
Theadalas's page

25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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The PDF version of this product is not available for sale. Any idea why that is?

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Took a break from Legacy of Fire and now running (for the fourth time) my old time favorite Frog God Games module: The Lost City of Barakus. Guess I'm a sucker for sandbox modules ;)

Also recently finished Strange Aeons P1 as a player and we are now moving on to Skulls & Shackles, coz we didn't really liked Strange Aeons. Something that was supposed to be kind of scary and very climatic horror adventure, like your regular CoC session, turned into a B-movie type of horror and a dungeon crawl on top of that (grotesque dungeon crawl to be precise). Another reminder for me that D20 systems aren't good for that type of gameplay.

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Correct, it was d20 version of the City of Brass. I mean I can go to the other store and buy these, no problem, but I was also wondering if the aforementioned products were taken down deliberately or by accident, and I figured out it probably won't hurt to report this somewhere.

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Hey, I was planning to buy PDF version of this book some time ago, I had it on my wishlist, but I was delying my decision thinking at that time that I didn't really need it all that much. Now I have some extra money to throw at Paizo and I can't find that book anywhere in the store.

There are multiple mentions of this product on the forums, so it's not my memory playing tricks on me. It was there, there are even similar products to it listed on the store. So... what happened? Is this an error or is that product gone for good and I have to buy it directly from the authors (I like to keep all my PDFs in one place though)?

While we're at it, I've also noticed that City of Brass is gone as well. Same publisher...

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Why not remove the forums altogether just like WotC did in the past? It clearly makes people even more upset with Paizo. Every time I come here I see only toxic behavior on all sides of whatever debate is going on. I know that in Twitter age of the internet no such thing as meaningful conversation exists and people prefer to lock themselves in ghettos of like-minded people instead of dealing with different opinions. This is exactly what attracts trolls that are just waiting to you know... stir the pot.

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I beg you; force the Roll20 dev team to release it on the same day this time around because it's an instant buy for me.

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It's often the case that the more customer-friendly companies are not so much employee-friendly. Not sure if it's about lower profit margins (after all, Paizo is giving away for free most of their creative effort), but I think that the unionization is a step in the right direction. It is more likely to improve working conditions there, as well as relations (which includes battling transphobic behavior in workplace and similar issues).

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I'm European myself, but I was working there a few times in gamedev (video games industry). It occurred to me that the USA is a land of contrasts - you are either diehard communist or as conservative as it gets. There's almost nothing in between or at least that's what politicians and mass media there want people to believe and the people themselves are very vocal about pretty much everything (often regardless of their background and actual knowledge). I can see why unions are not a thing there.

Whichever way they want to go about this problem, I hope that the working conditions will improve there. It will benefit not only the employees, but all of us as well. After all, products are made better by satisfied workers and I hope that Paizo management understands this.

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Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
DRD1812 wrote:

Certain preconceptions seem to follow APs. The introductory explanation from 1d4chan serves as a good example. There we learn that modules are, “An accessory to games that companies sell for a gamemaster without the time or creativity to make their own adventure.”

Wow, you were expecting a quality take on anything from 1d4chan?

Taking anything from 1d4chan seriously is weird enough. Most of the content there is satirical in one way or another.

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Running Legacy of Fire Chapter II: House of the Beast this month.

We had a long break between first chapter and the second one, which we spent on playing D&D 5 and some OSR games, but we all decided to go back to Pathfinder as it fits our group the best. It's not just about character progression or available options, but the fact it continues the legacy of classic fantasy that D&D was known for up until D&D 3.5. Everything past that feels more like World of Warcraft to us, even D&D 5.0 with its streamlined options and demolished class fantasy for the sake of questionable optimization.

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Loved: The idea that you can easily make a single-class character work without having to multiclass in order to be on pair with those that do "dip" into other classes.
Wanted: More Prestige Classes that had some nice concept to them and were worth taking.
Hated: Rogues usually being trap class for most new players (I've introduced hundreds of people into this system and standard Rogue class often was causing some issues). Also PrCs too often were a liability, than an actual option worth taking. What I always liked about PrCs in 3.5 is that they felt like an elite version of the class or elite specialization - something you work towards and reach at later levels.
Will Miss: No a single thing. I will keep playing Pathfinder until the end times. Together with 3.5 it is the GREATEST system ever created, even with all its flaws. I guess nothing will ever come close to this level of official and 3PP support.

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Whoa, nice topic. =)

Well, I agree with what Jhaeman said. I like how Pathfinder can be easily integrated into Starfinder, so I would like to have both of these systems (core mechanics) to be even more direct reflections of each other, just to make transistion between them even less painful... Except for axed skill base (since it is harder to mechanically differentiate your character from others and even harder to create a character that is exceptionally specialized at certain tasks) I would gladly welcome most if not all of the core changes that came with Starfinder.

Other than that I would replace classes with their unchained versions, do a bit of balancing here and there and maybe put all of the optional rules like chases, kingdom building and social encounters into one big book, so it is much easier to reference them and I would call that book the new Pathfinder Unchained.

There, my ideal TTRPG.

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Cavall wrote:

I think a barbarian rogue is the best combo class for breaking the game too.

Get a level 1 barbarian and 1 in rogue. Charge wizard in the party. Do 3d6 plus 7 damage to a 2d6 flatfooted character. Save yourself YEARS of conversations about how he will Gate you to the plane of water and you'll drown when he gets access to Gate.

Oh, you meant "fixing", not breaking.

This little fix also speeds up gameplay as well and makes it more fun for everyone at the table (well, maybe except that little poor wizard). Imagine no more waiting for ~15 minutes until party's wizard makes his mind about which spell to use and moves all his summons! D:

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I’m owner of a hobbyist store at the other end of the world, so a lot of different and sometimes weird people come to play here. There was this DM that at first seemed to be very knowledgeable about Pathfinder, but every now and then he seem to misinterpret rules — always in a way that would suit him best. For example; one of his NPCs had improved trip, very high CMB and was using whip with whirlwind attack. He ruled that he can trip people when they provoke AoO while they are standing from prone position (after being tripped). No argument could sway him and that fight was one of the longest and certainly on of the least interesting I’ve seen.

Whenever there was recruitment going on for someone else's campaign and that guy wished to join, his first question always was if he could buy animals (mostly dogs) while they are still cubs (he argued they would cost half price or something like this) and show up on the first session with fully growned, trained dogs or big cats (as if he bought them few years before and trained them all by himself - it might make some sense, but he didn’t account costs of training and upkeep, because he is one ugly munchkin).

Whenever there was a recruitment rule that players can spend XYZ amount of gold coins on equipment (that was highlighted so it was hard to misinterpret) - he kept coming with self made magic equipment at 50% price reduction. He rarely did pass any recruitment process, but whenever he did, his character was starting overly equipped and with half a dozen of trained dogs and other beasts that he would use to disarm traps (yes, through killing his own pets) and do other silly things with them.

But the most disturbing thing about him was his “fascination” over young girls. There was a slave lord in one of his campaign adventures which had his own harem of little girls, and the talk between them was in very sugestive manner. He also went into very detailed description of the whole scene... I was so appalled when I first heard about it, that I was wondering if I should report this somewhere. In the end I just confronted him and told him that this kind of content is disallowed in our local RPG group. He of course denied it all, but he did change after this little talk.

I have few more stories about this guy as he is a walking D&D meme, but I already made a wall of text, so maybe some other time I’ll post more...