Male human on stilts

The Peddler's page

14 posts. Alias of Lord Manticore.


Ruul Spiritskin wrote:
"That's unfortunate. Please return if you find something else we might find useful."

The peddler gives you an appraising look, one that you can almost feel in your bones. "I think, horned juggernaut, that I shall." You can hear the smile in his voice as he begins to push his cart down the road towards the camp's square. He disappears just before he reaches the hanging post.

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:


"What else do you have in there that might interest us?" the bull rumbles.

"Well, let me take a look..." The peddler rummages through his cart, throwing out old things, landing on the ground around him. After a few minutes, he replies in the negative.

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:


Still unsure of the whole exchange, but trusting Macavity's interest, Ruul produced the mentioned coins.

The peddler procures the coins into his one hand and extends the fish out with the other. As soon as you take posession of the fish something changes, you can feel it. The peddler's eyes glow dimly, and he suddenly stands to his full height of almost 6 feet.

"Not only old dead guard Black Gates, but something greater as well. From blackest pits of bile and pitch a new guardian arose, both foul and vile. Beware the stentch of his clinging breath, but be wary of the guardian's overconfidence."

Just as suddenly, the glow disappears and he returns to his normal stoop. As if coming out of a daze, he briefly shakes his head and says, "I hope that you enjoy that, it is large enough to hang on a wall, as some are vain in that regard." With that, he makes as if preparing to move along.

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:

Scratching his head in confusion, Ruul approaches and studies the fish as the peddler rotates it in hand.


"So what's so special about this fish that we'd give you 50 gold for it and why do you want gold in the camp? It's almost useless."

There is nothing special about the fish itself. You do, however, get the notion that buying the fish is more symbolic than anything else. He might simply be trying to pass along information.

"Ah, I see that you have gotten used to using the iron bit that is minted here. Gold is used across the world and even other places, horned juggernaut. As to your other question, as I explained to the young shadow, I do not know how it works, it just does. I wish I knew more."

The merchant gives you a slightly perplexed look, as if no one had ever asked him that.

"I will hold the fish in my hands and you may flip it over. I ask that you not remove the fish from my hands, however." His logic is that, you can flip the fish over, but as long it is at least touching his hands in some fashion, then all will be fine.

Why did he bring a fish up here? Eww...

Ruul, Int:
Why did he bring a fish all the way up here? It's at least two days on a horse to Gundrun, and he's walking.

Ruul, Perception:
He appears humanoid, although almost certainly not human. It is hard to tell how tall he is, as he is bent nearly double. You don't get a sense of malevolence out of him, but there is something...something you can't quite place about him.

"Ah, it is good to see the group, although it appears that several of you are missing. Have some of your party already left for the Desolation? No matter, as I mentioned to young shadow, I have this fish that can impart knowledge. It can be yours for fifty gold pieces."

You walk outside and see a humanoid creature, his face mostly covered by his tattered hooded cloak. He holds a fish in his hand, as if just caught.

Other than Mac, make an Intelligence check before I move on...

"I'll wait."

"I have no name, shadow. As to the fish, well, I don't know how to describe it, really. I've never made sense of it myself, it just does. It's like asking how the ball in the sky makes light, how clouds make water. 50 gold pieces, and you can find out for yourself."'s a fish. Not much more I can say about it on a 5...

"I understand your suspicion, young shadow, but it really is just a fish...of knowledge."

Bear in mind that, other than pulling the fish out of his cart, he has done nothing to suggest a violent outcome.

Macavity the black wrote:
Unmoved from his suspicion, Macavity replies to peddler, "Macavity, my name is Macavity. What is your name? And what mission would you be speaking of?"

"Why, your mission, of course. You do plan to go into Tsar, right?" The peddler is saying this as he rummages through his cart. Then he pulls out something. "Ah, here it is." He holds before you a fish.

Make an Intelligence check...

Macavity the black wrote:

What time of night is it?

"While I appreciate the invitation, I'm not the shopper of my company. They would be inside the inn. What did you say your name was again?" Macavity politely replies.

"I am just a peddler, young shadow. Since you are here, I don't need to disturb your fellows right now. Come, I have something that will be of use on your mission."

Sorry, I thought I posted that. It's a little after midnight.

Macavity the black wrote:

What time of night is it?

Macavity is a bit surprised about being spotted; however, he shouldn't be. There is a powerful lich and hag inhabiting the Camp. Ehh. He approaches and says, "Well met, night traveler. You are brave to enter the Camp at night, there is a hungry undead stalking anyone not indoors. Who are you?" He stops about 20-feet away from the peddler on his way toward the inn's front door.

"That hangin' man is afraid of me. He won't bother us while I am here." You do notice that the hanging man is nowhere around. This 'merchant'(?) Then motions you to follow him back to his cart. "Come, I have just the thing for you."

Do you follow him?

Macavity the black wrote:

Wow, he has good eyes. Macavity has Fast Stealth and taking 10 on Stealth produces a DC 27 for a Perception check. While I didn't specify that Macavity is stealthing this time, it is kind of his 'thing.' Cheers!

Macavity would return the wave and warily heads toward the pushcart.

Yes, I figured you were doing the stealth thing. However, you'll find this to be a rather 'interesting' creature...

You see the creature start to head to the door of the inn, then stops. Thinking better of it, he starts to approach you, slowly, with his arms up to show that he is unarmed.

"Come, come," the creature says, in a gravelly baritone voice, "I have things to sell you, young shadow." The creature is slightly shorter than you, although the effect could come from his nearly bent in half stooping. He is humanoid, but obviously not human. Most of his face is covered by the tattered hooded cloak that he wears. Your immediate impression is not one of violence or harmful intent.