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I am hoping by posting this at Paizo I might get back in touch with the people I started with years ago. In 1980 I had a very good circle of friends in the Marines stationed at Yuma, Arizona. If any of you read these boards and would like to reestablish contact email me at Looking for Mike Corley, Kenneth Andrews, in particular tho anyone who was with C Btry, 2nd LAAM Bn. Yuma,Az and played D&D with Jim Beach back then 1980-1983. I would be happy to hear from any of you.

Page 2 of 1st edition AD&D DMG: "Is Dungeon Mastering an art or a science?" This is a direct quote taken from the foreword to that book written by Mike Carr, TSR Games & Rules Editor, 16 May 1979.
Another quote I am fond of, "This game is unlike chess in that the rules are not cut and dried. In many places they are guidelines and suggested methods only." 1st edition PHB, page 8,paragraph 4, E. Gary Gygax.
Everytime I hear about how the rule book says this or the rule books are restricting my creativity as a DM I point these quotes out. They are guidelines people, not etched in stone. If something doesn't work for you and your players then don't use it! These quotes may not appear in later editions but they still hold true. It is the DM who must decide what he/she wants in their game.That is the absolute beauty of D&D to start with. Every campaign, every game played around the table with the miniatures, maps, pizza and beer, even unto the games played now online, each is as individualistic as the DM running the game. If you want fighters who can cast spells tinker with the rules till you have something thats workable. If you decide there will be no attacks of opportunity in your world then black that section out in the rules books. Whatever you do be consistent and make sure your players know what you are up to. And above all else, have fun. Thats what its all about.

Speaking of young players I suppose its up to us old gamers to bring the new ones in. I know here at home I started playing with my three kids when they were younger. My 18 year old son and 16 year old daughter still play and they have brought in many of their friends from school. When we have a home game I generally have an average of ten teenagers gathered around the table playing D&D and trying to eat me out of house and home. I love it tho.

Aerie, our games are on wedsday nights starting at 7pm cst. We usually run about 4 hours. If this will work without interfering with your schooltime we would love to have you join us. Email and I'll get you aimed in the right direction.

Starting at first level which is where the rest of the group is right now and games usually run 4 hours. If you have IRC join server channel is #ForgottenRealms. We are gaming tonight at 7pm CST (Wedsday)

I can't really comment too much on the 3.5 rules. What I have seen it doesn't appear to be that much of a revision but I could be wrong (Hey! Quit taking pictures!). I started playing while in the Marines 25 years ago and it is my number one hobby and passion (Don't touch that! That's my shrine to Gygax!). Yes I am out on a limb here and its breaking. Currently I am using the 3.0 rules and I will likely stick with them for awhile before I feel justified in spending the money to upgrade to 3.5. As for this thread's Old Gamers tag yes I am an old gamer, 47 to be precise.

Would you be interested in an online game?

We need players immediately in our Forgotten Realms campaign being played on IRC. Role Play stressed with some combat. We meet every Wednesday evening at 7PM CST on the server, channel is #ForgottenRealms. DM with over 25 years experience.