
The Ki Master's page

8 posts. Alias of The Fox.


Sczarni 3/5

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Hey, I heard someone might be looking for me. But I think I'm in the wrong thread.

Sczarni 3/5

Yes. I mean...No.


Please take this to one of the off-topic forums.

Sczarni 3/5

I am also changing my response. Good insight, Dragnmoon! Move the GM credit to another character, tack on the forgotten chronicle on the end with an explanatory note. Easy peasy.

Sczarni 3/5

I am happy to see the consensus is to not punish the OP for this oversight. Whatever action is taken should accomplish the following:
1. Apply the chronicle to some character. The OP has played this scenario, and the chronicles should reflect that.
2. Not advance his 12th-level wizard. This was an honest mistake and the OP was forthright in bringing it up. He should not be prevented from playing Eyes of the Ten because of it.
3. Not provide a benefit to the OP. While this was a mistake which does not warrant punishment, it likewise does not warrant reward. A player should not benefit from such a mistake; it sets a bad precedent.
4. Minimize the amount of bookkeeping work for VOs and coordinators.

I feel that one fair solution is to retroactively apply this chronicle to a new 1st-level character and report the character as dead.

Edit to add #4

Sczarni 3/5

kinevon wrote:
Nicholas Milasich wrote:
Well, I've killed several of my wife's characters as DM. Just on Valentines day, at a con in southern california, I offed her elf druid with a brutal ju-ju zombie in PFS. She was mad, but I immediately gave her her Valentine's day card, which kept her from killing me until another player had her character reincarnated as a half-orc. Yeah, I get in trouble DMing. . .
Ummm. Isn't Reincarnate one of the spells that isn't legal for PFS?

Are you TRYING to get the guy in trouble with his wife again?

Sczarni 3/5

The Priest wrote:

The hooded guy wrote:

I like the "Good Lich" any spell caster at level 11 or 12. Wizard/Cleric/Sorcerer would be standard, but Druid? Neutral Lich? or Bard maybe?

I agree that we should be creative, but remember in the movie Ammagedon when Ben afleck was telling Liv Tyler about the traits of the animal cracker being more qualifying as a "cookie" than a "cracker"... Liches to me will always be evil...

The bard's phylactery is "hidden behind the pile of bodies" ...of course but yes to the Samurai specifically.

Like in the Tom Cruise movie.."I am Samurai"..."and this is Sparta!"

Sepeku should be "only" the beginning....

"Highlander should be a class-type" Called it "The Pissed" (Survivors????) Whatever...the Native American word for crow...

But then you can do Player versus Player in special edition games for them. At the cost of one level, prerequisite.. you need one level with Craft - Macaroni & Cheese (1 rank at least).

I know it would be hard to change so much already set in stone. This game has an information overload for new players...This weekend Shark-Nado and the barbarian girlscouts with the "THIN mINTZ!!!!" battle cry don't care if their first game they died...having a fun time is the only goal.

It was so cute that one player tried to use diplomacy to take leadership of the party..(AAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!)She just didn't know that it was Shark-bait-Un-nah-nah's prerogative to do as she willed. Ironically there was a "ninja" in that party LOL!.

Yeah. What?

Sczarni 3/5

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My wife just GMed her first ever Pathfinder game, which happened to also be her first time GMing in PFS. Two (of the four) characters died. APL 1.25. The problems started in the first round of one particular combat when our 2nd-level fighter was hit with a critical by someone wielding a scythe! She, of course, did not survive that.

My character survived (as did our wizard), but only through shear luck in a couple of important instances, and only with the help of a wand of cure light wounds and a wand of infernal healing. After the scenario, we added it up: for the whole session, my 1st-level character suffered an aggregate 138 hp of damage!

The last two combats together must have lasted a total of about 50 rounds.

The Season 3 scenario played:
The Goblinblood Dead