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The swashbuckler's precise strike ability mentions: "She can even use this ability with thrown light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, so long as the target is within 30 feet of her."
Do Javelins count as light or one handed melee weapons for the purpose of precise strike? Technically, you can use a javelin as a one handed melee weapon. Speaking of, if you do use a javelin as a melee weapon, will it gain the benefits of Swashbuckler Finesse so you can use dexterity on attack rolls, or would you be forced to use strength?
I'd argue that a swashbuckler using a javelin as a melee weapon would be able to apply Swashbuckler Finesse to attacks with it, therefore they would also be able to apply precise strike when throwing them, but I was wondering if there was an official ruling on the matter.
The alternative would be throwing shortspears.