The Vein |
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silversarcasm wrote:If folks want us to do more 6-part Adventure Paths... PLEASE let us know! The 3 part ones seem to be engaging people more and allow for more stories to be told in a year, and I'm hoping that we'll be able to settle into a rhythum that allows for more frequent higher level 3 part arcs, but if people do still want 6 part ones... we need to know. (And that includes seeing evidence in sales and reviews and the like for parts 4–6 of those Adventure Paths, not just requests at the front end.)Oooooooh im so excited, i was talking recently about how excited I was a certain story thread form legends was brought up again in Impossible Lands and now it seems we're getting a whole ap about it? Lets gooooo
Am sad to see its not a 6 parter though, hope they havent been completely abandoned!
I dunno how much one voice matters but I would hate to see the 6 part APs go. I was very happy with 2 3-parters and one 6 parter per year, of course I understand if having a 6 part AP every year isn't feasible but I would still love to see them at least occasionally--one epic story from level 1 to 20 is a great feeling when you play through it all! (and I've been subscribed to Adventure Paths for like 10 years so don't worry about the sales front on my end :D)