TheCalicoKid's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.


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Would this be a good adventure for the Secrets of Magic playtest?

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AngelisBlack wrote:
An Eldritch Scion option of this would be pretty interesting (Cha based spontaneous casting, with bloodline). The Pathfinder:Kingmaker video game does have Regongar as a character and people might want to make a version of him in PF2e.

I would love this. One of my favorite characters, if not my favorite, that I've ever played was and Eldritch Scion and I would very much like to be able to play him in 2e.

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I think they should get legendary on Spell Attack Rolls; especially if they need to hit with the weapon AND the spell attack roll when using spellstrike. Either that or allow the weapon's Potency runes to also work on their spell attack rolls when making a spellstrike. Note just in case someone misreads this: Just the potency runes. Not the striking runes or any others. Just the runes that +1,+2, or +3 to hit.

Either of these changes will help offset the swingy nature of dice without eliminating it, helps prevent the 1 hit double crit problem they seem to be trying to avoid while still making the double crit a possibility, and also helps with the problem of how spell attack rolls fall off at later levels since enemies' AC values are calculated with the assumption that the party's martial characters have potency runes and spell attacks have no access to anything like those (or at least as far as I'm aware).

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Is there any chance we can get playtest info for the Magus' archetype? Depending on what that looks like, I'm worried that people will end up playing full spellcasters or full martial classes and just taking the dedications instead because the full class won't be worth it.

Is anyone else disappointed that this class doesn't do a whole lot for actual summon spells? Like, personally, I'd be willing to have a subclass that gives up the eidolon for improved summons type stuff.

My group and I are new to playtesting, but a few of us have a vested interest in the classes being tested and want to do our parts in making them the best they can be. My question is if anyone has recommendations for some good scenerios that can be ran to playtest these classes (possibly multiples with different builds in the same party)?

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I know this might be strange, but I'm looking for Pathfinder module recommendations for my group that will be ran using the Genesys system. 

A little backstory: my group just recently finished a Pathfinder AP (Rise of the Runelords) and some of the players that were newer to Pathfinder were miserable and hated it. Now my group is thinking of running another Pathfinder AP, but wants to convert it to the Genesys system. Before we do that, however, I would like to do a test run of sorts by taking a few Pathfinder one-shots or a module that we can test out how the conversions would play and feel in the Genesys system while simultaneously allowing us to work out some of the bugs in our conversions.

This is 100% an experiment for us that may or may not work out the way we'd like, but we're pretty set on giving it a shot at least. Does anyone have any recommendations for some modules or one-shots that would be good for us to use for our experiment?

Nil'murr'shass- House Everhate wrote:
Who does he worship?


jbadams wrote:

Agreed with all the suggestions above, but I hadn't seen anyone address your third point yet.

Firstly, anyone consistently getting high or low results over time may have poorly balanced dice. Have you checked this, or even tried just mixing it up with new dice periodically?

Unfortunately this isn't one you can resolve yourself, but the DM can absolutely change their style to improve the game if their run of good luck is making it overly difficult. Rather than showing their rolls so that you can see how well they're rolling, they could consider hiding their results so that they can fudge them if needed. A good DM might pretend a crit didn't confirm to avoid dropping a player -- not every time, but on occasion -- or that a save failed so that a player can break a run of bad luck and be useful. They might pretend a low attack roll was higher to get off an attack and increase the drama and tension for players.

We're playing on Roll20, so it's kinda hard for the players to cheat with dice, but I can talk to him about the rest.

Alphavoltario wrote:

I don't mean to sound condemning in this, but if he has the 'damage or bust' mentality, why did they build a utility cleric? (Support/Damage is not a blaster [pure damage], which seems to be what they want to do.)

Back to the topic though; what else besides utility are they good at? Are they Charismatic and you can throw in more talking based encounters, are they Wise and skeptic, and can roll them Sense Motives? Intelligent and a walking encyclopedia?

There is one thing that I've seen in my games that doesn't necessarily work, even when suggested; don't write a plot hole/side story that only they can fix/participate in, it's not the best way to solve anything and if they fail it's not going to go over well, and whilst they're doing it, other players may feel left out.

He joined the campaign late and didn't want to step on toes.

He's very charismatic, but we've been dungeon crawling for what feels like forever at this point.

avr wrote:

If the cleric picks up the persistent spell feat (or a metamagic rod of the same) it helps a lot with landing save-based spells. Possibly your party members could contribute to buying a rod for him if you're in a position to buy or commission magic items?

Still, if your party is winning fights quickly and easily anyway this may not be the fix. It might be better to try to push them forward in non-combat situations - roleplaying or casting utility spells (there are a bunch on the cleric list if not as many as the sorc/wizard list) would be the best fir a cleric, they're not likely to be skill masters.

Thanks. I should probably add that he is a boss at utility. I'm about 90% sure Communal Protection from Evil saved us from a TPK in our last fight, and we do go out of our way to thank him for it. I get the sense that he's of the mentality that "if you're not doing damage, your not contributing."

One of my players is playing a caster cleric focusing on support and damage in a group that already has some insane damage potential. He does a good job of getting the necessary buffs, debuffs, heals, and control spells out when they're needed. He also does a good job of getting in his share of damage. As a party, we all think he's doing a great job. However, he seems to disagree.

There are 3 main problems as far as I can tell:
1. The party's damage output is on a level that it can wipe out waves of minions within a round or 2, and mini bosses within 3-5 rounds. Granted, some dice rolls need to be a little better than the norm, but its not terrible odds that it happens. So by the time Cleric gets done with his 1st round, theres not really much left to do. The NPC's AI's are also getting smarter as well. They are beginning to be more tactical and making it harder for us to engage them while they try to fight us.

2. On the other hand, we're getting into the levels where enemies are going to have good saves and are going to be harder to hit. Most recently we've fought against a few enemies with evasion, some spellcasters with good will saves, and all of them have been giants with good fort saves. When he does finally get a chance to throw out an offensive spell our enemies have been making a lot of their saves.

3. This brings me to the 3rd problem: Dice. Our GM's dice have been rolling hot fire since almost day 1. He's even been rolling them in front of us so that we can see them. Our dice on the other hand have been fickle. Our Archer and blaster mage can confirm 5 total crits in 1 round to kill a dragon, but our tank can't roll above a 10. I know theres not really much we can do here, but it really hurts morale when the bad guys make most of their saves and only a few players are really getting the glory.

What can we do so that Cleric doesn't feel like he's been sidelined?

P.s I'm a player as well. Not the GM