
TheLastBaron's page

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There's something I'd like to see for Pathfinder, and that's some really good mass combat rules. The rules that are already available are alright, but I'd like to see something more detailed. There's already Cry Havoc and Heroes of Battle for 3.5 as well as Warpath for Pathfinder, but I'd like to see something made by Paizo. The other books don't live up to their full potential in my opinion. But they give a good picture of the level of detail I'm looking for. I basically want a wargame you can play in conjunction with Pathfinder; Warhammer without the miniatures. I'd like to see things like terrain, maneuver, supply, morale, all that stuff covered. As well, there should be rules for the effects of the individual PCs' actions on the battle. Something similar to what was done in Heroes of Battle. We could even have some Base Classes or Prestige Classes with a war theme.

There's a lot more that can be done with this. Include rules and advice for gaming out things like sieges, marches and the like. There could also be some rules and advice for handling politics and diplomacy. There's a lot that can be done with this idea. It can be called something like Ultimate Battles or Advanced Battles Guide or something like that. Paizo could even produce products to be used in conjunction with the book. Perhaps a Flip-Mat with a hex grid on it to play out your battles. Ideally you could buy several of them and put them together for a really big battlefield. Or put out some Campaign Setting releases about running wars in Golarion. Include stats for the armies of the various nations, and things like that.

Does anybody else think this is a good idea?