Theinyore's page

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IN a recent game that I've been running I featured a dungeon which split the party into two separate pathways. They are a third level pathfinder party with one cleric of Pelor, one half-elven fighter, a human rogue, human alchemist, gnomish bard and a dhampir summoner. The campaign is set within a vampire controlled city openly owned by the vampiric Count so Dhampir are almost common you could say. Regardless, the dungeon split the party into two halves, the first being the Cleric, the fighter, the rogue and the summoner's eidolon Manticore (who is a half formed dragon). The other group contained the Bard, the Alchemist, the summoner and an NPC ranger who was leading them into the encounter. Everyone survived fine despite us rushing the ending for time sensitive reasons and all that but now I am at a quandary.

I don't know, as a DM if the summoner should gain xp for all encounters her eidolon was in. She gave it a command to defend the party and using shared senses even controlled it for a turn or two but it was the only link between the groups. I gave each group xp separately for the combats they were involved in alone but I didn't think about what would happen if the eidolon was up front. Please provide any feedback or opinions on this matter. The summoner in question is my fiancé irl so I want to be sure that any action I make isn't coated in favoritism and/or overly harsh to avoid the appearance of favoritism and is backed by other experienced players as it will make a substantial difference in the party as she will most likely lvl before anyone else can.

Thank you for any feedback you provide and I look forward to hearing responses.

Currently goes Ikari, Jhal, Jai, T.K., Bandits, Guards, Jugo

And it's up, for everyone's knowledge we are starting when Ikari arrives. At this point Jhal has been at the temple a total of 9 hours (mostly spent sleeping) and Kikai has been there several weeks. If you want to discuss objects out of character (such as rules questions, being unavailable for an extend period of time, etc.) do so here and we'll handle it in accord. Thanks for everyone's excitement and I think we're going to have a great game.

Currently goes Ikari, Jhal, Jai, T.K., Bandits, Guards, Jugo

I figured I would go ahead and create this thread and as players get their submissions in they can post here to solidify their positions. I'm officially saying first come first serve to five players and if by friday the 15th I don't have a full party we'll just level up the PC's we do have and start

So I'm relatively new to the boards but I've been a DM for a loooong time. I'd like to start a campaign, PbP that's a 3.5 D&D game in a homebrew campaign world. Basically it's going to be very heavily along the lines of Journey to the West using Tome of Battle and any really oriental themed classes and races. I'm open to any suggestions on class/race combinations but they need to be run by me and flavored right (for example Knight class but flavored as Samurai because I know no one likes the Samurai class). Just sort of curious what sorta turn out I'd get, it's going to be 5-7th level and possibly gestalt if I can't get a solid group of players.

I'm also a huge fan of Incarnum and a lot of source material so expect to see it occasionally in game with NPC's, possibly just flavored a little differently. (though a Yin/Yang Incarnate Philosopher sounds pretty fun to role-play doesn't it?) Also I'm okay with certain Pathfinder classes so if there is a class you'd like to convert back I'm open to the idea.

Let me know if you're interested, this is going to be open indefinitely for now, if I get a bunch of feedback I'll limit it a bit, I'd like a group of five at the bare minimum.