
Ther'al Valias's page

9 posts. Organized Play character for Arknight.

Vultures spiral above the battlefield. Blood soaks into the rocky ground from hundreds of dying men and their horses, a grim reminder from the desperate hours prior.

For those who fought and died, the battle was as purposeless as any. Prince Satabus of Khoraja was tricked into bringing an army to aid King Ulam-Khala of Akbitana in a war against his cousin, King Nezurab of Shumir, another of Shem’s eastern city-states. So confident of the outcome was Satabus that he brought with him his bride-to-be, a Stygian noblewoman named Neferet, along with her closest handmaiden. With them also was a small delegation -- envoys and court officials. They bore princely gifts to cement the deep and everlasting friendship between Khoraja and Akbitana: a chest containing fistfuls of gems; urns of precious oil; bolts of Turanian and Khitan silks and other fine cloth; ingots of precious metal; and measures of rare and fragrant wood... a sumptuous collection of finery befitting a royal visit.

The battle was over before it could even begin. In the days prior to Satabus’ arrival, Ulam-Khala and Nezurab had made peace with one another, messages traveling via messenger bird. The two Shemitish kings agreed to unite and destroy Satabus’ army as a show of solidarity, an act of betrayal that would serve to weaken Khorajan resolve against further incursions into Shem.

Seeing that that the day was lost, Satabus sounded the order to flee, and as horns echoed across the desert, his mercenary army scattered across the dry plains and into the nearby foothills and hard-baked gulleys. They were pursued by the asshuri, picked off one-by-one. Satabus and his cadre of knights fought valiantly to protect his beloved Neferet, but the caravan with her litter was cut off in the retreat. Their fates are unknown.

Each of you was part of Satabus’ army, either as soldiers, knights, or as part of the envoy. You’re here now. Somehow, the last wave of asshuri and footmen missed you. Everyone else is dead. Some of the gear that you began the day with is damaged or missing.

What role did you play in the battle, and what are you doing now?

Discussion for the Conan game. :)

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I backed the Conan RPG from Modiphius and feel like (since can't find a game to play) running it. :)

Would anyone be interested? I know there is a beta character program here. And I may be able to help anyone interested build a concept if they don't have the rules...

I'd be looking for 4-5 players to begin with using the adventure in the core book, and we could go from there.


If I'm proficient in Using a whip and have the Slashing Grace feat (with the required finesse and focus (whip) ) should I be getting DEX to damage with a Scorpion Whip?

Why or why not?

Thanks! :)

Opening Crawl

For general discussion and character development. :)

Would there be any interest in my running a SW game? Any of the resources would be allowed, including the Force and Destiny Beta.

Note: I've had to take an unexpected hiatus from the Paizo boards due to work and family, however that is all resolved. I've figured I could run a game and play in a game, so here I am.

with apologies to Billy Joel for the thread title :)

After a fairly dreary week, Friday arrives with a hint of sunshine although still with a bit of chill. As is typical, the threat of sunshine has most of the people of the city up and about, scrambling from place to place. They go, not in vehicles for the most part, but public transportation or even walking to take advantage of the respite from the rain and the clouds. For many people, or at least those who can or are able to, the chosen destination is in the midst of downtown. Along the Yellow Brick Road, all sorts of entertainment, shopping and eateries can be found.

With lunchtime approaching, one of the more popular destinations for lunch is the Bistro Pacifica. Styled like an old European restaurant, the place serves homemade food with an Asian spin. Just halfway up the block is Jose's. Serving Tex-Mex with a distinctly regional flair, Jose's has become a favorite for business-people and those looking for inexpensive food with a lot of taste.

Bistro Pacifica
A limo pulled up at the end of the Yellow Brick road and let out a tall man dressed in business attire. With a definite purpose, Edward entered the Bistro. Without hesitation, the waitress smiled at him. "Hello Mr. Pickman. Ms. Jackson and your guest are already here." She led him to one of the seats near the side of the building where the view looked out along the YBR. As Edward approached, he saw Jackson and Mr. Warren, seated and in conversation. He could tell as he got closer it was some kind of small talk, most likely in deferment of awaiting his arrival.

The bus stopped at the end of the YBR just as a limo was pulling away from the curb. Several people stepped off the bus, but a tall, thin, well-dressed blond stood out. While most of the people getting off the bus appeared to be college students, soccer moms or elderly, she appeared more like she belonged on Wall Street or in the financial district with her business jacket and skirt with heels.As she entered the bistro she heard Raelene's voice and saw her stand up gesturing with a smile.

Sitting on the patio just off the YBR, John waited anxiously on his platter of tacos. Jose's had always been his place to come when he was in this kind of a mood, and the cooks never failed to satisfy that craving. Lately, John had gotten in a bit of a habit of just people watching. He found that evaluating people kept his mind sharp, and as a friend has told him a while back, a sharp mind is one of the better weapons a soldier could have. He smelled them before they arrived. John sat back as the waiter placed the beginnings of the taco special in front of him. "Is there anything else I can get you sir?"

Joseph was happy to get away from the office for lunch. It had been a long morning with several people just not cooperating with him. A couple of kids in one family were being bratty and their parents had called him to get him to basically threaten their kids. Another stop he'd had was to check on a mentally ill adult who had been abused by his brother. That one had turned out ok, but even with the man in a home, there was still no clear indication of who was going to be handling it in the long run. With tons of paperwork and barely any time to think, Joesph found himself at Jose's for lunch. He'd been there a few times, and the food was good. He was seated inside, in a quiet booth with a window seat.

I've created a simple page on Obsidian Portal to provide some campaign information and just gather some info all in one place.

Emerald City Chronicles (on Obsidian Portal)

It's going to be fairly sparse of actual city information unless we come up with it regarding places, things, etc (at least until the EC box set comes out later this year. :) )

Hi all!

After some debate, I've decided to try my hand at a PbP and decided on Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition as my game of choice. As such, I thought I should post to see if there would be enough interest for it here. :)

- The game will take place in Emerald City, a west coast companion to Freedom City.
- The campaign will begin with the 'Silver Storm' series of modules, but will also involve stories and themes unique to the players.
- The PCs will take the place of the Sentinels as one of the very few hero teams based in the area.

While the game will be the standard PL 10, I'd like to have any initial concepts started out at PL 4-5. The storm is intended to be used as an 'origin' source for the PC's although they may have some minor powers prior to the event. Note that YMMV as this is just my interpretation of the initial module and gives a good reason for folks to band together.

I'd also like to see an indication of 'why' your character would consider being a hero. Whether it's money, helping out the needy or something completely different, it doesn't matter specifics, just that you would be willing to be part of a hero team.

Also, Emerald City has had very little paranormal activity up unil now, so it might help to to explain why you would be in such a place. :)

Looking forward to feedback too :)

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How does it work for archetypes that replace Gun Training when using the Guns are Everywhere?

Because the Gunslinger now gains Gun Training at 1st level, does the Archetype ability that replaces it become gained at 1st level? Does that mean there's an extra level in those cases to Gun Training, or simply that the 4 levels are moved down earlier?

It would be nice for an 'official intent' on this. :)


As folks here are an eclectic and friendly bunch, and I feel like running something other than Pathfinder, I thought I might check interest in a Superhero game using MnM :)

I'm thinking of running the Emerald City Knights 'Adventure Path' that is available along with some homebrew stories.

Any takers? :)