The Butcher's page

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I'll second the hate of weird elemental creatures.

BECMI D&D had incredibly cool elemental beasties like the Kryst and the Hydrax... but the Tojanida, the Thoqua and the frickin' Magmin just suck. Big time.

I truly, utterly hate the silly, senseless monsters. The afore mentioned phasms and rasts come to mind, as does the digester, the ethereal filcher and some of the old stuff, such as the flail snail and the whatsisname-rabbit-on-a-tree-stump-lookalike. I do love the classic weirdos, though - beholders, aboleths, displacer beasts and rust monsters... and the oozes, ah, the oozes. Combining oozes with traps, now that never got old.

And I, too, have a hard time using petrificating monsters, unless I'm ready to lose at least one PC.