Leaf Leshy

ThatZachGuy42's page

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Thanks for all your help, fellow adventurers! I've been considering the idea of starting the PCs at level 2 or 3 instead of level 1. Does anybody have experience with this?

I've heard mention of gestalt and get the general idea of it, but maybe I should take a closer look at it. I see it suggested in a lot of threads like this.

So I already know that this is HIGHLY inadvisable, but me and my friend kind of have a vision here. We want to take an unorthodox approach to the Rise of the Runelords AP.

What I have is one PC with his sidekick, a DMPC(me). I also have a couple of other NPCs with class levels prepared to jump in and out based on need, though my goal here is to have my one PC be the main hero with a small supporting cast. So, I'm hoping for some advice on balancing the game. We don't really expect to win this thing by any stretch, but we want to make it through at least a chapter or two and have some fun.

So far, I have my player as a Paladin. I figured I could give him some buffs (25 point buy stats, an extra feat or two, extra gold for starting equipment, and am considering a lower level magic item or two). His sidekick will be my character - a Druid that will be doing a fair amount of summoning to help deal with hordes as well as some crowd control spells. I'll also have the Druid pretty tricked out, but not to the same extent as the Paladin. I also figured I'd go through encounters in my prep and adjust them as necessary. Maybe remove a goblin or two here and there, etc.

As neither of us are the most experienced players, can anybody help me figure out if I'm on the right path here?

Thanks in advance!