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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Silver Crusade

Samasboy1 wrote:
Griffins are 8 level equivalent, so you must be 10th level with a Leadership score of at least 12.

I can't wrap my head around that since it's a 5 HD creature, and the normal Leadership feat can grant a PC a cohort with 5 class levels as early as level 7. Is having a griffon that much stronger than having something like a 5th level wizard travelling around with you?

Silver Crusade

So does anyone know what level a character has to be to have a griffon as a monster cohort?

Silver Crusade

So in my quest to build an effective cavalier with a griffon mount, I found the monstrous mount feat. Originally that was going to be my solution to getting a griffon mount and bring this character to life, but that I found out that even with that feat, Griffons get stunted BAB and HD, and I need an extra feat to fly on it, AND its flight speed gets cut in half.

Then I discovered the Monstrous Companion feat, and since my GM actually allows Leadership at the table, I'm weighing it as an option, but it has left me with a few questions.

First, does a flying creature always flay at half speed with a rider, or is that purely a feature of a flying creature gained via the Monstrous Mount feat?

Second, on the Monstrous Companion feat page it states that even at effective druid level of 20, the strongest monster companion you can get is level 12, despite some entries on the list of monster companions having as high of a level as 17 (the same level a cohort can achieve when their leader is max rank). Are the Leadership score modifiers listed on the Leadership feat page supposed to affect your effective druid level despite it not explicitly saying so? That's the only way it would make sense to me.

Finally, what is the earliest I could even get a Griffon companion? On the Leadership page it says a cohort must be no higher than your character level -2. A griffon has a base effective cohort level of 8, despite it only being a CR 4/5 HD creature. Does this mean I would need to be at least level 10 to even have one? That seems......incorrect, considering by level 10 a griffon with base stats could easily be killed in a single round by any CR-appropriate encounter.

Silver Crusade

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
TheFloodedLand wrote:
Thank you for the responses. My GM believes this combination falls into exploitative/munchkin territory and doesn't want to allow it at his table. At the end of the day he gets to make the call, I was just wondering if my argument even held any water.
It does, but while your argumnent may hold a quart of water, your DM's holds a gallon. Assuming that an animal with an Int of 1 or 2 can take leadership feats is dancing on some very thin ice, special class mechanics notwitsthanding.

I'm taking Monsterous Mount for a Griffon, which has a base int of 5, so it can legally take the feat no problem

Silver Crusade

Thank you for the responses. My GM believes this combination falls into exploitative/munchkin territory and doesn't want to allow it at his table. At the end of the day he gets to make the call, I was just wondering if my argument even held any water.

Silver Crusade

Gauss wrote:

Yes, they are in each other's space. They are effectively immune to movement base AoOs. Cheesy, but it's the rules.

P.S. I was unable to find any threads where people stated that the RAW is other than 'yes it works'. There are plenty of people who say it is probably not RAI and is probably a badly worded feat.

Could you link the dissenting threads/posts? nt_have_escape_route_are_you/ -mounted-combat

A few of them in which people are iffy as to whether or not this combo is legal

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I've seen this debated back and forth, so I'm making a thread to see if a general consensus has been reached since those years-old threads have been posted.

Does a rider and mount each possessing the Escape Route feat prevent them from taking movement-based AoO's as long as the rider is on the mount?