DM Arknight |

Vultures spiral above the battlefield. Blood soaks into the rocky ground from hundreds of dying men and their horses, a grim reminder from the desperate hours prior.
For those who fought and died, the battle was as purposeless as any. Prince Satabus of Khoraja was tricked into bringing an army to aid King Ulam-Khala of Akbitana in a war against his cousin, King Nezurab of Shumir, another of Shem’s eastern city-states. So confident of the outcome was Satabus that he brought with him his bride-to-be, a Stygian noblewoman named Neferet, along with her closest handmaiden. With them also was a small delegation -- envoys and court officials. They bore princely gifts to cement the deep and everlasting friendship between Khoraja and Akbitana: a chest containing fistfuls of gems; urns of precious oil; bolts of Turanian and Khitan silks and other fine cloth; ingots of precious metal; and measures of rare and fragrant wood... a sumptuous collection of finery befitting a royal visit.
The battle was over before it could even begin. In the days prior to Satabus’ arrival, Ulam-Khala and Nezurab had made peace with one another, messages traveling via messenger bird. The two Shemitish kings agreed to unite and destroy Satabus’ army as a show of solidarity, an act of betrayal that would serve to weaken Khorajan resolve against further incursions into Shem.
Seeing that that the day was lost, Satabus sounded the order to flee, and as horns echoed across the desert, his mercenary army scattered across the dry plains and into the nearby foothills and hard-baked gulleys. They were pursued by the asshuri, picked off one-by-one. Satabus and his cadre of knights fought valiantly to protect his beloved Neferet, but the caravan with her litter was cut off in the retreat. Their fates are unknown.
Each of you was part of Satabus’ army, either as soldiers, knights, or as part of the envoy. You’re here now. Somehow, the last wave of asshuri and footmen missed you. Everyone else is dead. Some of the gear that you began the day with is damaged or missing.
What role did you play in the battle, and what are you doing now?