
The Shadow's page

121 posts. Alias of Dragonborn3.

Full Name

Jackson Edwards, M.D.

About Jackson Edwards

Jackson is a new graduate from medical school who wants to experience a bit of adventure before starting his surgical residency. Growing up a North Dakota ranch, Jackson is almost as comfortable with a rifle as a scalpel.

Str - 50/25/10
Dex - 60/30/12
Con - 50/25/10
Int - 70/35/14
Edu - 83/42/16
Pow - 60/30/12
App - 40/20/8
Size - 50/25/10

Age 27
Education check - 1d100 ⇒ 97 Passed
Additional education - 1d10 ⇒ 3
New Edu score 83

Damage Bonus - Str+size = 100 No bonus
Hit Points - (Cons+Size)/10 = 10
Luck 3d6 x 5 ⇒ (1, 5, 1) x 5 = 35

Occupation - Physician
Occupation Skills
Credit Rating 40/20/8
First Aid 60/30/12
Medicine 70/35/14
Other Language (Latin) 40/20/8
Psychology 50/25/10
Science (biology) 60/30/12
Science (pharmacy) 50/25/10
Psychoanalysis 50/25/10
Persuade 40/20/8

Other skills
Climb 40/20/8
Firearms (rifle) 45/23/9
Library Use 40/20/8
Throw 40/20/8