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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

I'm glad that this man was never my doctor.

(It's the Wikipedia entry for Robert Liston, a surgeon in the 1800s who was very fast at amputations. Amongst his accomplishments are:
1) Removing a 45 pound scrotal tumor in 4 minutes.


That's more than twice the size of my kid!

That's two toddlers dangling from your nuts.

According to the article, the patient lugged it around in a wheelbarrow.

Hmm...nekkid seems appropriate for this.

Well thank God I didn't get TOP with my last post.

Freehold DM wrote:
Well thank God I didn't get TOP with my last post.

You went bottom with it instead...

Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Woran wrote:
Im envious of cap yesterdays job satisfaction
If I had 1/10 of his job satisfaction, I wouldn't be applying for a new job.

We are hiring.

You're more than welcome to use me as a reference.


Im actually really tempted by this. I've never shied from hard physical work and I dont mind the cold (the heat is however a problem, but Im sure someone on a job site can be found to regularly hose me down).
And Im pretty sure you'd all help me find a house.

But with MrT's health issues and diabetes, its most likely better to stay here. I mean, insulin is free here.

Leaving the Netherlands for the US's just weird. Aside from the outrageous price to live there, the NL is a way better place to be (from people I know who have been to both - I don't know personally).

So you are saying the South Park episode where everyone gets ball cancer and uses it as a hippity hop is legit?

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Fingers crossed, hopefully this should be the day I finish painting Hermione's room. It's down to just the baseboards, doors and windows, but there's a lot of it.

In other news, today is the day Mom and Eve sign the closing papers and move into their new home! And, according to FedEx tracking, the bread and salt is on the truck and out for delivery. Some traditions are important.

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I wish I wish nothing but hearty congratulations.

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Talky came back negative, so we don't have to self-isolate. Woo hoo!

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NobodysHome wrote:

Talky came back negative, so we don't have to self-isolate. Woo hoo!


The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Leaving the Netherlands for the US's just weird. Aside from the outrageous price to live there, the NL is a way better place to be (from people I know who have been to both - I don't know personally).

I've posted this before, but the notion that the "best" EU countries cost much more to live than here doesn't stand up as soon as you add in health care and local variations.

If you look at comparative tax burden, the U.S. sits pretty at 29th place and a 31.7% tax wedge as compared to the Netherland's 22nd place ranking and 41.8%.

Now... just pop in health care costs. Oopsie! The U.S. skyrockets. Put yourself in a state like California or Texas where your average overall state and local tax rate is higher than normal (California's massive sales tax or Texas' massive property tax), and suddenly you've blown the Netherlands out of the water.

*IF* you're fortunate enough to have a job that provides full health care and a full pension, *and* you live in a state with a tax rate in line with their analysis, then yes, the Netherlands is slightly more expensive.

There's this mythos that Europe is massively taxed and that's why they can afford a ton of services the U.S. doesn't offer. The reality is that Europe has a lot less corruption, corporate interference, and waste, and I could move from California to Belgium (#1 on the list) and likely pay less than I do now in overall taxes, Social Security, and health care. Because California.

EDIT: For example, Belgium's per capita health care expenditure in 2019 was $5428. The Netherlands' was $5765. The U.S.' was $11,072. That extra $5300 has got to come out of someone's pocket, and it isn't going be to the health care company's.

Grand Lodge

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Copying over for those who don't Facebook.

Real Life Business:
Shanna was hospitalized two weeks ago. What started as pain in her hands and back moved to her legs, making it difficult to walk and eventually even stand. After falling on the way into the house, things worsened to the point where she could not stand. On admittance, they suspected Guillain-Barre syndrome was the cause. A spinal tap has confirmed the markers for it and treatment has been slow but steady.
As of today, she is cleared for movement to an acute rehab center. She is continuing to work on recovering control of her legs after dealing with the dehydration and other complications during the hospital stay. Our plans for the foreseeable future have been completely disrupted and the recovery is likely to be months. It is a chronic condition that will be a new part of our lives rather than just another part of our history.
We are currently looking at a GoFundMe campaign to help cover the out of pocket expenses. If anyone would like to assist with the cost in the meantime, her Paypal link is
I am applying to the employee relief fund at work as well and she is submitting for SSI, so we don't expect any assistance but welcome anything you wish to provide. I will do my best to answer any questions and keep up with progress reports, but most of what I have seen has been a waiting game without much to say.
Thank you to everyone that has offered support and comfort so far. We're not giving up and we are going to take this on the same as every other hardship life has thrown at us.

Hello, everyone.

Good point, NH...

Except for the abject poverty stricken who have Medicaid. Then the free healthcare isn't really a plus.

Plus the initial cost to move there is outrageous. I looked it up. I even had a conversation with some immigration folks from there a year ago. We're talking five figures lost just to get the right to move to the Netherlands - and that's on the cheaper end, and not counting the physical moving costs. That's just getting a Visa if you don't work in a highly desired field. (New business Visa was what I was looking at.)

It may be nice and break even in the long run, considering local economies probably pay enough to live there (I would hope), and free healthcare and all, but if you're not affluent already, throwing down $10K+ is not something you can do.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

Copying over for those who don't Facebook.

** spoiler omitted **

I don't know if it matters to you, TOZ, but you and (I assume) your wife are in my prayers. I wish I could do more. It's terrible to see someone you love suffering.

I'm glad you're being strong in the face of this. I can tell you this will pass and you'll be better for it later, but when you're going through it's probably not something you want to hear.

Here's to a swift and uncomplicated recovery!

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Copying over for those who don't Facebook.

** spoiler omitted **

Putting it in my calendar to PayPal/gofundme your wife next week when I get paid.

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Good point, NH...

Except for the abject poverty stricken who have Medicaid. Then the free healthcare isn't really a plus.

Plus the initial cost to move there is outrageous. I looked it up. I even had a conversation with some immigration folks from there a year ago. We're talking five figures lost just to get the right to move to the Netherlands - and that's on the cheaper end, and not counting the physical moving costs. That's just getting a Visa if you don't work in a highly desired field. (New business Visa was what I was looking at.)

It may be nice and break even in the long run, considering local economies probably pay enough to live there (I would hope), and free healthcare and all, but if you're not affluent already, throwing down $10K+ is not something you can do.

Oh, I was looking at Woran moving here, not vice versa.

We've looked into moving to Scotland and yep, for a paltry $2 million you can get a VIP visa, no questions asked. Anything less than that and you have to prove you won't be a burden on Scottish society.

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Today, after baston y daga practice and eating my tea, since I now have a univibe, an octave fuzz and a wah, I spent a very enjoyable 45 minutes or so trying to be Pasty Cardboard Jimi Hendrix, like so many Britishers before me. It didn't sound remotely like Hendrix, but I had a good time.

Limeylongears wrote:
Today, after baston y daga practice and eating my tea, since I now have a univibe, an octave fuzz and a wah, I spent a very enjoyable 45 minutes or so trying to be Pasty Cardboard Jimi Hendrix, like so many Britishers before me. It didn't sound remotely like Hendrix, but I had a good time.

It didn't actually sound anything like this song!

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Copying over for those who don't Facebook.

** spoiler omitted **

Holy f*@+ing s+@*, that sucks! I'll be sure to chip in this weekend.

NobodysHome wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Good point, NH...

Except for the abject poverty stricken who have Medicaid. Then the free healthcare isn't really a plus.

Plus the initial cost to move there is outrageous. I looked it up. I even had a conversation with some immigration folks from there a year ago. We're talking five figures lost just to get the right to move to the Netherlands - and that's on the cheaper end, and not counting the physical moving costs. That's just getting a Visa if you don't work in a highly desired field. (New business Visa was what I was looking at.)

It may be nice and break even in the long run, considering local economies probably pay enough to live there (I would hope), and free healthcare and all, but if you're not affluent already, throwing down $10K+ is not something you can do.

Oh, I was looking at Woran moving here, not vice versa.

We've looked into moving to Scotland and yep, for a paltry $2 million you can get a VIP visa, no questions asked. Anything less than that and you have to prove you won't be a burden on Scottish society.

All I know is, Wisconsin is the beezneez and you'd be a fool not to want to move here.

Am I actually guaranteed:

A) Wisdom
B) Constitution
C) Sin?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Copying over for those who don't Facebook.

** spoiler omitted **

Hath senteth thee somme groates.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Copying over for those who don't Facebook.

** spoiler omitted **

Damn. I wish you both a lot of strength.

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We're in the venue and waiting in the merch line!!!!

About to go home. Good night and have a good weekend, everyone.

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It was AMAZING!!!

Glad you had fun cap'n

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It was a great show!

I was a little worried going in that their music wouldn't translate to a great live show but damn, was I wrong! One of the best bands I've seen live.

And they played 2 sets so they were on stage for 2 hours.

Also, I learned that live music is a BIG turn on for the General.

And we made sure to generously tip the merch people, for Freehold.

Plus we had enough time beforehand to shag in the UW woods (a tradition before kids) and then afterwards we walked up to state street and had some pizza at Ian's Pizza and then walked down state street before getting a ride home from one of my brothers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Also, I learned that live music is a BIG turn on for the General.

And we made sure to generously tip the merch people, for Freehold.

Bless you.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Copying over for those who don't Facebook.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm so sorry, TOZ. You're both in my prayers.

Freehold DM wrote:

What kind a witchcraft was used to let it ride without a rider?!

I have never seen bike doing that - it always had its front wheel twist and turn

*listens more*

No bike I ever rode had show that miraculous ability to self-stabilize. It was always effort, sweat, and pain to keep it straight.

Me (giving directions): You can turn here, but you'll run over more pedestrians!

Crookshanks: Are you sure you have that right?

Me: Yes.

Scarab Sages

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I want to say again that book 1 of Threefold Conspiracy is effin amazing.

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Max Miller is starting a new series soon!

It will be a sort of unsuitable for NobodysHome, though: Drinking History With Max Miller. He will be making various drinks and cocktails (though some are supposed to be non-alcoholic) while speaking of related or completely unrelated historical anecdotes.

Grand Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Copying over for those who don't Facebook.

** spoiler omitted **

I don't know if it matters to you, TOZ, but you and (I assume) your wife are in my prayers. I wish I could do more. It's terrible to see someone you love suffering.

I'm glad you're being strong in the face of this. I can tell you this will pass and you'll be better for it later, but when you're going through it's probably not something you want to hear.

Here's to a swift and uncomplicated recovery!

The well wishes from you and everyone else are greatly appreciated. Waiting on transfer orders now and hoping the road home is shorter than estimated.

Date night tonight, which involved going to the pub outside Cineworld in West Didsbury, Mancs., then going home and watching the Olympics on teevee while eating potato croquettes.

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Another job application away. Trying to cast a wider net.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Another job application away. Trying to cast a wider net.

Wisconsin beckons you...

Scarab Sages

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Looks like captain yesterday has send the truck of to repairs in russia

Woran wrote:
Looks like captain yesterday has send the truck of to repairs in russia

O_O JFC. Calm it down cap'n.

You know I'm sure the Cap'n would find more bear shaving jobs in Russia

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Woran wrote:
Looks like captain yesterday has send the truck of to repairs in russia

O_O JFC. Calm it down cap'n.

You know I'm sure the Cap'n would find more bear shaving jobs in Russia

I don't know. Russians might prefer their bears unshaven.

Woran wrote:
Looks like captain yesterday has send the truck of to repairs in russia

I...I must have one...

I just realized how near I was to breaking my word . . . . But I stopped myself in time. Lucky us!!

My frustration with PF2 grows.

But that may be heavily related to how stinkin' tired I am all the time. The money may be crazy-good with this new position, but I'm still workin' my @$$ off every shift, and sleeping the whole day once I get home. I can barely stay conscious for a 6-hr game session anymore! On my days off!!!

*shakes fist, seethes*

I would imagine that the tires, mudflaps, and quarter panels have been modified so one may scrape the barbecued zombie parts onto a plate once the road trip is through . . . . .

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Looks like captain yesterday has send the truck of to repairs in russia

Excellent, this will give our mechanic a starting point, I've been asking for a flame thrower on the truck since I started.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Woran wrote:
Looks like captain yesterday has send the truck of to repairs in russia

O_O JFC. Calm it down cap'n.

You know I'm sure the Cap'n would find more bear shaving jobs in Russia

Have you seen the driving in Russia (Idiots in Cars on YouTube if you haven't).

Angry bears is the least of their roadway problems.

Also, I can barely keep it together during Wisconsin winters I can't imagine how much worse winter is in Russia.

So, yup, never going to Russia.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Ohhh, I just read a great joke about Apple, Windows, and Linux.

Apple, Windows, and Linux change a lightbulb:
Apple, Windows, and Linux each went to change a light bulb.

After five minutes Apple and Windows meet again.

Windows: Have you changed the lightbulb?
Apple: No, it can't be done, I need to buy a new house. Have you?
Windows: Yes, but now the flush doesn't work. Where is Linux, though?

They go to Linux and see them sitting on the floor surrounded by loose parts.

Both: What are you doing?

Linux: The lightbulb won't build itself, you know?

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Another 2 off. Starting to get the hang of this.

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