit of time to familiarize myself with the area in person before the crowds start appearing." Therie mentions to the rest of her companions.

Elf Alchemist 3

A petite girl stands center in the group of new constables. Barely standing 5ft tall, the sword on her back comes mere inches from resting on the ground. She stand passively, a small clockwork contraption resting comfortably on her shoulder, its legs dangling around her neck and shoulder.

Trying to find dissidents who are trying to blend into a group of 700 could be difficult, even with the police involved, and I doubt are high profile clients are going to stay in easy to defend areas...

A look of worry crosses her face as Assistant Chief Delft goes over the details, but she stands silently listening to her fellows constables questioning. It's okay, I have to be confident he knows what he's doing.

Elf Alchemist 3

hey, so I know it's just starting, but I've got a softball tournament today,and want to spend enough time to get the introductory post correct. Will post either later tonight or more likely tomorrow morning at some point.

Elf Alchemist 3

In Combat - Therie is a front-line tank fighter. She is there to take a beating and give as big of one back. Will probably pick up a couple of levels of life oracle to grab life-link, and channel before going to Steamsuit pilot. She'll very rarely use any sort of range weapon.

Out of Combat - Therie is a tinker in all things mechanical, and loves any sort of technology. She has a decent knowledge of engineering and contraptions. Outside of that she is fairly combat-focused. She will branch out a bit as she levels but currently is pretty limited in her knowledge and skills.

RP wise - She is fairly one track minded in her effort to defend her friends, and can be be over-protective at times. She will at times play up her diminutive stature to catch people off-guard in both her strength and her protective nature.

Elf Alchemist 3

Totally true. I'm trying to think of any of my longer campaigns that haven't had at least 1 drop out... I can't think of one.

Elf Alchemist 3


Good luck all

I've provided two distinct options for Therie based on what you believe the party requires GM Olmek, both have unique backgrounds and would be a pleasure to play if chosen. one will progress down the Ranger path to be a solid front-line damage dealer. The other will progress down paladin/oracle and become a solid Combat-Healer.

Looking at all the submissions. I may actually revamps Therie completely as a Paladin(Divine Defender)/Oracle(life)/Steamsuit Pilot Technologist. Got a great idea for background, and she would give us some much needed healing but still be very combat effective.

Olmek would you like me to resubmit my submission to the new thread?

to be fair I don't use herolab. I use scoreforge. A nice free opensource option that also has the ability to output in paizoBB format.

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Yeah getting really frustrated now. Bought the bundle the first day and have only successfully downloaded 3 of the files.

So a couple comments in regards to what Paizo posted in the other thread about keeping us updated...

No the new hardware is not picking up the slack like you said it would - nor is any "improvements" in the programming that you may have done.

And no the files don't stay in the queue after the response of "Personalizing" comes up because when I try again later - maybe 10 minutes, maybe 4 hours - it still wants to "personalize" the files again.

So I attribute the 3 files that I did get downloaded as flukes of the system.

Its a shame that Paizo can't see past their own nose and allow other sites involved in etrade (like rpgnow and drivethru rpg) sell their files.

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What about bull rushing someone into the area covered by a black tentacles spell?