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Dracomicron wrote:

I believe the rules answer is that the attack is considered to be an unarmed strike. You're not actually using the pistol as a weapon, you just need to be holding the pistol to make the Pistol Whip attack. Compare to the Armor Storm soldier's Hammer Fist: it's not an unarmed strike, it's a Battle Glove attack that you make in place of an unarmed strike. You can't use stuff like the IUS feat, the Unarmed Mauler gear boost, or the fusions on a tactical shield with Hammer Fist, because you're, effectively, not making an unarmed strike.

A generous GM might allow you to use critical effect fusions, or other fusions that are not unique to ranged attacks or small arms, but, personally, I think that Pistol Whip is incredibly powerful all by itself and doesn't need a buff like that.

Yeah that makes total sense. I just didn't know if it would work as it says in the feat that you make the attack with a small arm. Worst case I can add a bayonett I guess, haha.

Thanks Draco!

Heya faceless rules amalgam!

Previous forays into the forums have taught me to trust your opinions on these sorts of questions so here we go!

Say you have an Operative who takes the Pistol Whip Exploit - because smacking someone over the back of the head w/ a handcannon is sexy - and said handcannon has a fusion on it that affects attacks the pistol makes (gives em a crit effect or smthn).

Would said fusion also affect the weapon attacks made with a Pistol Whip, if the pistol is used. Say I crit with it, and it had a fusion that granted a crit effect, would this then trigger?

Cheers for any replies!

Hello there.

I have a Tiefling operative, and one of the fun things he has is an insane Move Speed. Jet Dash, Operative tricks that increase move speed and Indirect Retreat means that he can outrun some vehicles, which is very fun.

I noticed however, in the wording of the Run action, is says you "can't run if you can't see where you're going".

I take this to mean that you need to be able to see in front of you as you run, as in you can't be Blinded or say, run through darkness without dark vision.

But my GM pointed out they read it in a different way, and that they think it means you need to be able to see your ending destination when you start running.

I'd agree with her if not for the wording of the flavour text for 'Indirect Retreat' which says "you can run through winding corridors..." obviously you'd not be able to see the end of a winding corridor, it winds.

So I was wondering if any of you could tell me how you read the rule?

Do you think it means you need to see the end destination when you start the run action, or that you need to be able to see as you are running, regardless of where you end up?

Thanks so much for any and all answers :D

Hey guys! Way back when I was a wee lvl 5 soldier I picked the enhanced resistance feat.

I just realised my lvl 13 and 17 features are now kinda.... terrible as a result.

One gives me DR3 which is essentially negated by having DR13 at that point.

And one of the big bits of the lvl 17 feature is that it gives DR10. So.... did I just cheat myself out of my higher level features?

Feels a bit naff to be perfectly honest. If they let you change the DR to an ER then thatd be good but... nothing like that is mentioned.

Dosnt even say it stacks.

Any advice, can I salvage this somehow or do I just need to grin and bear it.

Hey all,

So I'm playing a Vesk Guard soldier whose unarmed attacks currently do 2d6+19 dmg (woo, unarmed strikes feat), thinking of getting Power Armour because I get prof as part of my class so why not!

I'm curious if putting it on will reset my damage dice with said unarmed strikes to that of the power armour, or if it'd stay at 2d6 if it's more!

If I put on a personal submersible for instance, does it become 1d10+19 instead of 2d6+19?

Thanks for all and any answers :)

Pantshandshake wrote:
Going to say no, since ability/skill checks are not attacks. You're looking at, say, strength checks to break something, things like that.
Dracomicron wrote:
It's good for jumping across a pit or something to get at your next victim.

Thanks very much, I'll still go for it because it goes so well with my characters.... well character XD

Thanks very much for the quick responses you two <3

Hello friends, just a quick question about the Invigorating Weapon Fusion.

It says that you can gain a +3 bonus to str, dex and con ability checks when you bring an enemy to 0hp. Just wondering if this also applies to str or dex based weapon attacks too!

Thanks very much <3

Felix the Rat wrote:
It only costs 1 resolve point. You spend the RP to use Great Cleave, which allows an attack against each enemy in the specified area. You do have to succeed at every attack however, or the Great Cleave ends.

Thanks for the quick reply! Cheers for answering me question, looks like i'm picking up great cleave then ;p

Hey guys, I have a question about the Combat Feat 'Great Cleave' and was wondering if you could help me out real quick. The feat states:

"If you strike a second target with the Cleave feat, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to make a melee attack against each subsequent foe that is both adjacent to the last target and within your reach, as long as you hit the previous foe. You can’t attack an individual foe more than once during this attack action."

Do you spend a resolve point PER extra attack (per cleave after the first one), or once for all the attacks you can make with the attack (once and then you can great cleave as much as you want in that round)?
Sorry if its an obvious answer, just wanna make sure before I pick the feat for my lad!

Porridge wrote:

1. It's a good question whether the kind of build you're describing would be viable as a front-liner (if you try it, I'd be interested in hearing how it goes!).

2. If you want to shore up some of your weaknesses/avoid some feat taxes, you could take a 1 level dip into Soldier before going Mystic. That would put you further behind on spellcasting, of course.

3. Finally, if the paladin-esque "mostly a front-liner but with some magical healing stuff" if what you're aiming for, you might consider a Soldier with the Divine Champion archetype. That will make you a very effective front-liner, and (if you choose the Healing connection) will give you some healing abilities as well (starting at level 6).

I really love the idea of a Divine Champion Solider, but I had my heart set on a spellcaster of sorts, but in Starfinder there are only really two classes that have that and the 'divine' connection I hope to achieve with my character. Healing was definitely going to be one of the major outlooks of my character too, so having it as a back-up/tertiary skill wasn't so appealing for me (I love how he can technically smite with the 4th level trait though)

As for the multiclassing, this will only be my third character so I think I'd like a but more experience before I try that out, even going for an archetype is a bit much for me haha (hence the post :p )

Thanks for the reply and trying to help me sort this mess out haha, if I do end up going for the archetype ill definitely post its usefulness and how well it ended up doing here <3

Shaudius wrote:

Con isn't nearly as important with a pool of stamina and HP, you're basically talking 1 Hit Point per level per point of con when you get 11 effective HP a level already.

You're gonna be hurt from the lack of full BAB a bit, but its not insurmountable.

Beyond that, Mystics honestly lose some of the least from taking an Archetype, especially at the level you're playing at.

What race were you thinking about playing? And how heavily do you care about what you wield as a weapon?

Aye you're right! I play D&D and Pathfinder a lot so for some reason I automatically associated CON with pure staying power, but for a heavily armed and armoured paladin! So that helps with the whole *too many avenues* problem I was making in my head :') cheers.

As for the BAB I do see that it might be an issue but again at my level the difference isn't too bad. My main goal was to tank but DPS is a strong thing when you're always in the enemies face.

I was thinking about going Dwarf potentially, it synergises well with the heavy armour I wanted to wear and gives me straight up Advanced Melee Weapon proficiency and Specialisation at 3rd level so that would be a great boon too.

Until I really looked I didn't see what you meant by Mystics losing the least, I assumed the connection powers were vital for them to do their jobs right but I suppose that just getting them a bit later isn't so bad, especially with Healer's getting that beautiful Healing Channel.

Thanks very much for the respond btw <3 I appreciate you trying to help me out

Hey there all, first post on the forums so sorry if it seems...not too well written haha!

I am currently playing a Starfinder campaign with some friends and out GM has informed us that we can choose to play a new character if we want to after the current arc, Starfinder still being a new game to me, I wanted to try out as many playstyles as possible. The new character would be at level three as that's where we are right now!

With the new Pact Worlds book, I saw that the archetype Star Knight was a thing, I had been talking to my GM about playing a melee orientated, heavily armoured healer (think paladin but in space) so it was perfect!

But when I looked at what I would lose as a mystic I don't know if its worth it. I think it means I have to spread myself to thin on too many levels, I need Wisdom for spells and Resolve, I need Con to stay in the fight, I need Strength to do actual damage up close...and I feel like at level 3 there is no way I can do all of those jobs well, just poorly because I'm not focused at a particular playstyle. (Not even to mention getting some dex to potentially offset some of the armour penalty and increase my AC even more.)

Maybe at later levels the idea is viable, but as I see it now i'd need to use a feat to get advanced melee weapons, i'd need to lose some resolve to gain some damage and staying power and it's a shame because I really want the idea to work. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make the build work, I love the idea of an Overlord / Healer / Mindbreaker Mystic who wears chunky armour and *smites* his foes for the greater good. But I'm afraid I can't make it work!

(Many thanks to reading this far and for any and all answers I get, again sorry if its worded poorly, not used to writing forum posts)