Jackson Edwards's page
14 posts. Alias of Aubster.
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A messenger had delivered to you a sealed envelope with your name inscribed as the addressee. Opening the envelope, you find a letter written on the very finest vellum in high quality ink. The scribe for the letter was excellent as you see not a single smudge.
The text of the letter reads:
You are requested to appear at the palace of Her Serene Highness, the Countess Emmanuelle, at the noon bell, on the 10th day of Sommerzeit of the 2505 year since blessed Sigmar founded the Empire.
Yours in faith,
Hieronymous Ostwald, Secretary to Her Serene Highness
You know that is exactly seven days from today. No matter how far away you are from Nuln you do not turn down an invitation from the Countess.
Please give some background about your character such as: Where are you when you receive this? What do you think about being summoned so peremptorily? Have you been to Nuln before?
I'll post some common knowledge under the discussion tab
Opening up the discussion tab :)
I found this quote that summarizes nicely what's happening:
‘I never seen nothin’. There were no ratmen, you hear? Just bad luck. Wilbur slipped and fell, that’s all. He got careless, fell down a ladder onto his own knife. Ten times. Just bad luck.’
– Kristiana Fellger, retired Sewer Jack
Please note that this is a private recruitment.
Sewer Jacks in Nuln are disappearing. Representatives of Emmanuelle von Liebwitz, (Grand Countess of Wissenland, Countess of Nuln, and Duchess of Meissen) have sent the word out for experienced adventurers to explore the Undercity of Nuln and find out what happened to the Sewer Jacks. Rewards are promised.

The striking fortress-town of Ubersreik is situated between the gloomy Grey Mountains and the depths of the Reikwald Forest. The town guards the Grey Lady Pass through to Bretonnia, and is one of the busiest trading centres of the Empire. A mighty, Dwarf-built bridge that spans the red waters of the River Teufel stands at its centre. This impressive crossing connects important trade roads from across the Empire and beyond.
However, for all its importance, Ubersreik is in turmoil. Sigismund von Jungfreud, its former duke, was recently stripped of his title by the Emperor for uncertain reasons. Those perceived as too loyal to the old duke were removed from office, leaving a power vacuum that’s yet to be filled. Soldiers from the distant
capital of Altdorf now patrol the town and the surrounding province. This stirs deep resentment from suspicious locals. Nevertheless, life continues unabated, and you find yourselves in Ubersreik’s bustling Market Square on a glorious spring morning, searching for a decent breakfast. Unless there’s something else you would rather buy?
See the discussion thread for notes about shopping

Some info for those without access to the rules.
Your Career is your job when not off adventuring (or having adventures done to you, as may often be the case). It describes your training, social class, and your future prospects. WFRP groups similar Careers into Classes. Careers determine what skills and talents your character has. Let me know if you want info on a specific career.
Classes and Careers
Academics: Learned people who use their education to make a living. Often, Academics are the only characters who can read and write. They start with low Status but can secure important positions if they advance through the ranks. Career options: Apothecary, Engineer, Lawyer, Nun, Physician, Priest, Scholar,Wizard.
Burghers: Generally law-abiding townsfolk who live and work in the many towns and cities of the Empire. Many Burghers are middle class and earn a decent living. Career options: Agitator, Artisan, Beggar, Investigator, Merchant, Rat Catcher, Townsman, Watchman.
Courtiers: Those who rule or who provide specialist services to those who rule. Even lowly born Courtiers have higher Status than most, and all have an opportunity to secure positions of significant influence. Career options: Advisor, Artist, Duellist, Envoy, Noble, Servant, Spy, Warden.
Peasants: People who live and work in the farms, villages, and countryside. Peasants are all lower class, though it’s possible to secure significant influence locally. Career options: Bailiff, Hedge Witch, Herbalist, Hunter, Miner, Mystic, Scout, Villager.
Rangers: Roving folk who make a living on the open roads, travelling far beyond their home towns and villages. Most Rangers are lower class, but some can secure positions of high Status if they persevere. Career options: Bounty Hunter, Coachman, Entertainer, Flagellant, Messenger, Pedlar, Road Warden, Witch Hunter.
Riverfolk: People who live and work on the rivers and waterways that wind through the Reikland and beyond. Riverfolk all begin with low Status, but some have opportunities that can lead to a very comfortable life. Career options: Boatman, Huffer, Riverwarden, Riverwoman, Seaman, Smuggler, Stevedore, Wrecker.
Rogues: Mostly town and city folk, these people make a living by acts considered illegal, or at least unsavoury, by most law-abidin citizens. Rogues are usually lower class, but some can make a lot of money, though they may not secure a high Status when doing so. Career options: Bawd, Charlatan, Fence, Grave Robber, Outlaw, Thief, Racketeer, Witch.
Warriors: Relying on their physical prowess, these people are all trained fighters, although they are not necessarily from the military. Warriors come from many backgrounds, both high and low Status, and all can carve out a position of influence if they live long enough. Career options: Cavalryman, Guard, Knight, Pit Fighter, Protagonist, Soldier, Troll Slayer, Warrior Priest.
Hi Everyone,
I’m a huge Warhammer Fantasy fan (the original, not the Age of Sigmar) and have gotten my hands on the new 4e rulebook as well as the Starter Set and want to run the first adventure...Making the Rounds which is set in the great fortress city of Ubersreik. I’m looking for 3 to 6 players to step into the grim fantasy world of Warhammer which is definitely not the happiest place on earth.
I’ll post some background material on the campaign info page shortly but for right now, please just let me know if you’re interested.

Can you save the world? Can you stay alive? Can you keep your sanity???
I'm running the wonderful, classic CoC campaign 'Masks of Nyarlathotep.' I'm looking for a couple of foolish...I mean brave, investigators to explore the awful truths that lie beneath the surface of their pitiful existence.
The time - Roaring 20's...jazz, flappers, Gatsby, speak-easys and horror.
The place - Your adventure will start in New York City but you'll have a chance to see the world (before it is destroyed). The Investigators are now in London, having just finished New York.
The goal - Fun
The rules - Savage Worlds + Realms of Cthulhu Setting
The requirements - You never need to have played Savage Worlds before (we can work through that as it is not a complicated system). You don't need to be familiar with the Lovecraft Mythos (but it doesn't hurt). You do though need to agree to post regularly (once a day would be great but a few times a week works). You need to be ready to say goodbye to you beloved investigator as mortality will be high (we'll work on how to have backups ready to go).
What to do...if you're interested just say so and come up with a character archetype and a reason why you're in London....archetypes can be almost anything from entertainer to athlete to detective to criminal to professor to hobo, etc., etc...if you have a reason to be that in London that's good enough...
Post away!
A couple of reminders...gameplay thread is for in-character posting only. Other posts should be in the discussion thread.
That being said, go ahead and work out what binds the investigators together in this thread. Once that's worked out we can start the action.

Discussion thread open...
Some new hinderances to consider.
dark seCret (major)
The hero harbors a dark family secret that could endanger his very life and how he is perceived if it comes to light. The investigator receives a –4 Cha- risma reaction from anyone aware of his secret. If it becomes public knowledge in the course of play, the hero loses this Hindrance, replacing it with Wanted (Major) as well as the –4 Charisma modifier.
glass jaw (mInor)
Your hero doesn’t handle physical pain and injury well. He suffers a –2 penalty on all soak rolls.
low Class (mInor)
While others may be born of low society, it is obvious that this investigator is not far removed from their bad upbringing. The investigator receives a –2 modifier to Charisma except among others of similar stature. The investigator may reduce or eliminate this status over the course of game play by expending a leveling opportunity to eliminate this Hindrance at Seasoned or any time thereafter.
This hero may not take the Noble Edge.
mIlquetoast (major)
This investigator believes firmly in the sanctity of their mind and body and recovers slowly from shock and trauma. They suffer a –2 penalty to Spirit rolls to recover from being Shaken. The investiga- tor may use a level up once he reaches Seasoned or any time thereafter to eliminate this Hindrance.
oblIgatIons (mInor or major)
The investigator is connected to someone or something that demands a portion of his time. These obligations can include nearly anything, such as a tenured professor giving lectures and teaching classes or an athlete checking in on a sick relative from time to time. Failure to fulfill such obligations will eventually have serious repercussions.
A hero with Obligations and Connections to the same individual or organization has a special rela- tionship with the person or group in question, and gains a +2 or +4 bonus to Persuasion rolls (depend- ing upon whether their Obligations are minor or major) when dealing with them. In essence, the Connection has a vested interest in the investigator, and is more likely to want to see them succeed.
unusual lIneage/looks (mInor)
The investigator’s appearance looks a bit off. Whether it’s their eyes being set too close together, the slight webbing between their fingers, or a sallow appearance, people are uncomfortable around them. The investigator suffers a –2 Charisma modi- fier except with others sharing their lineage.

Can you save the world? Can you stay alive? Can you keep your sanity???
I'm interested in running the wonderful, classic CoC campaign 'Masks of Nyarlathotep.' I'm looking for 4 to 6 foolish...I mean brave, investigators to explore the awful truths that lie beneath the surface of their pitiful existence.
The time - Roaring 20's...jazz, flappers, Gatsby, speak-easys and horror.
The place - Your adventure will start in New York City but you'll have a chance to see the world (before it is destroyed).
The goal - Fun
The rules - Savage Worlds + Realms of Cthulhu Setting
The requirements - You never need to have played Savage Worlds before (we can work through that as it is not a complicated system). You don't need to be familiar with the Lovecraft Mythos (but it doesn't hurt). You do though need to agree to post regularly (once a day would be great but a few times a week works). You need to be ready to say goodbye to you beloved investigator as mortality will be high (we'll work on how to have backups ready to go).
What to do...if you're interested just say so and come up with a character archetype and a reason why you're in New York...archetypes can be almost anything from entertainer to athlete to detective to criminal to professor to hobo, etc., etc...if you have a reason to be that in New York that's good enough...

Nikolai, will work you in shortly with the rest of our fearless investigators.
The four of you that work in Section D are called to a meeting in Major Grand's office located deep in the bowels of the Metropole. The bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling, the dank walls and the smells of damp earth and mold contrast strongly with the opulence of the above ground floors of the Metropole.
Major Grand's office is scarcely furnished with just a wooden desk, a couple of chairs and a table. There are large maps of Europe, Africa and the Far East hanging on the walls. Besides the head of Section D, the only people present in the room are his orderly, Staff Sargeant Nelson and a man who don't know dressed in civilian clothing. The major is sitting behind his desk with Nelson standing in the far corner. The stranger sits in one of the chairs talking to the Major. He falls silent as you enter the room.
"Gentlemen stand at ease," says the Major as you report. "Allow me to introduce, Frantisek Moravec. You may know that he was the head of Czech Intelligence before the Nazi's invaded. Moravec secretly flew out of Prague’s Ruzyne Airport in a chartered KLM Douglas DC-3 with ten of his fellow intelligence officers. Tipped off by agents operating in Nazi Germany, they had received information that the German invasion and subsequent occupation of Czechoslovakia was to take place the following day. Stopping briefly at Rotterdam, their final destination was London Croydon Airport; in their possession their most valuable files and archives, handed over to the British Secret Intelligence Service to be used against the Third Reich."
Moravec rises during the introduction and when completed shakes hands with each of you.
"Pay close attention gentlemen, Mr. Moravec has important information for you," continues the Major once the hand shakes are complete. "Frantisek can you brief the boys?"
Moravec proceeds to provide the following information: Czechoslovakia has been invaded by the Third Reich, and the country dismembered. In its place, the Nazis have declared a “Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia”, centred on the former capital of Prague. And yet, amidst the restive populace in the surrounding countryside, resistance is growing—led by a triumvirate of patriots known only as the “Three Kings”. A Czech priest working for the resistance in the vicinity of Prague has information about atrocities committed by the Third Reich—information which will provide priceless propaganda if war does break out. The priest—codename ANGEL—is hiding Czechoslovakian children and preventing them from being transported to Castle Karlstein, some 25 miles (approx. 40 kilometres) southwest of Prague, reportedly where the atrocities have been committed.
Once Moravec finishes, the Major rises and looks each of you in the eye, "Your mission is to parachute into occupied Czechoslovakia to contact the Czech resistance. The operations group is undercover, not in military uniform, and you will likely be shot as spies if captured by the Nazis. You each will be given poison capsules to take in the event of capture. Frantisek will provide you with a handwritten letter of introduction by him (with no reference to the British government). You are to establish communications with the resistance on the ground (including, if possible, contacting a group of resistance leaders known as the “Three Kings”), contact Codename ANGEL, find out just what the Nazi atrocities at Castle Karlstein are, and return with the information. You should also take any measures to prevent these atrocities from continuing."
Major Grand pauses and then adds, "this is a volunteer only mission boys so it is up to you to decide if you will take the job."

Some specific rule changes from standard Savage Worlds
Any time a player rolls snake eyes, they may spend no further bennies on the roll in question. This rule reflects the fact that the cosmos does not always favor the fortune of the investigator. We’re certain Lovecraft would approve.
disallowed edges
Players are free to choose most Edges from the Savage Worlds core rules. Some, however, are not appropriate for this particular setting. The following Edges are not available to inves- tigators in Realms of Cthulhu: Arcane Backgrounds, Power Edges, Champion, Gadgeteer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, Mentalist, Mr. Fix It, Wizard, Weird Edges, and Power Surge.
the delicate psyche
You may have noticed the introduction of one new derived attribute for your investigator, Sanity. You should think of Sanity as your investigator’s mental toughness, their ability to stave off severe mental shocks, such as when encountering a Mythos creature or some horrible event that your Keeper throws at you. When this breaking point is surpassed, you are either Shaken or gain madness depending upon the degree of the terror to which you succumb.

Achtung! Cthulhu is a setting for Lovecraftian roleplaying in World War Two, allowing you to play investigators uncovering the terrible secrets of the Lovecraftian Mythos which threaten the world when humankind is already poised to tear itself apart.
Players should be familiar with Savage World rules system. I would like to suggest using per-generated characters from Achtung! Cthulhu so no one would have to purchase Realms of Cthulhu but if you want to come up with your own character using the Realms of Cthulhu feel free to do so.
I would be looking for 4 players that can post at least once a day. I'm a pretty active GM so if you post more than once a day that works too.
If you're interested in playing and want to use a pre-generated character just say so and pick one of the 4 choices: a local resistance specialist, two military specialists, and one secondment from the US War Department’s Military Intelligence Division, better known as G-2, who at this point is the only character who is looking for something more than currently meets the eye.
The future of the campaign is going to get very grisly very quickly, and by the end of it no investigator will be a stranger to the abysmal evils being perpetrated across the war-torn world.

You all have gathered at one of the Mouth Cairns tucked in the shadow of a hulking metallic structure along the Wander. These shallow, circular hollows— each marked by a short, round wall built from the jaws of dead Peregrines—are considered among the few safe places along this stretch of the route. Those who enter a bone circle must give some promise of their good intent to the slain lest the dead mouths awake and cast their retribution. Even those who don’t believe in the so-called Slaytongue may find themselves at the end of a weapon if they try to break the peace here.
Still, you have likely heard the rumor that something’s attacking even those sequestered in the cairns. Travel through the area is more dangerous than usual. Others camping in and around the Mouth Cairns have heard similar stories.
Role-playing time...please post as your character. Use this time to explain your connection to any of the other characters. This could be an internal dialogue or external dialogue. Also please be comfortable posting your own theory of what may be happening to make travel more dangerous (the more outlandish the better). Once 'official' introductions are made, explained, etc., I will introduce the first element of the adventure.
Discussion thread is now open. Please post rules questions here. You can also introduce your character to the other characters and explain what your character is doing on the Fifth Stretch of the Wandering Walk

I'm thinking of trying to DM a campaign using the new Monte Cook role-playing game called Numenera (Numenera Website).
From the website..."Numenera is a science fantasy roleplaying game set in the far distant future. Humanity lives amid the remnants of eight great civilizations that have risen and fallen on Earth. These are the people of the Ninth World. This new world is filled with remnants of all the former worlds: bits of nanotechnology, the dataweb threaded among still-orbiting satellites, bio-engineered creatures, and myriad strange and wondrous devices. These remnants have become known as the numenera.
Player characters explore this world of mystery and danger to find these leftover artifacts of the past, not to dwell upon the old ways, but to help forge their new destinies, utilizing the so-called “magic” of the past to create a promising future."
If I can get 3 or more people that want to play, I will start a campaign. I would be looking for folks wanting to post once a day or more and are interested in a role-playing focused experience. The only thing that would be required for the players is the players guide which is available for $7.99 from DriveThruRPG.