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The Evil DM's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

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My wanted to create a magical Elysian Bronze composite longbow. would this weapon be legal in PFS?

The Exchange

I have played in "The Darkest vengeance" as a character, I just ran it as a GM can I still use my GM experience and apply it for leveling up consideration?

The Exchange

In society play is there any way to create silver or cold iron bullets for use with a sling?
I have a Bard who uses a sling. I would like to give him some silver and cold iron bullets for use should the situation arise. I dont see them in the rules and I was unable to create my own using Herolab masterwork weapons. is there a provision for silver and cold iron bullets for sling in PFS?

The Exchange

I think there was mention on a thread somewhere here of possibly securing the Kane stories?
Has anything come of that? I was just on EBay looking for a copy of Death Angels Shadow and it was going for around $20.00

The Exchange

I would plunk down some dinero for a nice Planet Stories Tee Shirt.

The Exchange

I'm a bit late to this party, but as a Pulp fan I just wanted to say I think what Paizo is doing is great. I subscribed immediately and dedicated todays post (02/07/2008) on my blog to your efforts.

The Lair of the Evil DM

The Exchange

Are there any plans to add Star Frontiers and Boothill to the list of downloadable PDF's? maybe even (dare I dream)The Marvel Superheroes RPG (not the SAGA one, the REAL one)?