TheDungeonWanderer's page

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Arutema wrote:
Kishmo wrote:
Tempest_Knight wrote:
The only other issue I have seen, and that I personally agree is an issue, is fixed by Ungainly/Heavy weapons having a built-in limit of 1 at a time, that can be baked into the Traits/Rules for such weapons/items...
Agreed. I've been saying it since last October, but shouldn't Flourish / Unwieldy / Whatever Other Space-Trait handle most of the problems, that stem from "what if a Skittermander did it three times?"
This would also be my preferred solution. We already had Unweildy in 1e which limited you to 1 attack per turn with a given weapon, I see no reason not to port it to 2e.

By that logic Guntermench any mechanic that could possibly be made OP by a player should be nerfed into the sun. Theres always gonna be players who go out of their way to break the game. GMs can always turn around and tell a player no, and most players I have played with tend to self police or run things through the GM before they do it. On top of that, anything a player can do can be done by the gm too.

And immediately going to "You people are the reason for this rule" when I have made no mention of what I have done in my games is really reductive. Its not an actual argument.

That Dang Paladin wrote:
ApocalypseJack wrote:

It just makes no sense to me that you would do this, when the action economy already ensures that you're not really able to abuse having multiple arms.

Even if you have four arms... you only have three actions.

So what? What does that hurt? If I had two arms, I could still make three attacks in a round. Is the fear that a player with four arms is going to carry two extra weapons that make them overly specified for the combat? Is the fear they'll wield three and a shield?

Again. So what? That makes it a cool and unique ancestry ability that gives you a very marginal advantage, just like all the other cool and unique ancestry abilities. Hell, wield four shields! Wield three revolvers and use your third to reload! Wield two shields and two spears and become a one-alien turtle formation.

Let. People. Have. Fun.

Or what is even the point?


How often do you think about the roman empire?

Me, shedding a single tear.

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moosher12 wrote:
Finoan wrote:
moosher12 wrote:
So, today is game day and we're winding up for my Kingmaker game, and I just told my Pathfinder 2E players about how the new Multi-Arm rules work, and boy are they rioting.

So have them make accounts and come here and explain their reasoning for their rioting.

Currently in my mind these people are hypothetical, not actually existent. They likely do exist, but I have no evidence of that. And they should be able to speak for themselves.

And if the reasoning is that they want a power bump that they can use in the Kingmaker game by somehow getting multiple arms on their character, then while that is a valid reason to riot that they aren't getting what they want, it isn't a valid reason for the game developers to change the game rules to give them what they want instead of giving me what I want - which is multi-armed characters that don't break the game balance.

My players are coming.

So, I am not an overly experienced pathfinder or starfinder player. I have run a bit of both and played a bit of both. BUT this change in rule feels like it doesnt make sense even in-universe. If a species has multiple limbs, then surely they know how all of those limbs work at once? A spider can use all 8 legs at once, and humans can use arms and legs at the same time, right? A strix can fly and shoot at the same time despite having four upper body limbs. If you have four arms, and have had all four your whole life, then you'd know how they work.

A drawback is fine, but a drawback that makes half their limbs useless doesn't feel fun at all. It would make me reconsider even playing a character with extra limbs in favour of one who doesn't have the gimped feature. I'd instead look at playing a race with a feature that isnt heavily restricted, as I feel like I'd forget that I have the extra arms.

Why not just make it a free action? Or give the limbs a restriction in the exact actions/gear they can use? D&D thri-keen have extra arms, and they have something exactly like this:

"Secondary Arms. You have two slightly smaller secondary arms below your primary pair of arms. The secondary arms can manipulate an object, open or close a door or container, pick up or set down a Tiny object, or wield a weapon that has the light property."

Why not have this as a basis instead of being overly restrictive?