![]() You all scale the broken doors of the east gate. 20' directly in front of you is a pit area, where you see the cremated bodies of goblins. You can't tell exactly but you guess more than 10. The village is eerily quiet and appears to be deserted. There are doors to to buildings to the east and south. ![]()
![]() You continue the conversation as you continue your trek toward the goblin village. About 2 hours later, you reach a filthy village-fort surrounded by a crude wooden palisade. It sits atop a low hummock of solid ground here. A wooden gate in the north wall of the palisade lies in shambles on the ground. Nearby, a large, algae-filled pool on the northeastern side breaks the palisade and allows a clearer view into the village’s interior,
If you're going inside the village, you're going to have to climb over the broken down palisade, which requires a DC 10 Climb check. ![]()
![]() The Sinspawn was confident that its moniker as the Soggy River Monster would supply it with many victims in its lifetime from curious hunters and novice adventurers such as the ones before him....those were the thoughts of the creature before the monk stepped in the cut him literally in two spraying blood and gore all over the place. Thus ended its short-lived legend. Combat is clearly over. ![]()
![]() The party follows the trail pointed out by the halfling, taking advantage of the sunlight still available. After about an hour of traveling, the appearance of carcasses (small gators, humans, etc.) half-buried in the marsh start to become a common occurrence and you feel like you have entered something's hunting grounds. You try to cross through the area quickly, your senses on alert for the slightest danger. However, as you approach the next bridge, a figure raises its head from the marsh in front of you (about 30' away), where it is feeding on a corpse, now aware of your intrusion. It is a hairless humanoid that lurches on back-bent, dog-like legs, its hideous mouth flanked by tiny arms with three-fingered hands, with a ranseur in its grasp! Initiative:
Golgast is up first! ![]()
![]() Walthus smiles through his pain at Alara, "Well, it was a big deal to me. As gratitude, you also stay the night in my home — I’ll even cook you all a decent meal and if you wish, you may use my home as a safe place, sort of base of operation, while you explore the swamp." To Riggs' question, the halfling pauses, "A dream about a cave? Now, why would that be stranger than any of the other things I've seen...Let me think. A cave in the Marsh?? Hmm, the only thing I can think of that may help you is that there are caverns rumored to exist near the goblin village." Walthus sees your surprised looks and continues, "Yes, there's an irritating tribe, the Licktoad goblins they call themselves. I've had some run-ins with them myself. They have been acting a bit braver than normal of late. I don't know what they're up to but I can confirm that the Old Fish Trail will lead you right to their village. Maybe you can find the cave that you dreamt of there." Walthus sees your puzzled looks and walks you outside and shows you the trail. You may rest at his place if you wish or continue traveling. Also, who took the cloak? ![]()
![]() A small halfling tumbles out of a secret passage from behind the bookcase, "Thank the gods!" You can see he looks just like the halfling the other creature was impersonating. The "real" Walthus is wounded as evidenced by the numerous bandages covering his torso and arm and falls to his knees, crying out of relief. After a minute, he composes himself and stands. "I am sorry....I thought I was done for...when that thing there attacked me in my home. Thank you all so much for saving my life. As a small token of my gratitude, I beseech you my magical cloak. It's the least I can do." Cloak of Resistance +1. "Excuse my manners, Walthus Proudstump at your service, local ranger to these parts. Not that I mind, but what you brings you to the marsh?" Walthus asks you to dispose of the corpse on the floor, if you do not mind, and then he sits carefully on a chair without opening his wounds and listens to your story. ![]()
![]() The little halfling smiles, "Thanks for the advice...now for lying to me, you will die!" The party is caught completely unaware as the halfling standing before you disappears and suddenly you now see what you assume is the the creature's true form: a wrinkled, hunch-backed humanoid creature with mottled brown-and-red flesh and a spherical head with no true face—only a crooked slit from which a rasp-like tongue periodically lashes and licks! It tries to punch the warpriest, but it underestimated Riggs' armor and the blow glances off harmlessly. The creature screams in frustration. Slam vs. Riggs FF AC of 18: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 2 = 13...miss! Initiative:
Uh oh...little bastard might not last long. Entire party is up first! I don't think we need a map for this...the creature is small and within 30' of everyone and adjacent to Riggs. ![]()
![]() Riggs can clearly see the fang imprints on the halfling's calf and he surmises the poison is in the halfling's bloodstream and that he is fatigued as a result. The poison is not deadly, it's more of a paralytic. Walthus laughs at Alara's comment, "Yeah, if I'd wanted the company of neighbors, I wouldn't have picked this cabin in this god-forsaken swamp to make my abode, right?" ![]()
![]() The halfling perks up at the prospect of healing. "Really?! Could you? I was in the garden and I was bitten by some snakes so I do not feel too well. Feel so tired. Hope you can help me. Please come in. I am Walthus. Please don't mind the mess, I have not cleaned in awhile." Golgast feels the halfling is being open with the party. ![]()
![]() Sorry for absence...combination of bad internet and site being down. A few seconds after the monk knocks on the door, you hear cursing and footsteps approach the door. The door opens to reveal a 3' brown-haired halfling clearly bothered, who does not look to be in a good mood. "State yer business already...what do you want??" Alara's keen senses reveal that the halfling is a bit ill and perhaps in pain. ![]()
![]() Sorry for delay. Original post was eaten and then found it difficult to log in to the game this week. Alara's nunchaku combined with the damage caused by the monk's blade end the leech's existence. You continue traveling south through the marsh. At times, you get the feeling you are being watched by something outside of Golgast's darkvision range. Your senses are on edge. A muddy trail leads up to a swampy lagoon. The open ocean is visible just beyond these shallow waters, while an old two-story building, its walls soggy with moss and its roof sagging with age, sits on the lagoon’s eastern shore. Care to stop by the shack or continue south? ![]()
![]() As Kamashiro crosses the bridge, a parasite ballooned to monstrous proportions rises from the muck, its circular maw a spiral of teeth! The young monk is in tune with his surroundings and is not surprised. Initiative:
Riggs is up. The leech is 10' away from you so you can move next to Kamashiro on the bridge and strike it. Leech AC is 11. Leech bite attack, if still alive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8...miss.
![]() The trip south to the swamp is uneventful, as you travel south of Sandpoint through the Ashen Moor, which consists mostly of stony ground with poor soil. Luckily for you, you do not encounter any wolves or other dangers on the road. 3rd day of Desnus
Anyone have Survival? If so, you can make a check or take 10. EDIT: Never mind....none of you have it. LOL...this will be interesting. As you start traveling through the swamp, you notice up ahead that there is bridge that has been constructed to cross the river/creek along the various trails, to perhaps, ease travel through the marsh. The bridge is a soggy wooden affair with mossy surface and a few missing planks. Although it looks treacherous, it appears safe to cross. Marching order? ![]()
![]() Master Leng smiles. "I knew you would not let me down. The swamp is about a day and a half journey from here. I do not know much of its topography, but it has dangers I am sure. I have prepared these for you. It is the least an old man like me can do for you." Master Leng reaches into his robes and produces 8 Cure Light Wounds potions and 4 potions of Lesser Restoration and pushes them toward you. He then turns toward Kamashiro, "You may trust these people. They have good hearts. Listen to them, they will not lead you astray. Protect them with the skills and discipline I have taught you. Do me proud and I hope you find what you are looking for." Alara, in her travels, has heard tales of goblins infesting the swamp, as well as a folktale regarding a creature called the Soggy River Monster, who stalks the swamp, looking for victims. ![]()
![]() The inner doors to the chamber open up, as a number of robed monks carrying pitchers of water enter the room and serve the pour the party members drinks. After the monks leave, Master Leng appears followed by a young male human, maybe no older than 18 years of age, with his head held devoutly inclined while he follows his Master. Master Leng smiles as he sees each of you, "Thank you for all heeding my summons. We have much to discuss." He is clad in his traditional red robe and is a man of 75 years of age. Master Leng He reaches his seat and sits down, motioning for the young monk behind him to sit as well next to him. When the young muscular monk reaches the table and looks up, his eyes widen in shock and amazement as he looks on the three adventurers present before sitting down. Master Leng sips from his water, as he speaks in his familiar tone of comfort and wisdom. "Alara, Golgast, Riggs...this is Kamashiro and he is the reason why I summoned you. Go ahead Kamashiro, tell them about your dream." The young monk clears his throat before speaking, "Master Leng, honored guests. A week ago, I dreamed I was in dark foreboding place, a swamp of some kind, not too far from here...I felt drawn to it, like it was something greater than me. The swamp, which was not that large, was filled with danger and after traveling an unknown distance, I found a cave, from which there emanated the smell of death. I knew the answers I sought as to my identity were in that cave. Just as I was about to enter the cave, I woke up. The strangest part of my dream was that I was not alone. I was accompanied by three others: a human warrior with the butterfly-adorned shield, a half-orc fencer, and an elven dagger-wielding lass with green eyes. When I recounted my dream to Master Leng, he smiled and told me the forces of destiny were afoot. I did not understand...until now. You three, whom I have never met before this day, you were all in the dream with me!" The young monk's face is filled with awe as he gazes upon the three of you. Master Leng smiles, "Yes, when Kamashiro described his dream to me, I knew it immediately it was the three of you. It seems the four of you are tied together, perhaps cosmically, for some purposes greater than I can divine. From my research and Kamashiro's description, the swamp he speaks of can only be the Brinestump Marsh south of here. So my friends, I ask for your help. Please accompany Kamashiro to the swamp and help him find this cave. Not only because it appears that all of your destinies appear tied together, but the poor boy knows nothing of the outside world, which can be quite dangerous. Kamashiro has never been outside of these walls since he was handed over to the monastery as a baby, so he needs your help and I ask for it on his behalf." ![]()
![]() Midday, 1st day of Desnus (Sunday) You find yourself seated a circular dining table covered with a lace tablecloth in Durangmai, "The Dragon's Nest" Monastery of Master Leng, located 25 miles east of Sandpoint. You remember receiving the summons from Master Leng requesting your appearance on this day. How could you say no? You owed him so much. You remember arriving, knocking on the stone doors of the monastery and being ushered into this room by robe clad monks, who departed almost as immediately and quietly as they appeared, as you await Master Leng's appearance. There is a smell of incense in the air as the room is lit by many candles, making it uncomfortably warm. The room is perhaps 30' long but very sparse of furnishings and decor, as you would expect in a monastery. You think you heard multiple voices chanting when you arrived so it seems most of the occupants of the monastery are at religious services now. You look across from the table and see two other guests, who seem to be in the same predicament as yourselves. You can interact with the other players as you wish. ![]()
![]() The lone halfling woman approaches Pallius and introduces herself,"I am Fiosa. I can help clean your wounds and apply some salves on it, that should accelerate your healing." She seems shy in front of the burly warrior. In game terms, it will double your natural healing unless you prefer to go with the magical route instead. No special marking on the apprentices' armor, only the fully fledged Hellknight armors are unique. A beautiful woman in her 20s of Tian descent steps to the forefront and speaks, after hearing the party's words, in a melodic voice. "I am Amaya. All of us here have lost loved ones in Westcrown, whether it be to the shadowbeasts in the night or to the Wiscrani and their devils." You hear a chorus of "Aye!" from around the room. Amaya continues, "My older brother Henrie spoke of change and rebellion and he was "disappeared". We can no longer stand for this. I was a simple glassblower before all of this, but I could not sit idly by and wait for change. We cannot continue to live under a grip of repression, afraid to leave our homes at night. If there is anything you all can do, to at least lift the Shadowbeast curse, we would be eternally in your debt." Amaya's words, tone, and voice seem to have inspired the other Children of Westcrown. The muscular Ermolos says, "I was a blacksmith before my uncle fell prey to the claws of the Shadowbeasts." Fiosa speaks, "I've helped as much as I can, smuggling halfling slaves out of the city. Blessed be Sarenrae." A human of Chelish descent with gorgeous amber eyes speaks in a very grave tone, "I am Gorvio, horse trader by profession. My sister was wrongfully charged with consorting with demons and executed." A fit male of Garundi descent speaks, "Name's Larko, dock worker by trade." A thin wiry woman of Chelish descent in her 30s speaks, "Mathalen by name, former porter, but was fired from my job. Looking for my new calling here for my spiritual peace." Another muscular male, this one of Varisian descent, speaks, "Rizzardo here, can't wait to smash some heads. Ain't that right, Ermolos?" A human male of Garundi descent interjects, "Violence without purpose is not fruitful, Rizz. There must be a lofty goal, a principle, to make it worthwhile." Rizz snickers, "Yeah, sure, Sclavo, I guess that's why you were a scribe, always a way with words. How useful have those been lately?" A pretty female interjects, fire in her eyes, "Screw justice and screw violence. Vengeance is what we all want, the way this government just appropriates properties and acts with impunity. The way they took my parents' jewelry store...I am studying magic and they will pay, just you wait and see!" A green-haired man interjects, "Calm yourself, Tarvi. You have neither the skill nor the knowledge necessary to bring any wrath down on the government. We have to trust in these warriors to do right by us. By the way, name's Vitti, woodcarver by profession." He smiles at the party. A female gnome, the last of the Children present speaks, "Guess that leaves me, huh? Yaka, bartender by profession, pleased to meet ya. You know what I say about all this? Screw the gods! Religion and faith have killed more people than any disease or shawdowbeast ever could! You make your own fate and if yous need to take what you want, then yous do it. Am I right?" A small shouting match erupts between Fiosa and Sclavo and Yaka, which eventually ends in a stalemate. You can continue to interact with the NPCs or we can move on to the next day. Let me know when you're ready. ![]()
![]() Zeke looks at the party, "Yes, this is all of us for now. Difficult to find trustworthy souls willing to stand up for their homes and demand change. I hope, with your assistance obviously, that your acts of heroism will inspire more citizens and win back their hearts and souls to our movement. Please make yourselves at home, food and drink will be brought to you. Rest, while I learn what has happened to our leaders." With that, Zeke waves goodbye and heads deeper into the underground compound. The Children all welcome you with open arms and lay their blessings on the party. It becomes quite clear that many of the people gathered have no combat experience whatsoever, except maybe 2-3, but their passion for making things right in Westcrown is endearing. Food and drink is brought for you all, as well as water to wash any dried blood, dirt, or grime. ![]()
![]() Sorry for delay guys; work is unpredictable but still here. Jerod puts his makeshift bandit mask on and the party leaves the unconscious guards behind and follows Zeke through the sewers after Lhuar spots the arrow cleverly disguised in the wall leading to the hideout. Thankfully, you avoid any other dangers, though Zeke warns you that he has heard rumors of giant sized alligators and flesh-eating oozes and even worse things living down here! After 20 more minutes through the labyrinthine maze of sewers, Zeke leads you down an apparently dead-end corridor, where you find a cleverly hidden door in the brick wall. He knocks on it exactly five times followed by three knocks and waits a few seconds, before the door opens
Inside, you find some torches and lanterns light the 30x30' room, as well as a number of cots laid against the wall. Immediately, after your arrival, a group of people (12 in total, male and female, all humans except for one halfling) flow in from the 2 side passageways to the room to the east and west. They all greet Zeke with respect but you can see worried looks on their faces. Zeke turns to the party and says, "Friends, I present to you the Children of Westcrown, like-minded souls like yourselves trying to change our fair city for the better!" The group of 12 nods to you, hesitantly. ![]()
![]() Zeke looks a little uneasy with the party's suggestions. "Uh, we really don't want to spill blood, especially Hellknight wanna be blood. That'll just earn the citizens more repression! That's the last thing the resistance wants. None of you, save for the actor there", pointing to Jerod, "are famous enough to be known by sight by these men. Westctrown does have a population of over 100,000, so the rest of you are safe, even if they have your limited physical descriptions, given the lighting conditions in these sewers. After all, bearded dwarf and gnome don't exactly stand out. As for the actor, I'm sure his family wouldn't sell him out, if the authorities went to question them. Whatever you decide, we need to do it quick. The hideout is not that far from here and we need to find out where they're holding Darius." Tuktuk and Pallius have "friends" (Pallius knows some shady thugs and Tuktuk knows a cleric of Desna who might help, given that their clergy are not afraid of the dottari or the Hellknights) who could perhaps deal with the "problem" on a short-term basis, but that would require contact, payment or favors, notice and days to set up. They're not the sort of people on whose doorstep you show up with unconscious guards. ![]()
![]() Ok, picking up where we left off.. Zeke comes running out of his hiding place and sees the party carrying the unconscious guardsmen. "Uh....where do you think you're going with them? I don't think the resistance will appreciate you bringing soldiers to their hideout, even if they are only rank and file! That'll just bring the massive force of the Citadel upon our heads and we don't want that! Can't you leave them somewhere? I think you've wiped out the goblin tribe, so no worries about them." Zeke waits for your answer. ![]()
![]() The leader of the armored men looks in disgust at Jerod then takes a deep breath and looks straight ahead and yells, "Armand Blackstone, junior armiger of the Order of the Rack; chaos-worshipers, that is all you will get from me!" Unless you interrupt him, he continues to repeat his name and rank. Pallius can knock unconscious the sleeping guards, no need to roll. How about the leader? Knowledge check result: The Order of the Rack is a famous order of Hellknights, principally set in Cheliax, responsible for the suppression of rebellious groups. They seek to avoid change through the elimination of any dissent and the control of information. They have a base of operations set outside Westcrown at a Fortress, called Citadel Rivad. ![]()
![]() Total defense makes more sense, given the fact that you just met most of your companions one day ago and you don't have training together. Loco thrusts his rapier, but the small robed attacker is agile and he misses by a mile. The attacker then dips his blade in a black substance and swings at Loco, but he misses as well. Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 The other robed figure presses his attack against the blind Shel, drawing more blood, while the poison continues to work through her system. He then steps out of the flank.
HP summary:
Shel, Caladius to end Round 1 and then Loco, Callandor, and Tauni in Round 2! Map for Loco and Caladius
![]() Initiative:
Round 1 Order:
Callandor, Shel, and Tauni have the blinded condition. Blinded: The creature cannot see. It takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class, loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), and takes a –4 penalty on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and on opposed Perception skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based on sight) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) against the blinded character. Blind creatures must make a DC 10 Acrobatics skill check to move faster than half speed. Creatures that fail this check fall prone. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them. ![]()
![]() With 2 men down/asleep and big Pallius in his face, the leader of the guards throws down his crossbow in disgust and surrenders, dropping to his knees, hands on the back of his head. "Kill me, if you like, traitors, but know that the Order of Rack will not rest until you are brought to justice for killing one of their armigers, so do your worst!" ![]()
![]() The small (4' tall) and slim humanoids move up, cursing that the dwarf and the tiefling spotted them. The one to the west moves up within range (to E9), easily dodging the dwarf's awkward axe throw and moves to slash at him with his dagger, but the dwarf's reflexes and armor prevent its penetration. Loco does see the tip of the dagger is coated in a dark foul smelling paste..poison! Attack on Loco: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15..miss! The one to the east moves in as well (to E13), using the darkness to conceal his movement from the blind halfling, before jamming the knife in Shel's back! Immediately, Shel feels weaker from the blow, as the poison courses through her bloodstream! Attack on Shel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15..hit!
Caladius is up! ![]()
![]() As Shel gets ready to read the note, suddenly darkness overwhelms the group and extinguishes all lights, including Callandor's magical light! Loco and Caladius are not affected, as they both look down either side of the tunnels and they see small humanoids wrapped in rags stealthily making their way up the tunnel, daggers in their hands! However, with their darkvision, they are not surprised. Initiative:
Surprise Round:
Loco is up in the Surprise Round, standard or move actions only! ![]()