The Man at the Back's page

22 posts. Alias of Kajehase.


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Everyone attack!

Stupid catchphrase.

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Justin Franklin wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
That's my line!
Haven't we all stolen each others lines by now? :)

Everyone attack!

Phew! Operations should be able to continue seamlessly - the scapegoat works.

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Everyone aaaaattaaack!

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Quite so.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Now, everyone attack!

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Besides, he only does Ballroom Blitzes.

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Patrick Curtin wrote:
The man in the back said everyone roll D20 ..

That guy says the damndest things.

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Everyone attack!

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If I say, "everyone attack," what are the chances of it turning into a ballroom blitz?

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
FHDM is no longer alone in his Facebook avoidance, I've never had one either and Scint just deleted hers =P
Whats up with this facebook anyway? My friends bother me from time to time ..

I enjoy Facebook, mainly because I have a wide-distribution of friends. I don't like calling people on the phone, I am not a good email/snail mail writer, and I enjoy keeping up with my friends and their lives. I have reconnected with several high school/college friends, Army buddies, and the various virtual folks I know from various places/games.

Plus, I don't feel it's all that intrusive. I like targeted media ads, they often show me things I want to buy (a heck of a lot better than the TV IMO). It's free, and my life is boring enough I doubt anyone/any govt agency is looking my info up.

That's good to hear. Carry on citizen.

lynora wrote:
Yes, exactly. I see you in there behind the sports equipment my little video gamer never uses. :/

Me too?

Everyone attack!

Everyone attack!

Treppa wrote:

GAH! Bloody thieves! Sorry to hear it, Lindisty. There's nothing lower than a damned thief (unless they are in Les Mis territory).

EDIT: Hey, who stole my clothes?!

*looks innocent*

Celestial Healer wrote:
aeglos wrote:
damn, i had forgotten how awful the Bones dubbing is :-(

It's not that good in English either.

*prepares to be attacked*

Everyone attack!

Everyone attack!

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Everyone attack!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
And it was pure-pot single malt!
Two liters of a single malt? And you are not being treated for alcohol poisioning? You, sir, deserve an honored place among the Bulmahnauts. And a place in a good research laboratory.

He could also be full of it.

Everyone attack!


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