The Keeper of Wadjet's page

9 posts. Alias of Sanakht Inaros.


Scarab Sages 2/5

Factions must die.

Scarab Sages

jbadams wrote:
The Keeper of Wadjet wrote:
At best, I've done only 1/2 damage.

Not useful to you personally does not mean not useful at all, and if you're using it on the correct target the spell is far more effective than many level 2 spells; if you're not encountering the type of enemy the spell has full effect against then perhaps it was a poor choice of spell.

I think it would be a better level 3 spell without the second armour-based restriction, but even as written I don't think level 3 is necessarily incorrect.

Sad thing is, I have been using it on creatures that are affected by silver and I've done half damage at best. All the restrictions have made it an all but useless spell. It's WAY too restrictive and very underpowered. I've leveled up and got rid of it.

Scarab Sages

At best, I've done only 1/2 damage.

Scarab Sages

Why is this even a 3rd level spell? It's next to useless.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Thankfully I quit playing PFS. Reading this thread has only reaffirmed my decision. Yes, my bard is a scorpion whip wielding a-hole. Reading what they've changed, he is now essential a back-up cleric.

Scarab Sages 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We have a guy who plays a gnome sorcerer who thinks he's a human barbarian. I was playing my ranger. We were fighting drow. We're going up the trail and on the left hand-side was the drop off. He casts grease, covering the trail. About 3 rounds in, the gnome tries to charge the drow. His charge takes him through the grease. He fails. The drow, OTOH, does not. And proceeds to kick him off the cliff. Someone asked if cast fly. I said "no. Bounce." What was even funnier, is that he actually survived the fall. He managed to stabilize at -10. His Con was 12. A few hits upside his head with a wand of Cure Mod and we're on our way. Two encounters later, he tries the EXACT same thing. And with the same result. I ended up spending money on a leash and collar for the gnome. I trained by animal companion how to walk the gnome. I had to train my animal companion to keep the gnome from running into combat.

Scarab Sages

Wrath is 2.5. Mythic rules are kinda meh.

Mask is a solid 5. Will rebuild my bard to play this. I like it in the same way that I liked Jade Regent.

Iron Gods I need to read more about before I decide.

Scarab Sages

Must spread the word for my mistress!

Scarab Sages 2/5

My lord, Sanakht Inaros, The Constant, True Son of Osirion, High Priest of Wadjet, (and all-around a&&hole), has sent me to chastise you for your careless, haphazard, and worthless list. It is an affront to his--nay! Osirion's--glory. (Because you and I do not have the time nor the "pleasure" of reading through or reciting all thirty six scrolls of chastisement, when we'd much rather be drinking and a-whorin', I'll just say this:) I Chastise YOU! (Bard 8/Fighter 1/Pathfinder 3).

Oh yeah, he says that there's a ranger by the name of Khefru Shesh-Amun you forgot. I have to deliver a 6 scroll rant to the Qadirans about their shoddy record keeping. (Ranger 13)