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The Evil DM's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Thanks for the help!

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

My wanted to create a magical Elysian Bronze composite longbow. would this weapon be legal in PFS?

The Exchange

Amanda Holdridge wrote:
The Evil DM wrote:
I have played in "The Darkest vengeance" as a character, I just ran it as a GM can I still use my GM experience and apply it for leveling up consideration?
Yes. You can get credit for a scenario twice. Once as a player and once as a GM. Each credit has to be applied to a different character of course.

Thank you for the answer!

The Exchange

I have played in "The Darkest vengeance" as a character, I just ran it as a GM can I still use my GM experience and apply it for leveling up consideration?

The Exchange

Great! thank you all for your help.

The Exchange

In society play is there any way to create silver or cold iron bullets for use with a sling?
I have a Bard who uses a sling. I would like to give him some silver and cold iron bullets for use should the situation arise. I dont see them in the rules and I was unable to create my own using Herolab masterwork weapons. is there a provision for silver and cold iron bullets for sling in PFS?

The Exchange

Erik Mona wrote:

I love your blog, btw.

Thanks man.

And thanks for responding on this.

The Exchange

Erik Mona wrote:

Hey, Evil DM, I can understand how what Vic said makes it sound like we don't care about the inconvenience to customers when something like this happens. But I want to stress that that is _absolutely_ not the case, and that we put great value in customer satisfaction.

Erik, You know I've done nothing but champion Planet Stories in the past on this forum, on my own blog, and on other messageboards in the hobby.

But when I saw that particular response It pushed a few buttons. mostly because the last time this happened I ended up paying an overdraft fee (The account I draw from for planet stories is a special one that I use for my own recreational purchases, as such i play it pretty close to the wire and keep the funds limited).

Vics response in my opinion came off as arrogant.
In this economy arrogance wont win a company any fans.
My wife took one look at it and was ready to fire off a much more passionate response than mine.

The Exchange

Vic Wertz wrote:
After all, these delays inconvenience us on a much larger scale than they inconvenience you

wow. I really have to think about a response to that stament that is actually printable.

I thought about it.
Your above response conveys a complete lack of concern for your customers. perhaps they were ill chosen words. but never the less, it appears my being inconvenienced as a customer is farther down your list of worries than it would be at most other companies. you may find that that type of attitude will cost you both goodwill and customers in the long run.

Please cancel my subscription to Planet Stories now.
Jeff Mejia

The Exchange

yoda8myhead wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
(These two are arriving so close together because we changed to a more efficient import agent in between these two books.)
One with Customs Resistance 10, I hope.

OK guys, I hate when you folks do this. i subscribed to one book a month at one set price. now again you guys are doubling up the order. this screws me up. I'm seriously reconsidering my subscription. What is the deal? We had an agreement I pay you once a month for one book a month. why cant you guys seem to hold up your end?

Last time I called in about this i was told it wont happen again.

It's happening again.

I could just as easily buy these at my leisure from Borders and not have to deal with this hassle.

I enjoy Planet stories. I'm trying to support the efforts. but I have bills to pay and funds allocated to them. When you guys screw up like this it screws me up as well. I'm the customer i should not be inconvenienced. the customer may not always be right, but they should not be inconvenienced when they are buying your products. Now I have to switch money around to make sure that my other payment obligations are going to be met, since now I have a double payment to Paizo.
Somebody on your end cant seem to do their job right. Is this my fault?
And yet I'm the one having to switch funds from one account to another to cover a mistake thats not of my doing.
If you cant get your products out on time then maybe you need to look to your internal processes rather than inconvenience your customer base.

Please have a Manager call me with a detailed explanation as to why this is happening. I hope to hear from someone of authority within 24 hours. If not I'll take this to the next level.

Jeff Mejia

The Exchange

I think there was mention on a thread somewhere here of possibly securing the Kane stories?
Has anything come of that? I was just on EBay looking for a copy of Death Angels Shadow and it was going for around $20.00

The Exchange

I would plunk down some dinero for a nice Planet Stories Tee Shirt.

The Exchange

Interesting suggestion. He hits all the notes for inclusion. Not an author I had considered, but the more I think about it the more it fits.

The Exchange

Erik Mona wrote:

I have the original DAW Imaro books, but they're buried pretty deep in the work bookcase, next to stuff like RAUM and ORON. Howard Jones from Black Gate has been prodding me to contact Saunders and pick up the Imaro flag, but I confess I have not yet read the books. They sound great and they're inching their way to the top of the pile, but they're not quite at the top.

Well It's good to hear that the Imaro books are at least on your radar screen. I hope you find them enjoyable.

Howard Jones is good people, I correspond with him from time to time and he just wrote a nice review of one of my game supplements over on the Black Gate website.

The Exchange

I see that Charles Saunders is writing again:

I know Nightshade released his Imaro stories a year or so ago, but I'm not sure the effort was much of a success. You might consider looking into his work. The Imaro stories are powerful and I think would make a great addition to the Planet stories line.

The Exchange

Erik Mona wrote:

This was a very fun interview.

Thanks to everyone at Geekerati! I was really impressed by the caliber of the questions and comments!

I heard it this morning. Very well done. My favorite thing about this whole venture is the passion with which it is being pursued. Erik, when you start talking about Planet Stories the enthusiasm in your voice is infectious. And what do ya know? As I type this my mailroom gal just brought over a package from Paizo! Almuric I presume?

Keep up the great work Erik.

The Exchange

I'm a bit late to this party, but as a Pulp fan I just wanted to say I think what Paizo is doing is great. I subscribed immediately and dedicated todays post (02/07/2008) on my blog to your efforts.

The Lair of the Evil DM

The Exchange

Lilith wrote:

Place your fan requests for Planet Stories here!

for Sword & Sorcery:

Karl Edward Wagner: The Kane stories
Philip Jose Farmer: Hadon of Opar and Flight to Opar
Andrew J. Offut: Demon in the Mirror
Charles Nuetzel: Swordmen of Vistar

for historical Adventure:
Talbot Mundy: Tros of Samothrace, Jim Grimm

Space adventure:
Poul Anderson: The High Crusade, Agent Flandry of Terra

Jungle adventure:
Robert Moore Williams: Jongor series

The Exchange

Erik Mona wrote:

Who's your favorite?

David Gemmel's Character Druss from the book Legend and the Drenai series. For me the Druss tales exemplify heroic fiction.

The Exchange

Acev wrote:

I noticed Planet stories is gonna put out Robert E. Howard’s Almuric. Is their any chance of PS getting the rights to publish his Conan stories?

I have never read them and am unable to find them in bookstores.

You might want to look here:

scroll down to Howard, Robert E.

The Exchange

Vic Wertz wrote:

Note that we're not the publisher here - we can only sell what Wizards gives us to sell. That said, we are asking if we can help bring other old TSR stuff out. (Personally, I suspect that stuff like Marvel Superheroes won't happen because of rights issues.)


I kinda figured that would be the case with the Marvel stuff. but the other lines would definitely see my dollars (I'd love a PDF of the Agent 13 sourcebook for Top Secret/SI).

The Exchange

Are there any plans to add Star Frontiers and Boothill to the list of downloadable PDF's? maybe even (dare I dream)The Marvel Superheroes RPG (not the SAGA one, the REAL one)?

The Exchange

I enjoy the column. I never knew who Wil Wheaton was, but thats probably because i never really watched star trek all that much. but as a longtime gamer and a father of three gamers- in-training, I find his column an amusing end piece for the magazine. much has been said about his writing skills and subject choices. I just wonder is it really that bad if he doesnt write about gaming in every issue? when most magazines give a writer a column they usually give them a bit of leeway in subject matter as long as the writer doesnt stray too far off from the subject matter too often. my thoughts are to give the guy a chance. those who think he should be dumped just because they feel he isnt worthy, seem to just be bitter individuals who dont have a column of their own in a major gaming publication. if you really think he's so bad then put finger to keyboard and start your own article to submit to Dungeon and show them that you can do better.

The Exchange

I really enjoy the new format. I love the additional articles, adding stuff for dungeon masters is something that should have been done a long time ago. i've always enjoyed Dungeon magazine but now it will be more than a magazine with a bunch of mini-adventures,I really want it to become a resource for DM's. and just to let you know, I dont even play 3E, i'm one one of those 2nd edition die-hards, but I appreciate a good adventure and a good article no-matter what rules system is used. I also enjoyed the Wil save column, it was nice and very topical, as I will be starting a new campaign in a matter of weeks, and my son will be playing for the first time as well. so all around high marks! keep up the good work folks.