Umbral Dragon

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captain yesterday wrote:
I'm working on my top secret project for work.

Isn't your work outside, and very publicly displayed?

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lisamarlene wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

One year?


Sup y'all.

Hey! How's the little one?

Too adorable to get mad at, and she knows it. I always said "better a smartass than a dumbass" but didn't figure I would get it in a two and a half year old. Like I will say "stay out of the kitchen" and she, barely able to talk, will walk up to the edge of the kitchen and hang her toes off the living room carpet into the kitchen linoleum and look at me with a huge grin. I have a toddler who can throw a technicality in my face that she can't even articulate.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Hurray! Finally signed in and it worked again!

WHAT?! No, I haven't been gone for a year, and to say otherwise is outrageous!

... it's really more like seven or eight months.

ANYWAY, I came here to ask WHAT THE BIZNESS IZZZ, by which, of course, I mean, "Hi, I missed you all and hope you're doing well!" and "Feel free to catch me up on stuff!"

One year?


Sup y'all.

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Getting married to Tala in 9 days. Gonna be in DC for honeymoon (cause the Smithsonian is free and we broke AF).

I don't know if I'll keep talking here. I like hanging with all of you, but otherwise don't really frequent Paizo for any other reason. I don't PBP, I don't care about rules adjucation anymore, and there's nothing new about PF1 to learn.

I'll see most of you on Tac's DAWTL Discord server, but I believe my trips here will be fewer and further between as time goes on.

Color me very interested in this. Morally ambiguous is nice, especially challenging for a world when you're trying to play a hero...which is something I haven't done in a while.

Oh, I've played more than my share of protagonists, but for a great deal of time they were antiheroes, antivillains, or in my early RP days, personality-less murder-hobos.

Given the challenging nature of doing so, I want to try to throw my hand into playing a lawful good character.

I have a light oracle I built for a game that never really took off. I'd have to tweak up the story, because it was for a vastly different setting, but I would like the challenge of this person keeping his code.

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Nine hours.

We were there for nine hours.

I hate hospitals so much. She's okay. There was also a UTI they caught near the end, so we got some antibiotics, so the hospital wasn't a complete waste.

As Freehold said, the one time you don't go is the one time you should've. If it were me I would've just left after four hours in the waiting room watching every unvaccinated moron get helped (Dr later confirmed to Tala that was the hold up - ER filled with unvaccinated morons) before you, but for my kid I put up with it. But I really wanted to bust into the ICU and tell off every dumbass there.

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"Good thing you came in. That's a dangerous temp. Now wait four hours before we even get you a room."

"Looks like it's a minor viral infection. We will give you stuff you could've bought over the counter and tell you to do what you could've done at home anyway - but it could've been dangerous because of the temp. So good thing you came in. And we didn't do squat for half a workday. And sent you home with nothing after another half a workday."

Still haven't left. They need to do more paperwork or something. I don't know. I'm getting my news via text because of the aforementioned illusion of security theatre.

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We have been at this mother...loving... hospital for six hours. Four to get my daughter a room, as her temp is about 103-104. She's in room with mom alone now because no two parents allowed. Because Covid. Even though we're both vaxxed and NOBODY MADE THAT WOMAN IN THE WAITING ROOM COVER HER NOSE WITH THE MANDATORY MASKS but no, two vaccinated parents in their daughters room is too unsafe.

Eat all of the donkey, hospital. You can just eat donkey, you lovemaking child of an unmarried prostitute.

Eltonj, are you going with standard creation rules, as far as exp, school gear, etc?

When would you like characters ready? How much do you want in the way of backstory, etc?

hustonj wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
The Thunder Dragon gave up her spot in the heavens so Yoritomo could be the Mantis's patron, so even they have divine representatives.
Long fall between founded by a Great Kami and gave Yoritomo a spot in the Celestial Order he wasn't born into.

Mantis hater. Now I just have to play a Yoritomo Bushi.

As the GM just gave his approval for multiple clans, I have a character I'd like to try.

He's the youngest son of his clan's champion. He's spoiled, arrogant, and ridiculously naturally talented - but he's a lazy, hedonism driven bastard. Basically it's a mix of Sterling Archer and Mugen from Samurai Champloo. I'd either go katana/parangu (if we had no other duelist and I had to use a katana), dual kama, or preferably a kusigarama modified to have two kama rather than a kama and a ball.

Maybe take an ally advantage, bare minimum social, and a lot of acrobatics.

Even pre-great clan status, the Mantis were disproportionately powerful and rich due to their ocean supremacy. When your parents are clan champions, your older sister teaches the clan school, and you are a naturally gifted beast with a blade from a clan of ex pirates, you're going to get seriously humbled...and I can't wait. It'll be great (as long as it doesn't kill him and I can let him grow as a person).

Oh, snap, we forgot political marriages. You gotta get along with your teammate if you're banging their sister.

...irl it's the only reason I even tolerate my brother in law.

I saw interest in Scorpion and Crane already. They get along most of the time, unlike most clans that share boarders. Probably because both are quite subtle at their wars. A scorpion/crane/mantis/unicorn/dragon alliance is about the most clans I can conceive working together and not murdering each other.

Because seriously, f#!! the Lion Clan.

All this is me spitballing. I love talking Rokugan lore. And I love that another potential player is a lore nerd! Obviously the GM has to chime in. I just love this setting and can talk shop a lot about it.

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The Thunder Dragon gave up her spot in the heavens so Yoritomo could be the Mantis's patron, so even they have divine representatives.

And Fu Leng reps the Spider, though everyone but the Unicorn hates them, and in this time period they aren't antiheroes; they're straight up villains.

But I had to mention it, because they my boys.

I once wrote (but didn't get to run) a campaign where a minor clan on the rise goes in search of Ryoshun's ghost to rep them as the tenth great clan.

Also, some minor clans are basically vassals of the major. Like Dragonfly is Dragon's sidekick, and the Falcon/Boar/Crab connection.

As far as I remember:

Crab - gets along with Unicorn, Phoenix, Mantis, Dragon; ok with Scorpion, Lion; hate the Crane

Crane - hate the Lion, hate the Crane; ok with Mantis, get along with everyone else

Dragon - dislike the Phoenix, but no major beef or major alliances with anyone

Lion - get along with Mantis okay, Crab okay, but have butted heads with damnnear everyone else

Mantis - f@!& the Phoenix; Crab is our BFF, Unicorns are our buddies, everyone is is okay.

Phoenix - minor beef with Dragon, major beef with Mantis, everyone else is okay.

Unicorn - get along with Crab and Mantis, butt heads hard with Lion, ok with Crane and Dragon, no major opinion on the rest.

I can't help thinking I'm missing someone.

hustonj wrote:
EltonJ wrote:

I would like it if you were apart of the same Clan.

Just responding to what the GM posted.

I have no idea how I missed that.

I blame lack of sleep. My kid is teething.

Well, I vote anything but Lions, and to a lesser extent Crane. Those folks have sticks so far up their butts it hits the back of their teeth.

Scorpion gets s+*~ done.

Thanks! Answers my question.

If you couldn't tell by the walls of text in the interest page, I'm so down.

Huston, we wouldn't have to be the same clan; he said it's topaz championship and then magistrates. Magistrates can easily be multi-clan. It's the book's go to for a motley crew.

I see people chiming in near the beginning with what they'd play, but to me that depends on the time/location/theme of the game, and obviously the system.

Would not be wise to play a drunken Yoritomo Mantis Bushi in a courtly intrigue game set before the Mantis became a Great Clan. Not a great idea to play a Scorpion shugenja with a quasi-ninja magic theme when the Scorpion are banished to the Burning Sands.

And it's almost never a good time to play my favorite, the Spider, unless it's the colonies era, or the whole group are spies undermining the Empire before the Spider joined.

I guess I'm asking what's the general theme going to be, besides "before the clan war"

Yeah, 5e uses custom dice. You can roll with d10s, but it requires a chart. That's one of the issues I have, along with agreeing with everything hustonj said.

One thing I like about the original 1-5e compared to d20 is the schools are not classes. They give you direction, but you can take non-school skills without penalty, and a courtier can be surprisingly deadly with a blade, or a bushi have a ridiculously sharp tongue.

One rule I learned early on as a player long, long ago - take a rank of every social skill, no matter who you are. A verbal flub in front of the wrong person can kill you faster than any Oni. And have a combat skill no matter who you are, because the goblins in the shadowlands don't give a crap how eloquent you are. Not splitting the field evenly, obviously, but not specializing to the point of incompetence in non-class abilities like you would in most RPGs.

Unless, you know, your GM gives you a tip that you won't need such things.

Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
I do love being the bad guy.

Sorry to disappoint you, but it's perfectly reasonable response, you won't earn your bad guy (or even a honorary Karen) badge that way.

EDIT: Maybe it's because I work for Global Megacorporation and we have to attend annual training on improper data collection. The head of our engineering division put it succinctly: "If you're collecting the data in a field and you can't give me an immediate, valid business reason you need it, you're fired."

I see your head of engineering division is well prepared for dealing with demands of GDPR for EU market.

Well they are Global Megacorpration, after all, not National or even Continental Megacorpration.

So there's an Avatar RPG coming out. And I don't mean the one that's blue skinned Ferngully.

It's been all over my news feed lately.

EltonJ wrote:

Okay. I'm going to buy the Legend of the Five Rings franchise from Fantasy Flight Games in the future. So, I wanted to GM a L5R campaign for preparation sake. I'm running Starfinder and Shadowrun for my live group, and since because of that, I'm unable to run 5th (FFGs) or anything else Rokugan for my live group.

So, I thought I'd try here.

Well I'd say the answer to your query is "yes, there is interest."

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Dear Hollywood:
Stop trying to make John Cena happen.
That is all.

Oh, and I should point out, you can find the 4e rules on both magical samurai and last haiku as sort of unofficial SRDs.

Last Haiku even has rules compatible stuff from Legend of the Burning Sands, the RPG based on Rokugan's neighbors.

My last group found everything but Gaijin weaponry and magic rules there.

4e is also timeline neutral, officially existing around the time of the Colonies expansion post Kali invasion, but having rules and details for all eras, as well as alternative timelines like the Togashi Dynasty, a what if Togashi fought in the first tournament where Hantei forms the Owl Clan and the founder of the Dragon instead is the first emperor.

Yeah. I'm biased for 4e. It was an amazing system (but the books are HORRIBLY organized - the SRDs make life easier). Best art and lore of any edition, though.

Massively interested.

I have been trying to play L5R forever. I can't even get one I GM to stay running more than a few sessions. I fell in love with the setting when I played a 4e game of L5R like a decade ago, and read all the lore and so much more, but damnit is it hard to find a group.

So, yeah. If you'd like an enthusiastic and dedicated player for this setting, I'm your man. Big fan of the Spider, Scorpion, and Mantis.

I know a lot about the 4e mechanics, timeline, etc, and really dislike the changes to 5e for both crunch and flavor. They neutered the Mantis, those bastards.

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lisamarlene wrote:
Hitting the wall of exhaustion and fear pretty hard. I know we're going to get it done, it just doesn't feel like it at the moment. 33.5 hours left on the clock, gotta sleep for a couple of those.

Moving is the absolute worst. And the anticipation is almost as bad. Feel for ya, LM.

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Damnit I traveled almost 20 hours north and live on a f#!*ing mountain. It had no right to be 93 outside today.

I haven't cut my hair since the kid was born, or trimmed my beard since I moved, and it is f%+~ing torture on days like today.

Gotta hold strong. Winter will come. Eventually.

No, it's definitely a flex. He's a badass at his job, and it's a f$##ing hard (but obviously rewarding to him) work.

While cap does sound like a workaholic, it isn't like most workaholics; he clearly has work-life balance mastered. He just has a crazy passion for what he does. Not his fault few others do.

Dude has found his niche. That's a real blessing and I'm happy for you, cap.

Edit - Visibly happy, it seems.

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Kiddo got her 15 month shots a little late, because it was hard to get an appointment with the drs office we wanted when we first got back to Ohio. She took it like a boss, like all shots. Two seconds of tears, and a grumpy face, but otherwise good.

She also has been stealing my hot sauce and ate half my curry last night.

Basically, she's one tough little s+!#.

Lost the two new players for my L5R game, leaving just my two of whom has class stuff, so likely we have another game dead in the water.

I don't mind so much, cause I was only GMing so I had something to play, but it *was* L5R, so I was somewhat invested. But not as much as if I were a player. Oh well.

It's been about a year and a half or so since I had a steady group, I think. Almost a decade if you don't count online, but these days it's the only realistic way.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Uh oh, someone's trying to steal my Cranky Old Man license!

Someone else complained about the loud music and got it turned down! I'm obviously off my game...

You should make friends. Maybe sit in a balcony together and make fun of muppets, um, I mean silly people. It could be fun.

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Far Cry 6? Shoot, I'm still waiting on GTA 6 and Elder Scrolls 6.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

Copying over for those who don't Facebook.

** spoiler omitted **

I don't know if it matters to you, TOZ, but you and (I assume) your wife are in my prayers. I wish I could do more. It's terrible to see someone you love suffering.

I'm glad you're being strong in the face of this. I can tell you this will pass and you'll be better for it later, but when you're going through it's probably not something you want to hear.

Here's to a swift and uncomplicated recovery!

Good point, NH...

Except for the abject poverty stricken who have Medicaid. Then the free healthcare isn't really a plus.

Plus the initial cost to move there is outrageous. I looked it up. I even had a conversation with some immigration folks from there a year ago. We're talking five figures lost just to get the right to move to the Netherlands - and that's on the cheaper end, and not counting the physical moving costs. That's just getting a Visa if you don't work in a highly desired field. (New business Visa was what I was looking at.)

It may be nice and break even in the long run, considering local economies probably pay enough to live there (I would hope), and free healthcare and all, but if you're not affluent already, throwing down $10K+ is not something you can do.

So you are saying the South Park episode where everyone gets ball cancer and uses it as a hippity hop is legit?

Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Woran wrote:
Im envious of cap yesterdays job satisfaction
If I had 1/10 of his job satisfaction, I wouldn't be applying for a new job.

We are hiring.

You're more than welcome to use me as a reference.


Im actually really tempted by this. I've never shied from hard physical work and I dont mind the cold (the heat is however a problem, but Im sure someone on a job site can be found to regularly hose me down).
And Im pretty sure you'd all help me find a house.

But with MrT's health issues and diabetes, its most likely better to stay here. I mean, insulin is free here.

Leaving the Netherlands for the US's just weird. Aside from the outrageous price to live there, the NL is a way better place to be (from people I know who have been to both - I don't know personally).

gran rey de los mono wrote:

I'm glad that this man was never my doctor.

(It's the Wikipedia entry for Robert Liston, a surgeon in the 1800s who was very fast at amputations. Amongst his accomplishments are:
1) Removing a 45 pound scrotal tumor in 4 minutes.


That's more than twice the size of my kid!

That's two toddlers dangling from your nuts.

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captain yesterday wrote:

The thing I don't miss about Toys R Us is when people would bring in their Starbucks drink and when they finish they just leave it on a random shelf.

I wouldn't touch it mind you if I came across one but it was annoying.

I see that s@!! all the time when I take my daughter to the park. And the park by my house has garbage cans like every thirty feet. I pick them up because I don't want my kid to, but it's f!#!ing gross and I wish I could make the people who do it lick the cups of the others who do it.

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I'd rather have a LE guy on my team than a CN one.

At least you can trust the LE one not to stab you in the back most of the time.

LE is the "I can play well with others if I absolutely must" villain, like Magneto, Raistlin Majere, Lex Luthor, John Marcone, or General Tarquin. IF it's to their advantage, they can make amazing allies.

That's a lot better than "meh, I feel like this right now, but my mind might change."

gran rey de los mono wrote:
For one thing, you can't BAKE a potato in a FRYER.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Or a Friar, for that matter.

Not true. You absolutely can bake a potato inside of a friar.

The hard part is getting his internal temperature up to 400 degrees.

Sunder can be fun as a player when your GM forgets about it. Or if you're a mage - shatter.

Shatter and the cleric's holy symbol or the mage's spell component pouch are a fun combo. No saving throw. Broken non-magical item (it's used FOR magic, but not itself enchanted).

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lisamarlene wrote:
Woran wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

That sounds like a blast!

What were you both cosplaying as?
We each hand-made our costumes (as tradition requires), I was Rincewind, and my wife dressed as Feiya the PF iconic.


I hope, for the sake of narrative causality, that the post-wedding dinner included mashed potatoes for Rincewind.

Such an obscure reference from such a delight of a series.

RIP Sir Terry.

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And my daughter has discovered she can use her old nasal aspirator to more efficiently pick and eat her boogers.


Edit to mention: No meal prep either, Drejk!

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lisamarlene wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:

Hmm which leads to the eventual question of which Pokémon is every Fawtl member?

I want one of the bulbsaur evolutions. I would also accept ursaring.

I am going to go ahead and call Litleo for T-lion.

Haunter for gran.

For some reason I am feeling lickitung for freehold but I will not follow up with why.

Captian gets Gurrdurr

I'm giving NH one of the porygons.

Drejk gets Tyrantum.

Limey gets farfetch'd

I think liepard for lisamarlene.

Vankyre gets charizard

sharoth = Druddigon

VE you get Hydreigon

Woran I'm thinking ninetales.

Toz = scyther.

Celestial healer = Celesteela

We Ji gets Corviknight

Yeah I got bored at work. I had to look up lists for all those new ones.

Good. Now the next time my students are going on and on at lunch about Pokemon and which one they would be, I will have an answer without actually having to watch the show or play the game.

This may be more troublesome than simply playing one.

Student: And I'm a Charizard
LM: I'm a liepard
Student: Why?
LM: (sweating intensifies) I didn't expect a follow up.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I have to say, Nintendo is pretty good at getting people to buy the same game over and over again. For instance, Pokemon. The original release was Red and Blue (Green, in Japan). Then they re-released it as Yellow with a couple minor changes. Then they re-re-released them as FireRed and LeafGreen. And then they re-re-re-released them as Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee.

200 Mario games, 27 Zelda, 11 Metroid, 30 Kirby games.

TBF the Zelda and Metroid ones can play a lot different depending. The Mario includes the party and racing games but still leaves a lot of game that is pretty well the same. Kirby IS the same game every time.

Yeah Nintendo got it down.

More kids recognize Mario than Mickey Mouse. I think they're doing QUITE well of it.

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Me, having never played beyond Pokemon Red/Blue 20+ years ago. Do a Google search on Pokemon that Vid mentioned.

"Dark, dragon, pseudo-legendary."

Okay. Yeah. No complaining here.

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NobodysHome wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

I'll never understand those "what do I do without my job; retirement is a punishment" types.

Read a book. Watch a show. Take a walk. Do anything!

There's so much more to do than we have time for in our so very short lives, even without a 40 hour chunk of time devoted to not starving to death.

The idea that anyone can be bored when they have free time and a steady income is about as confusing to me as it comes.

There are two types of people: Those who work to live, and those who live to work. You and I are in the former category. My father was in the latter.

He loved his job so much that he intentionally became chair of his department when he turned 68, just so that when he turned 70 (mandatory retirement age) he could submit an "emergency exception" for himself because there "weren't enough qualified candidates to fill the position".

It was ludicrously profitable for him (because he didn't take it until he had to, he was on a 100% pension when he turned 70, plus still working full time for another 100%), but he tried to give it back. He wanted to work for free rather than retire.

When he finally gave up on living, it was because he realized he wouldn't be able to return to the classroom. He loved teaching so much that he'd rather die than not do it. He quite literally lived and died for his job.

I'm somewhat jealous that I've never felt that way about a job; even the best one I ever had I appreciated my time away from it. But I'm just as happy that in 11 years I'll be able to walk away from my current job without batting an eye nor waving goodbye.

I worked 3 years in a place where the founding senior partner micromanaged a LOT. He was there before most people showed up and worked late most days, and had his fingers in everything. He was a really smart dude, and the place was a huge success, and he eventually sold it for a big profit I'm not sure exactly how much he got, but a junior partner gave me a ballpark and it was in the millions.

He had a wife and two kids, around 10 to 12 or so of age when he sold it.

Until then, I imagine he saw them maybe four hours a week? He worked 6-7 days a week and kept the place in peak efficiency by making sure he was always spinning the plates, as it were.

It's wonderful to be able to provide for your family for the rest of their lives, but I often wonder what he sacrificed to get to that point. Your kids are halfway to adults and you probably barely know them. Your wife never spending time with you because you're always at work.

The worst part? This dude took to volunteering instantly after. With exactly the same reckless abandon he put into his work. He didn't take advantage of the freedom to make up for lost time. He just jumped into a new project.

Live to work I have seen. But why even have a family if you never see them?

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I'll never understand those "what do I do without my job; retirement is a punishment" types.

Read a book. Watch a show. Take a walk. Do anything!

There's so much more to do than we have time for in our so very short lives, even without a 40 hour chunk of time devoted to not starving to death.

The idea that anyone can be bored when they have free time and a steady income is about as confusing to me as it comes.

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My family: Why on earth would you leave Florida for Ohio? It's so cold!

(Massive heatwave happens across USA)

My family: It's so hot since you left! You're so lucky.

Me: >:-(

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