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I can understand the cohort explanation my main concern is that the cohort would not be a class feature and thus not part of her standing CR. If anything her eidolon did more on it's side of the session then she did on her own but I do appreciate the responses. The eidolon loses effectiveness after 100 feet from the summoner which was roughly the length of the whole dungeon (again lvl 3 so small encounters). the total range is something near a mile I believe.

As to the other concern that it presents a loophole I disagree as the whole party wouldn't get double xp, they would get xp at the same rate as though they simply went through the dungeon together, just clear sessions twice as fast and constantly be at half strength. And if a team attempted to abuse it a smart DM would simply attack the controller groups while the pets were away which is far from inconceivable. It's also a pretty different scenario from barbarians and their swords. I guess what the real question here should be is, if for some reason she was nowhere near her pet, 60 feet up a tower say and the creature defeated a few kobolds would she gain the xp for commanding and controlling her tool because if she would much like if a wizard dropped a fireball from the tower gaining the xp (i.e. xp gained has naught to do with risk taken but with damage dealt to opponents).

IN a recent game that I've been running I featured a dungeon which split the party into two separate pathways. They are a third level pathfinder party with one cleric of Pelor, one half-elven fighter, a human rogue, human alchemist, gnomish bard and a dhampir summoner. The campaign is set within a vampire controlled city openly owned by the vampiric Count so Dhampir are almost common you could say. Regardless, the dungeon split the party into two halves, the first being the Cleric, the fighter, the rogue and the summoner's eidolon Manticore (who is a half formed dragon). The other group contained the Bard, the Alchemist, the summoner and an NPC ranger who was leading them into the encounter. Everyone survived fine despite us rushing the ending for time sensitive reasons and all that but now I am at a quandary.

I don't know, as a DM if the summoner should gain xp for all encounters her eidolon was in. She gave it a command to defend the party and using shared senses even controlled it for a turn or two but it was the only link between the groups. I gave each group xp separately for the combats they were involved in alone but I didn't think about what would happen if the eidolon was up front. Please provide any feedback or opinions on this matter. The summoner in question is my fiancé irl so I want to be sure that any action I make isn't coated in favoritism and/or overly harsh to avoid the appearance of favoritism and is backed by other experienced players as it will make a substantial difference in the party as she will most likely lvl before anyone else can.

Thank you for any feedback you provide and I look forward to hearing responses.

Starting crunch below, alias and finished character to come.

Name: Jean Vonair
Class: Magus (Spellblade) 2/Rogue 1
Race: Half-elf
Level: 3
Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 13 (+1)
Wis: 10 (0)
Int: 16 (+3)
Cha: 10 (0)

AC: 19
HP: 22

BAB: +1

Acrobatics: 1 (5)
Spellcraft: 3 (9)
Knowledge (arcana): 3 (9)
Perception: 3 (7)
Use Magic Device: 3 (6)
Stealth: 3 (7)
Disable Device: 1 (7)
Linguistics: 1 (7)
Sleight of Hand: 1 (7)
Appraise: 1 (7)
Escape Artist: 1 (7)

Magus Arcana: Pool-sourced Athame

Arcane Pool: 4

Feats: Two-weapon fighting, Two-Weapon Defense, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)

Masterwork Bastard Sword
+1 Chain Shirt
Crossbow, light
40 bolts
Three sunrods
2 Cure Light wounds potions
1 Cure Moderate wounds potions
4 vials alchemist fire

Marking for interest, character will be up tomorrow, probably either a rogue/magus or a straight one of those two classes.

So I'm relatively new to the boards but I've been a DM for a loooong time. I'd like to start a campaign, PbP that's a 3.5 D&D game in a homebrew campaign world. Basically it's going to be very heavily along the lines of Journey to the West using Tome of Battle and any really oriental themed classes and races. I'm open to any suggestions on class/race combinations but they need to be run by me and flavored right (for example Knight class but flavored as Samurai because I know no one likes the Samurai class). Just sort of curious what sorta turn out I'd get, it's going to be 5-7th level and possibly gestalt if I can't get a solid group of players.

I'm also a huge fan of Incarnum and a lot of source material so expect to see it occasionally in game with NPC's, possibly just flavored a little differently. (though a Yin/Yang Incarnate Philosopher sounds pretty fun to role-play doesn't it?) Also I'm okay with certain Pathfinder classes so if there is a class you'd like to convert back I'm open to the idea.

Let me know if you're interested, this is going to be open indefinitely for now, if I get a bunch of feedback I'll limit it a bit, I'd like a group of five at the bare minimum.

I'm posting that I'm interested, I'll most likely make a Magus (as I've never played one) possibly with levels in Rogue, haven't decided fully. I'll make the character and alias tonight and send it to you, no idea what race I'll be but I'll work it out.

Male Gray Elf Rogue 7

George turns to the Mayor, his eyes obviously shocked but it only lasts a moment. " I seek to right the wrongs you perceive. Did I hear a band of men traveling to rescue the Justicar's daughter? Point me there, and I will be out of your way. I simply need to be sure she is handled appropriately." He places his holy symbol under some of his clothes and sounds sincere and more apologetic then one would expect from a Half-orc.

let me know if I need to make a diplomacy check or anything, that's what I meant to do last post but it edited out the statement of purpose

Male Gray Elf Rogue 7

As the warm spit strikes across George's face, he turns and looks down upon the woman, rising to his full stature. "Good Morning to you as well ma'am. First I should assure you that we didn't bring undead upon you, we simply sought to remove that which did," He holds up his holy symbol of the Silver Flame, "And second I should assure you that I'm on my way to make sure such an event never happen again. We are not forgiving of the undead and the assailants will be punished. Now pardon me, as i have important business to attend to with your Mayor."

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

George will then ignore her and make his way to find the mayor.

Male Gray Elf Rogue 7

George rises early, watching the sun gracefully crest over the eastern horizon. After having his morning rations, he begins his rather standard prayers for the day "Dear Might Flame, bless me with grace in combat and the mercy to be just" and so on. Then he begins to collect his traveling gear to visit the village and (assuming he isn't stopped) makes his way into town to ascertain the state of the rescue mission from the mayor and Justicar.

Male Gray Elf Rogue 7

Hey, I saw a different post for this same game, wasn't sure which to post in so I've done both and sent my finished char to the DM directly. Anyhow, I made a Half-Orc Paladin, however if a healer would be more proficient I'd have no issue changing it up. Let me know :)

Hey, posting to replace whoever with my char, Half-orc paladin, George "Left-tusk" Jones. Named so for his chipped off half of a right tusk jutting out of his jaw.

Character Sheet:
Name: George "Left-tusk" Jones
Race: Half-orc Alignment: Lawful Good Height: 6'4 Weight: 212 lbs
Class: Paladin Level: 1 Age: 17
Str: 20 (+5) BAB: +1 Languages: Orcish, Common and
Con: 16 (+3) Fort: +5 HP: 13
Dex: 15 (+2) Ref: +2 AC: 16 (18 with shield)
Wis: 12 (+1) Will: +3
Int: 13 (+1)
Cha: 14 (+2)

Skills Feats
Ride: 4 (6) Two-Weapon Fighting
Diplomacy: 4 (6)
Sense Motive: 4 (5)

Equipment 40 GP
Orc Double Axe 60 GP
Heavy Steel Shield 20 GP
Light Crossbow 35 GP
40 Bolts 4GP
Masterwork Morningstar 309 GP
Chain Shirt
Traveler's Outfit 1 GP
Hemp Silk (50ft) 1GP
Waterskin 1 GP
8 days trail rations 4 GP
Silver Holy Symbol (Silver Flame)

Background: Born and raised in Droaam, George was the result of a raid on Breland communities by his Orcish father, who stole away George’s mother for her final days. After months in isolation and slavery to the Orc tribe, she gave birth to George and passed away. In his early days he was a poorly child, picked on by the full blooded Orcs and their Gnoll allies and used for sport by the hunters, George was miserable. It was there that his life was saved.

Suddenly, with a strike from Breland, led by a wise paladin from Thrane, George was liberated from his torment. When the Breland soldiers surrounded the young boy and threatened to slay him, the old paladin noticed the purity in the young boys heart and saw a better way. Sir Marcus (the paladin who liberated George) brought the young child before the servants of the Silver Flame and sought their guidance. It was their decision that he would be made into a squire and work his way to Knighthood. Now a servant of the Silver Flame, George has worked his way into the knighthood and become a fully fledged Paladin, on his first pilgrimage across Khorvaire to do good and bring the light of the Silver Flame to the corners of the realm.

P.S. PM me if I get it and I'll find the campaign from there

I'll say that I'm interested, I can't post as much on Thursday nights as I have an acting class, but I should be able to handle five times daily posts pretty well. Let me know when you have a build/rules in mind and what all you're looking for in the opening set-up and I'll hope right on it

Hey all, finished my character, as seen below. Looking forward to the game it sounds awesome! Also the sheet is spot on for my character.

Character Sheet complete:
Name: Castion Aurelias
Race: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Neutral Height: 6’1” Weight: 155 lbs

Class: Rogue 2/Wizard (Mage of the Veil) 3 Level: 5 Age: 23

Str: 10 (0) BAB: +2 Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic,
Con: (10+1) 11 (0) Fort: +1 HP: 24 Undercommon, Infernal, Abyssal
Dex: (10+5) 14 (+2) Ref: +6 AC: 14 (18 with mage Armor)
Wis: (10+2) 12 (+1) Will: +4
Int: (10+7+2 racial+1 HD) 18 (+4)
Cha: (10+5) 14 (+2)

Skills Feats
Diplomacy: 5 (10) Martial Weapon Proficiency (Halberd)
Intimidate: 2 (7) Craft Wonderous Items
Spellcraft: 5 (15) Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Use Magic Device: 5 (10) Scribe Scroll
Perception: 2 (8) Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
Knowledge (History): 5 (12)
Stealth: 4 (9)
Sleight of Hand: 2 (9)
Craft (Weaponsmithing): 2 (9)
Appraise: 2 (9)
Bluff 5 (10)

Rogue abilites
Rogue Talent: Fast Stealth (Move at full speed using Stealth)
Sneak Attack +1d6

Mage of the Veil abilities
Extended Illusions (Illusion spells last
Face in the Crowd (see arcane-schools/classic-arcane-schools/illusion/mage-of-the-veil-qadira)
Banned schools (Abjuration and Evocation)
Bonded Item (Halberd, named Virgil)

Spells Known
All Cantrips (these are simply prepared each day unless otherwise noted)
Arcane Mark
Mage Hand
Ghost Sound
Detect Magic

1st level 5 per day (prepared*)

Disguise Self
Color Spray
Mage Armor**
Vanish *
Obscuring Mist
Comprehend Languages
Charm Person*
Feather Fall* (from Scroll)

2nd Level 2 per day (prepared*)
False Life (from scroll)
Knock (from Scroll)
Blindness/Deafness* (from scroll)

Equipment 525 GP
+1 Fastiel (Arcane Bond: Halberd)
Two Cure Moderate Wounds potions
Four Cure Light Wounds potions
Six Shield of Faith +2 potions
Ring of Protection +1
Metamagic Rod, Lesser Silent
Scroll of Feather Fall
Scroll of False Life
Scroll of Knock
Scroll of Blindness/Deafness
Wand of Detect Secret Doors
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Bag of Holding (Type I)

Hey all, coming in late unfortunately but I've decided to make a Rogue/Illusionist dedicated to greed/generosity (I'll try to avoid being Robin hood but no promises lol ;) built to start making constructs come level 7. This game sounds awesome regardless of who gets picked so I might follow it anyway. I don't post much so I might screw up the spoiler character sheet below.

Character sheet:
Name: Castion Aurelias
Race: Half-Elf Alignment: Lawful Neutral Height: 6’1” Weight: 155 lbs

Class: Rogue 2/Wizard (Mage of the Veil) 3 Level: 5 Age: 23

Str: 10 (0) BAB: +2 Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic,
Con: (10+1) 11 (0) Fort: +1 HP: 24
Dex: (10+5) 14 (+2) Ref: +6 AC: 14 (18 with mage Armor
Wis: (10+2) 12 (+1) Will: +4
Int: (10+7+2 racial+1 HD) 18 (+4)
Cha: (10+5) 14 (+2)

Skills Feats
Diplomacy: 5 (10) Martial Weapon Proficiency (Halberd)
Intimidate: 2 (7) Craft Wonderous Items
Spellcraft: 5 (15) Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Use Magic Device: 5 (10) Scribe Scroll
Perception: 2 (8) Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
Knowledge (History): 5 (12)
Stealth: 4 (9)
Sleight of Hand: 2 (9)
Craft (Weaponsmithing): 2 (9)
Appraise: 2 (9)
Bluff 5 (10)

Rogue abilites
Rogue Talent: Fast Stealth (Move at full speed using Stealth)
Sneak Attack +1d6

Mage of the Veil abilities
Extended Illusions (Illusion spells last
Face in the Crowd (see arcane-schools/classic-arcane-schools/illusion/mage-of-the-veil-qadira)
Banned schools (Abjuration and Evocation)
Bonded Item (Halberd, named Virgil)

Spells Known
All Cantrips (these are simply prepared each day unless otherwise noted)
Arcane Mark
Mage Hand
Ghost Sound
Detect Magic

1st level 5 per day (prepared*)

Disguise Self
Color Spray*
Mage Armor**
Vanish *
Obscuring Mist
Comprehend Languages
Charm Person*
Feather Fall (from Scroll)

2nd Level 2 per day (prepared*)
False Life (from scroll)
Knock (from Scroll)

Will finish equipment tomorrow as I have the day off and send it to you with a full backstory.